Shooting tips for Mosin nagants?

I also cut the front portion of the stock off and removed the top piece of the hand gaurd, believe it or not these rifles can be made uglier.
Guess it just takes a better man than me. :)

By the way, avoid making outlandish remarks about shooting a mile away, you will only be criticized around here.
I can hit a deer straight between the eyes a mile away.
Grymster, the OP stated the above in his initial post. Given that a mile is just a hair under 1800 yards, and that the distance between a deer's eyes is just a few inches, that's quite a prodigious assertion.
"I can hit a deer straight between the eyes a mile away"

I read it as just a way of making a point, not to be taken literally.

Maybe focus on answering the question he asked, which I can't help him with.

My M39 punishes me everytime I shoot it. We are no longer on speaking terms.
MN's really benefit from cutting the stock down at the rear band. Exposing the barrel to the air. Then relieve the barrel channel and pillar bed it with some nice hard maple dowels. Glass it in and see if it doesn't shoot a lot better for about 5 bucks.
"I can hit a deer straight between the eyes a mile away"

I read it as just a way of making a point, not to be taken literally.


I have three M/N's, the best solutions I have for keeping them accurate:

-make sure the bolts are tight! not REALLY tight, but you know, wrist tight.

-Wait a little in between shots, +1 to them getting pretty darn hot.

-Sand out the barrel channel, so any stray wood grain in there isn't messing with anything.

-make sure its clean! :)

-and put a P/U scope on it :D

Uh, I think AZREDHAWK wanted proof of the shooting a deer between the eyes at a mile -- not that you have a Mosin Nagant. That would be quite a shot indeed. :D

You may think its nuts, but if your Mosin has a bayonet attached like my M44, make sure it is in the extended position when you fire the gun. My Mosin shows noticable inprovments in accuracy and grouping with the bayonet extended vs. folded. Sounds like a crock of bull.......but after I heard about it, I tried it, and it works. I was told the rifles with attached bayonets were designed to be fired with them extended, and shooting with them folded alters the gravitational pull of the universe in relation to the rotation of the Earth and the triggering of solar flares, or something to that affect (seriously, I had it explained to me, why it would effect the gun, but it was all engineering giberish, which left me dazed and confused) Give it a try, what ya got to lose?
you do know that m44's were sighted with the bayo's extended right?

Yep. Lots of people I tell to shoot it with the bayonet extended, think its just a joke. But, they were sited in with it extended, and however that affects the accuracy, it does make a difference. Maybe its the hot gases being expelled at the muzzle hitting the bayonet and moving the muzzle a bit, maybe its harmonics in the barrel........I dunno, but I do see an improvement with extended instead of folded.
Lol. A mile is considerably easy when you have been shooting all your life. I am the type that dosent go outside unless im shooting or going to school where even then I take target practice in JROTC. I spend my time on researchin, maintaining, and collecting firearms. I am very farsighted. I also recently began focusing on balance training So laugh an laugh. But I outshoot you anyday. I love how people readily beleive a Marine Sniper With 5 years training can shoot 2 miles, but refuse to beleive someone who spends atleast 3 hours a day focusing on marksmanship 12>5 hmmm .... People Are really rediculous. Im not claiming to be capable to 2 mile shots, but 1 mile is easy . Especially on gas lines. By the way, I didnt say I make 1 mile shots with an sks. That would be impossible. Or I shouldnt say impossible, but roughly the equivalent of hitting a fly with a rock 10 yards away.
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Look I don’t know what the rest of your problem are with that statement. When I was young and had lots of time and little $$$$. We used to shoot the points of the dears antlers with 22’s. but the real fun was after the first point was taken and they started to run.

Man, your jerking the trigger.

Im not claiming to be capable to 2 mile shots, but 1 mile is easy .

What size target are you talking about hitting from a mile away? Because if you are talking about any normal sized rifle target then no it is definately not easy to score hits from a mile. And anyone who says it is easy is just proving their lack of knowledge.

But I outshoot you anyday.

I seriously doubt that. But your posts have been good for a laugh.
1 MOA at a mile would be almost 2 feet in diameter. Shooting a deer between the eyes (say, about 2 inches? ) would be all but impossible, even for some the best, professional benchrest shooters.

Nothing wrong with bragging, but at least keep it belivable.

That said, Keep in mind that the Mosin Nagant has a pretty thin barrel, with alot of things touching it along its legnth. The hotter the barrel gets, the more likely it is to bend from heat or pressure (likely both) let the rifle cool between shots, and you'll see better results.

If you're not afraid to go to work with some sandpaper, you could in theory sand out the barrel channel and remove some of the pressure points on the barrel.

I think its impossible to free-float a mosin-nagant in its factory stock.
I think its impossible to free-float a mosin-nagant in its factory stock.

I think you are right but I have heard of people using cork to bed the barrel out near the end of the forearm. A google search online would probably lead you to a better description of the process than I could give.