Shootout In Hollywood

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Does anyone recall that shootout in Hollywood, California in 1997? In case you dont, here's what occured:
Several men wearing kevlar body armor from head to toe and armed with fully automatic AK-47's and several semi-auto hunting rifles :eek: robbed a bank in california, and took people inside the bank hostage, shooting at officers and helicopters. To make the story short, no officers or civilians were killed, and the bad guys were all killed.
Just curious, if you were one of those L.A.P.D officers that day, what would u have done? Let's assume you were armed with only a 9mm handgun and had a cell phone, and there was a nearby gun store. What would you have done different that day, or would you do the same thing they did?
I'd have done what the officers present did. They did everything they could given the situation, their training, and the emotional impact of having ineffective weaponry against such a superior force.

Now assuming I can play 'what if' scenarios which ignore the fact that I'd have been scared s***less... I'd have started trying to hit their AKs or their heads in order to disable their arms or give them concussions...
There were armored vehicles present (one was even used, but not aggressively) at the scene.

I'd have tried to run the idiots down. Kevlar doesn't stop trucks. Vehicles often are the BEST available weapons, but it takes an open mind to think of them that way.

There were armored vehicles present (one was even used, but not aggressively) at the scene.
There were? All the documentaries I've seen/books I've read seemed to omit that detail if there were... In fact, most seem to make a point that the BGs were putting rounds through the squad cars being used for cover.

Please correct me if I'm wrong though.
Yes, I believe there was in fact a Brinks armored car present, however even with its level of protection I seriously doubt it could go up against
.308 armor-piercing rounds. Besides, the BG's could of shot out the tires.
The main problem (and little-known fact) with those guys was that (and I say this with a tear) they were former USMC Infantry. They were trained for this type of situation, so to speak. It was (and probably still is) a set back for the USMC, but it does prove intensity of training. Also, as a side note, Lee Harvey Oswald was USMC as well.

But don't hold our current Marines down because of the psychotic few in the past.
They'd still run far enough without tires to get the job done.

But I don't know I'd have done anything different then they did - tough to armchair quarterback after the fact. In the situation, I'd have known no more than they - Belly up the the gunstore boys! Make mine an AR...
Are you sure the criminals were ex-military, I thought they were eastern europeans, they might have had citizenship, but they had lengthy criminal records.
CW, the armored vehicles present were from AT Systems, my company. The crew was running their route like any other day when they ran into the shootout. It was pretty cool to see one of our trucks rolling down the road being used as an armored medivac. Why they didn't use it to crush the badguys is open for discourse.

Got to see pics of the interior a few years ago. Bags of coin/cash. Lots of blood.

Don't know if the PD kicked the crew off of the truck or if our guys operated the vehicle while the cops ran around getting wounded.
According to the documentary I saw just the other day.
The AT crew drove the vehicle into the fray to extract the officers and civilians.

They also showed video of the BGs shooting at the cops.
I don't think all of the weapons were full auto. I swear I could see one guy's finger moving and forearm flexing with each shot and the shots were coming to slow to be full auto.
Yes the videos were that close and clear.

Alot of people good and bad showed alot of guts that day
Does anyone recall that shootout in Hollywood, California in 1997?

I had to laugh. This is one of those events that occurs repeatedly and often on this and other forums.

Just curious, if you were one of those L.A.P.D officers that day, what would u have done? Let's assume you were armed with only a 9mm handgun and had a cell phone, and there was a nearby gun store. What would you have done different that day, or would you do the same thing they did?

I am not sure of the great aspect of having a cell phone. I don't know if any officers did or did not, but they did have radios. Also, they didn't exactly know there was a gun store nearby. It wasn't like it was right there on the corner. To my knowledge, none of the requisitioned guns actually entered the fight. SWAT showed up with their own guns and that last final assault on Emil was by SWAT officers with their own guns. If any of the gunstore AR15s made it into battle, they apparently were not used very effectively to make any of the needed head shots.

Now assuming I can play 'what if' scenarios which ignore the fact that I'd have been scared s***less... I'd have started trying to hit their AKs or their heads in order to disable their arms or give them concussions...

This was an interesting response, but naive as to the circumstances. Hundreds of rounds were fired by LAPD and if you ever get to watch the original video, try to count the number of shots you see impacting things OTHER than the bad guys. Some of the impact scars on the bank's wall were amazingly high. I am not claiming I could do better, only that that shots would work only if they were in excess of 10 feet tall.

Radio calls went out early describing the fact that the bad guys had "heavy" body armor and to shoot for the head. They tried. For the vast majority of the time, they failed in this task. Keep in mind that shots were being fired with pistols usually from distances something like 50-80 yards to as much as 120 yards. LAPD did not train their officers for making head shots at those ranges with pistols. Sadly, while shotguns were present and could have made the shot with slugs, nobody had any slugs. I don't know if they had anything larger than bird shot in the shotguns. If so, they still managed to not be able to deliver head shots. Bird shot, obviously, wasn't going to be great for stopping the bad guys at distance.

I don't think all of the weapons were full auto.
No, not all the rounds fired were full auto.
"According to Commander Scott LaChasse of the Los Angeles Police Department's (LAPD) Criminal Intelligence Group and Lt. Tom Runyan, Commanding Officer of the LAPD SWAT, during the shootout at the bank, the suspects fired an estimated 1,110 rounds from three fully automatic AK-47s, a .223 fully automatic Bushmaster rifle, a .308 semiautomatic H&K and a semiautomatic 9mm Beretta handgun. -

I'd have tried to run the idiots down. Kevlar doesn't stop trucks. Vehicles often are the BEST available weapons, but it takes an open mind to think of them that way.

Right. Kevlar does not stop trucks. Then again, armored cars don't hold up forever to repeated and concentrated fire which these guys were capable of producing with AP ammo, known or believed to be being used according to the radio calls going out. The glass will fail. Not only that, while attempting to run down the bandit, impacts on the glass will cause enough distortion to severely limit visibility. Between a lack of visibility, hail of fire threatening to penetrate, and the armored truck's great ability to maneuver, I would not count on hitting a bad guy who is on foot. It may take a lot of shots, but the glass (plexi, layered, BP, whatever) will fail. I don't know about the engine compartment, but my guess is that it will fail under heavy fire as well, especially the grill area.

The main problem (and little-known fact) with those guys was that (and I say this with a tear) they were former USMC Infantry. They were trained for this type of situation, so to speak. It was (and probably still is) a set back for the USMC, but it does prove intensity of training. Also, as a side note, Lee Harvey Oswald was USMC as well.

Wow, so little known that the robbers didn't even know they were military trained! The late Mr. Matasareanu, 30, was born in Romania and grew up partly in Altadena. He turned to computers because he was teased for being chubby. After graduating from DeVry Institute of Technology in Los Angeles, he operated his own business, working as a computer technician and software designer, his mother, Valerie Nicolescu, told reporters. - Chiram, I think you are confused with the bandits who shot it out with the FBI in 1986. Platt being the one who used military tactics on the unsuspecting FBI agents and advanced on their position when he basically was in a losing position in the fight. This completely took the agents by surprise.

Are you sure the criminals were ex-military, I thought they were eastern europeans, they might have had citizenship, but they had lengthy criminal records.

Emil was Romanian. Larry Eugene Phillips, Jr., was an American as far as I know. Neither were military or particularly well trained in that manner, although both apparently were fairly familiar with firearms and armor. Phillips wasn't that knowing about guns. He abandoned his AK47 when it stove-piped, an easy malfunction to clear.
Radio calls went out early describing the fact that the bad guys had "heavy" body armor and to shoot for the head. They tried. For the vast majority of the time, they failed in this task. Keep in mind that shots were being fired with pistols usually from distances something like 50-80 yards to as much as 120 yards. LAPD did not train their officers for making head shots at those ranges with pistols.
Now assuming I can play 'what if' scenarios which ignore the fact that I'd have been scared s***less... I'd have started trying to hit their AKs or their heads in order to disable their arms or give them concussions...
Read the bolded text... Then call my response naive again.

... I am not claiming I could do better, ...
Me neither. If I were one of them, I'd probably have been shooting way too high also.

I had to laugh. This is one of those events that occurs repeatedly and often on this and other forums.

That is nice, since maybe FMJ is new to this forums, and maybe gun forums in general, he has never participated in "one of those events" I haven't. I notice that when a new person, opens an old topic, there is backlash, if they start a new thread on the same topic, they get the same thing. You do not have to read it, or reply.

Are you sure the criminals were ex-military, I thought they were eastern europeans, they might have had citizenship, but they had lengthy criminal records.

Emil was Romanian. Larry Eugene Phillips, Jr., was an American as far as I know. Neither were military or particularly well trained in that manner, although both apparently were fairly familiar with firearms and armor. Phillips wasn't that knowing about guns. He abandoned his AK47 when it stove-piped, an easy malfunction to clear.

What was phillips ethnicity? Was he a citizen? Was Emil? Did they have criminal records? I think romanian qualifies as eastern-european. I am of polish ancestry, born in the us, I qualify as eastern european, in my opinion. If you are going to reply to people like they are of dimished capacity, or their opinion doesn't matter, please don't bother, I would rather have the wrong knowledge, I took this as a fun what if thread, not a lecture.

I don't know about the engine compartment, but my guess is that it will fail under heavy fire as well, especially the grill area.

As far as any round short of .50 bmg, penetrating an engine block, I am highly skeptical. A v-8 engine still has a lot of steel in the walls of the V, most armored cars use diesel engines, california might be different, but most diesels, are inline 6's, I am guessing around 9 liters, that is a whole to of steel to hide behind. Please do not reply to this thread again, and restrain yourself from sharing your infinite wisdom again, I guess trying to put people down so you seem above them still goes on. Try building yourself up, rather than trying to chop other people down.
Sorry, I cry BS to these idiots being former Marines. Without any proof, without jack to back up that claim, don't post it.

I will say this: If you want a THOROUGH debriefing of the shooting/situation, without ANY of the hype and BS, go to Scott Reitz's Ultimate Tactical Course. My wife and I attended in February of this year. The team leader from the SWAT Team which responded, the guy in the video wearing shorts and shooting the bad guy, gave us a good debrief.

Just food for thought: Don't believe everything you read and/or see on the internet, etc.

Thin The Herd
Cowled-Wolfe, if they could not hit the bad guys in the head, what makes you think they could hit the AK47s, or you for that matter?

I did like the part about giving the bad guys concussions. I didn't know you had that sort of control on your ammo. Yes, that is pretty naive.

I'd have done what the officers present did. They did everything they could given the situation, their training, and the emotional impact of having ineffective weaponry against such a superior force.

I didn't comment on it earlier, but I will here. I also liked the notion of the ineffective weaponry against such a superior force. At the height of battle, there were somewhere between 300 and 400 LAPD officers (depending on sources) involved against 2 guys. LAPD has SWAT units (with full auto as noted on a recent remake documentary, but the full auto are MP5s, I believe, not .5.56), radios, and helicopters. Plus, the PD had all the advantages of various news organizations providing live feeds. They even had their own armored vehicle and commandeered another. Tell me again, why two guys in body armor with full auto rifles with extremely limited mobility, no intel, no access to backup, and no com systems are superior to hundreds of officers? They were not a superior force. They simply did not have the hangups LAPD had. They did not have to worry about collateral damage. They did not have a command structure break down that slowed implementation of weaponry and people. The robbers came prepared for battle. LAPD did not. The robbers wore armor that would stop most rounds used by the LAPD, mixing hard and soft body armor over large areas of their bodies. LAPD had on soft armor only that covered limited areas.

Two guys are not a superior force over the entire LAPD. They were simply better able to make do with the circumstances than LAPD. Maybe you can come up with the data on this, but with the downed officers and bystanders, LAPD invested a lot of time and people into trying to effect rescues. That is very noble, but not necessarily strategically smart. Resources that could have been used to stop the gunmen were used to try to effect the rescues. The result? The gunmen were able to battle longer because many of the combatants that would have been involved in trying to stop them were doing rescue. Time that should have been used to figure out how to stop the bad guys by the commanders was put into trying to figure out how to implement rescues. It sucks from a strategic perspective, but our society puts more into saving good people than killing bad people. This incident was a classic example.

Danindetroit, Yes, FMJ maybe new to the forums. So he got a full metal response. New or not, he has access to the same search key we all do.

I thought Phillips was American. That is not ethnicity, but country. We are not talking genetics. I have no idea of either man's actual ethnicity. Location of birth does not determine ethnicity. If he isn't American, I haven't seen it posted anywhere else. Me, I don't care what ethnicity he was or was not. My statements were as to the robbers' background and military training. These guys were not military trained.

I did not answer as I thought somebody else had, but both were arrested previously, at least in AZ, and managed to petition the court to get back their weapons (which apparently were not illegal Class III).

Emil? Did you read the link I posted? I stated his background as I knew it. If you don't like the lectures, then look up the information yourself. While this was meant was an informative thread, what I saw was some fact being intermingled with a lot of garbage about the event. People were posting supposedly as to answer questions, but when stuff is just being made up or thrown out without verification, things go south really quick.

As for addressing you as if you had diminished capacity, I did not, but I will leave you with this example of yours that made no sense. You appear to be linking a series of pseudo-related answers into one lot, but the punctuation doesn't jive.

Are you sure the criminals were ex-military, I thought they were eastern europeans, they might have had citizenship, but they had lengthy criminal records.

I have no idea what being ex-military has to do with being eastern european. I have no idea why you are asking me again in your last post as to whether or not the guys had criminal records when you already stated previously that they had lengthy criminal records as noted in the quote above.

I have no idea about your comments on .50 BMG penetrating an engine block. .50 BMG wasn't in play during the incident. My comments pertained to using an armored truck to run down the back guys. It does not take a whole lot to seize and engine and you don't have to use a .50 BMG to penetrate the block to do it. Once seized, you aren't running down anyone. You can stop an armored truck with a lot of calibers of gun. All that is necessary is penetration of the engine compartment and then damage to some of the key systems such as electrical and cooling. The little computers that run the engines don't stand up to much abuse at all.
An engine can run a long time with a lot of damage. You risk losing the block. I am sure that armored truck builders have taken precautions to make sure the drivetrain of thier vehicle, can withstand punishment, or else you would just shoot it with a .300 win mag in the engine compartment, and be able to have your way with it. It seems to have been used to pick up injured officers very well.

Different oil coolers, can be used, with a redundant oiling system, I thought that some very high reving motorcycles, had oil that was splashed on the underside of the piston for added cooling. The engine can have fins so that it acctually can run without coolant for a wile, like the corvair with the boxer 6, and various european cars.

Yes we can do a search, or look at a thread, but then we get the been there done that from people either way. You are not obligated to reply. Once again maybe FMJ does not want to read about the accounts, but discuss them with people, polite people.
As far as any round short of .50 bmg, penetrating an engine block, I am highly skeptical. A v-8 engine still has a lot of steel in the walls of the V, most armored cars use diesel engines, california might be different, but most diesels, are inline 6's, I am guessing around 9 liters, that is a whole to of steel to hide behind.

In my experience shooting vehicles, a 308 will easily penetrate. The engine is not a homogeneous unit; there are many different angles, materials, and surfaces involved. A hit straight into the block will usually be contained, but many (actually most) rounds hit the block and deflect. Some will just tear through a corner of the engine and continue. Many will have enough energy to continue, either on a direct path , or deflected, through the opposing side of the vehicle (if shot from a side) or into the passenger compartment (if shot from the front). And this is only with standard ball or a 4:1 ball/tracer mix, not AP. I suspect AP would do an even better job. Obviously .50 would also.

On a normal car, but this is an armored bank delivery vehicle. On a big block chevy, a hit right in the v if it goes through and through on a chevelle, and misses the distributor, will not really affect the performance for a while, the metal, may get on the cam, I can't remember what a chevy looks like, I though you could get something that fit in the valley of the v. A cat diesel, that is a lot of steel just to get one cylinder to lose compression,and the block is usually sleeved, so no overboring, just slip in a new sleeve. Engines are very tough. How much steel can a .308 ap penetrate?
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