Shootout at the "Waffle House"

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The "Waffle House" is a chain of 1500 restaurants located across the United States usually in firearm friendly areas. They are open 24 hours. Oftentimes, hunters, police officers and other firearms carrying members of the public visit its many locations which makes for an interesting mix. Since its locations are open 24 hours and frequented by weapons oriented members of the public as well as experienced teams of holdup artists, there tends to be shootouts In fact, a google search reveals that shootouts and armed robberies tend to take place nearly weekly at the "Waffle House"...

This thread is intended to discuss your experiences at the "Waffle House" and how you might defend yourself against such armed robberies by these wanton criminals.
My personal tactic for dealing with potential violence at Waffle House is...

eat at a decent restaurant, not the slice of horrific kitchen hell those things are.
That's all? I heard that robberies tend to take place daily at the gas station, at the convenience store, in the house, and in the Walmart parking lot..... Must be because these places are not frequented by weapons oriented members of the public - just experienced teams of holdup artists looking for an easy, non-threatening oportunity for "free money". I also hear that rapes take place exclusively when the victim is unarmed.
One other comment - Ever since our socienty has become "open for business" 24-7, this has provided armed thieves far greater than three times the oportunity to pull off a successful heist.

If a town wants to cut down on its crime it will:

1. ban businesses from being open more than 14 hours a day and require all businesses to be closed from 10:00 pm to 5:00 a.m.;
2. require all businesses to be closed on Sundays, and
3. Prohibit the sale of alcohol within its county/city limits.
4. Require all residents to own at least one gun.

These four things will eliminate more crime than anything else.
No.. Actually allowing people to carry on the job so they can smoke a round through the POS's that commit these robberies will stop crime.
No.. Actually allowing people to carry on the job so they can smoke a round through the POS's that commit these robberies will stop crime.

Do that too! But, this is more of a measure "after the fact" meant to deal with problems created by the 24/7 society.
If a town wants to cut down on its crime it will:

1. ban businesses from being open more than 14 hours a day and require all businesses to be closed from 10:00 pm to 5:00 a.m.;
2. require all businesses to be closed on Sundays, and
3. Prohibit the sale of alcohol within its county/city limits.
4. Require all residents to own at least one gun.

No need for step #4. The first three will have everyone moving elsewhere.

No people, no crime.
If a town wants to cut down on its crime it will:

1. ban businesses from being open more than 14 hours a day and require all businesses to be closed from 10:00 pm to 5:00 a.m.;
2. require all businesses to be closed on Sundays, and
3. Prohibit the sale of alcohol within its county/city limits.
4. Require all residents to own at least one gun.

These four things will eliminate more crime than anything else.

I see you're a member of the population who thinks more government will solve our problems.

Personally, I believe that the contrary yields the best standards of living for Americans.. including crime. Sure.. businesses which are open late invite more people to populate the streets at night. Sure.. alcohol can lead to unruly behavior. But where does personal responsibility come into play here? Should cities ban arguments among neighbors too? Should cities ban movie theaters from airing controversial movies? Perhaps burn books which can stem rebellious behavior?

The only real solution is complete and utter freedom (the justice of which protected by a limited government).
Ooohhh, nooooo... the dreaded "Waffle House Scenario." :eek:

Mike Irwin said:
My personal tactic for dealing with potential violence at Waffle House is...

eat at a decent restaurant, not the slice of horrific kitchen hell those things are.
Just so. :barf:

It's not just Waffle House... only, there are a lot of them. Google "restaurant robbery" and you'll get nearly two million hits.

Cash business + open 24 hours = easy pickings.

Don't go there in the wee hours (or better yet, at all)... know where the exits are... and don't go waving your gun around unless someone actually starts shooting. In an armed robbery, being the first one to do so isn't likely to improve the situation.
My solution would mean much less government. Just like you said - "businesses which are open late invite more people to populate the streets at night" which requires more regulation and more police because this naturally causes more problems. I don't see any reason why towns can't implement what I've outlined - and in fact, some do. Are they going to grow into big cities? No - folks who want big city life will move to the big cities. I can assure you that a town that doesn't have 24/7 businesses and doesn't permit the sale of alcohol won't have the gang problems and crime that other cities have. This doesn't mean that you can't drink alcohol in your own house - just that you will have to make the effort to buy it elsewhere.
Skans.. what makes you think it's okay in the great free country we live in for the GOVERNMENT to tell ME when to close MY business? If I deem it good for my business to remain open 24/7 because my profits are greater, that's a decision I should be able to make without interference. A smart businessman, like rattletrap said, would arm his employees and get the best of both worlds (less crime, more profit).

A full moon doesn't bring the badguys out.. targets do. If people stop roaming the streets at night the BGs will just move their crime sprees to daytime.
I see a big flaw in that plan. (Besides more "nanny" laws)

It would be a virtual impossibility to resupply every single business during day time hours. The daytime "truck" traffic would make destroy a LOT of businesses and add to the nightmare of "Rush Hour" traffic problems.

To some degree, business has to be done 24/7 in this country.
My personal tactic for dealing with potential violence at Waffle House is...

eat at a decent restaurant, not the slice of horrific kitchen hell those things are.

That's not very Redneck of you.
Eating at the Waffle house:

:) Actually I love eating at my favorite Waffle house. Great cook (been there for years) and super good breakfast, etc. Of course, I am always carrying and usually sit with my back against the wall in a booth if possible. I am not going to allow the potential of some dirt bag to spoil my eggs and hasbrowns (ohhh, so good), but that doesn't mean I am not always alert to the possibility of bad guys being bad guys.....
All the Waffle Houses in my neck of the woods (prev. WV, now NC) have been posted for no carry. I thought that was a national policy for them ...

1. ban businesses from being open more than 14 hours a day and require all businesses to be closed from 10:00 pm to 5:00 a.m.;
I work Swing Shift, sometimes Graveyard, and occaisionall need to stop by a store on the way to work or home. What happens if I break down, all tow companies are closed? So I can walk 35 miles home in the dark, and hope I don't get mugged?
2. require all businesses to be closed on Sundays, and
I work for the state, and work all weekend. I may need fuel or groceries on Sunday, because public safety doesn't take a day off. Not everyone can take Sunday off, so punishing us is a bad idea. Besides, ever run out of infant formula at midnight on Saturday? I have. Who wil supply/work in the hospitals, fix the power outages, repair the washouts, you see how this won't work.
3. Prohibit the sale of alcohol within its county/city limits.
Get thee back, Puritan! :D Prohibition died out how long ago? Are you saying banning the sale of a legal product, alcohol, (insert "guns" for same reaction), will stop crime? Punish all those law abiding people, like myself, who enjoy a drink of an alcoholic beverage sometimes, because some people misuse/abuse it? For shame, sir. :)
I have eaten at Waffle House, the two in Tucson aren't bad, but nothing special. Dennys is better. Then again, I cook better than both of them. ;)


My personal tactic for dealing with potential violence at Waffle House is...

eat at a decent restaurant, not the slice of horrific kitchen hell those things are.

Yes and the waitress's with their wonderful demeanor.:D
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