Shooting tips for Mosin nagants?


New member
I was born and raised shooting bolt actions in 243. and 30-06, and semi auto guns in 22. When I turned 13 I picked up a Yugo sks for my birthday. I can hit a deer straight between the eyes a mile away. So it suprised me to find out I couldnt hit a paint can hanging on a bush 13 ft. away. I got to where I can shoot about 50 yards and hit bullseye with the sks. Now almost 4 years later I got a Mosin nagant, and Its a reacurring problem. The first two shots were at 50 yards. My first shot found its place in the center of a water jug. The second shot found its place directly next to the first, with the edge of the bullet hole touching the previous. After that, I was off atleast 5 to 6 inches, not hitting the jug more than once after. So i was hoping I might come across someone who can give me some good advice about using iron sights on a mosin nagant.
I can hit a deer straight between the eyes a mile away.


Can't make a claim like that without some sort of proof. ;)

I've got a Mosin 91/30 from which I've launched about a thousand rounds or so.

Those things get HOT.

Add to the fact, you have a two piece stock (main stock and top handguard). The handguard is affixed to the stock via some weak, wobbly spring clips that shake around during recoil.

In its original stock, my Mosin has a tendency to "walk" its handguard forward on top of the barrel and vibrate oddly against the front sight.

As a remedy, I've removed the action from the original stock and put it in an ATI fiberglass stock with no handguard. Consistency between shots, even when the barrel heats up, improved remarkably. I still find my shots stringing vertically as the barrel gets hot, with later shots impacting above the earlier shots. I'm not certain if it's a function of a change in barrel harmonics from heat, or an after-effect of the heat mirage coming off the barrel.

But, it did eliminate drastic impact variation that used to happen when the handguard shifted around.
Im setting a photoshack up right now. I will get your proof. I will also post some gun pics most likley. It did get hot really quick, and it did come across my mind that it might be what happened. But that was only two rounds before I started missing. I also refuse to put anything but wood and metal on this gun.
Can anyone tell me somewher besides photoshack that I can host images. It says "Sorry there is no album where you are allowed to upload files"
I got my base at you can get a scope through them, wich I did or get a red dot at outdoorworld . paid 69 dollars for mine. works pretty good.:)
Couple of things it could be, or that I have experienced with these rifles.

The front sight is not properly staked in its dovetail, and is walking back and forth under recoil.

Action screws shoot loose sometimes after a couple of shots. Action shifts in the stock.

You might verify that the action screws are nice and snug (not over tightened) and that the front sight is firmly staked down. --I look at the muzzle end of the front sight, and typically you will see two really strong strikes on the front sight base that align properly with similar strikes on the front sight proper.

If these are your issues, you could fix it right up very quickly.
Yeah. I sent my old hard drive to dell last week to get them to try and recover my files. I had alot of songs on Itunes and pics of my Grandpa who is now dead. So heres hoping that it works out or I will just try my freinds camera when I get the chance.
I did check in google earth. The area is called truck trail 17. I was shooting Nw-ish. Coordinates are 30()42.08.83''N and 87()39'56.40''W . It was down a Dirt road for 1.39 miles. I shot a 110 savage 30-06. wind was crap so it took 3 shots to get satisfying results. I did something similar a few years back, but I tied ribbons to various points along my path to help detect Windage.
Probably something is loose or binding on the mosin. As your barrel heats up, the shots are moving due to the binding. Tighten all the screws ans see if that helps.
I can barely see a deer at 1/2 mile - and you can see ribbons out to a mile?
7.62x39 1 mile!!!

Holy cr*p Batman!!
A one mile 7.62x39 shot between the eyes! sign this kid up for the TEAMS!!
about fell out my seat LOL
I took the original sights off my 91/30 and JB Welded on some sights off a remmington .22 rifle, it doesn't really shoot much better but I like the sights better. I also cut the front portion of the stock off and removed the top piece of the hand gaurd, believe it or not these rifles can be made uglier.

By the way, avoid making outlandish remarks about shooting a mile away, you will only be criticized around here.