Shooting the LCP


New member
I purchased this LCP in hopes of having an "always" gun. These are light & easy to carry. So far I have only one fault, the slide doesn't lock after the last shot.

Many complain about the trigger but having shot a DA revolver most my life I find the trigger just fine. The sights aren't much but for combat range they are plenty. I purchased a 1000 pieces of brass & the cheapest Mag-Tech bullets I could find & began the learning curve.

The video was sometime ago & my first time out with the gun. I'm shooting it better now, especially with both hands. I was holding the camera with my left hand then. Anyway hope you enjoy the video.
Yep, great little piece. The LCP II updates the family with the slide like. I think the trigger in the 2 is a bit better. Enjoy.
Agreed that the LCP is a great little gun that can always be with you. I traded my LCP II for an XDS .45 acp a few months ago and quickly began missing the ease of carrying the LCP. I purchased another LCP II on Tuesday after considering that the .380 that is always with me is more effective than the .45 that I left at home.
I have one and carry it when I can't carry the G42 or G19, like tighter shirts type gig. BUT it really ain't much fun to shoot. I shoot it occasionally to make sure it works..use the cheapest stuff I can find(along with a few carry ammo to make sure) and never had a failure. I now understand the trigger differences between LCP and LCPII and feel more comfy with the LCP..trigger always covered when CCW. The thing with the slide doesn't bother me.
I have never found the recoil of my ten year old gen 1 LCP to be objectionable. Just a little snappy. Although to improve grip, and fill the hand a bit better I added a Hogue Handall grip sleve a couple years ago. Resulting in a very pleasant shooting mouse gun.
I’ve had one since 2010 still shooting and carrying it, a lot of chirping about the negatives but for me it’s good enough and better than some options in certain situations.

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Looks a lot like mine. I carry it a lot, it fits almost anywhere, it is almost always a back up gun. I find it a little snappy. I know I would never sell or trade it . BTW that was pretty good shooting in the video.
FINALLY, some people who realize that an LCP is an "always with you gun" not a range or target gun...
I have a question..I carry mine often BUT I can't hit squat with it..always low, like 8 inches low at 5 yards...I painted the sights for these 68 year old eyes but yesterday..same gig. I have NO issue with G42/19/17 I have, just this thing..keep practicing? Which ain't much fun? Could the sights just be 'off'?
Sure the sights could be off. Mine hits pretty much on at 7 to 15 yards with 90 grain factory loads & also with my handload. 8 inches low at 5 yards is horrible. BTW I'm 68 also.
Sure the sights could be off. Mine hits pretty much on at 7 to 15 yards with 90 grain factory loads & also with my handload. 8 inches low at 5 yards is horrible. BTW I'm 68 also.
Yeegads, if they are 'off', what do I do? Aim high I guess? Never been thrilled with this wee shooter. Small, way cheap, reliable, easy to carry when I can't carry anything else BUT...
I have a question..I carry mine often BUT I can't hit squat with it..always low, like 8 inches low at 5 yards...I painted the sights for these 68 year old eyes but yesterday..same gig. I have NO issue with G42/19/17 I have, just this thing..keep practicing? Which ain't much fun? Could the sights just be 'off'?

Chances are there's no issue with the sights. The LCP is capable of surprising accuracy. But it can also be a very difficult pistol to learn to shoot well owing to its small size, poor sights, and heavy trigger. Practicing with snap caps can go a long way to overcoming these kinds of issues.
I have a question..I carry mine often BUT I can't hit squat with it..always low, like 8 inches low at 5 yards...I painted the sights for these 68 year old eyes but yesterday..same gig. I have NO issue with G42/19/17 I have, just this thing..keep practicing? Which ain't much fun? Could the sights just be 'off'?
Considering the "sights" are a little bump in front, and a tiny groove in back I doubt they are off.
The guns you say you have no problem with are all, in essence single action triggers. According to the very useful trigger pull problem chart it is very likely you are breaking your wrist down when pulling the trigger.

My LCP gets almost as much carry time as my EDC, especially during the holidays when regular IWB carry seems to get a little tight, lol. As to the snappy recoil, the best advice I got was to "hold it like you're trying to squeeze it to death". I put a little bit of white appliance touchup paint on the front sight and MagGuts springs in my magazines to make it 7+1 without increasing the grip length.
I haven't shot an LCP, but I have, and summer-carry a Taurus TCP. I also found that putting a grip sleeve on it made a huge difference in the "hold-ability". The only failures to do anything were before I filed down the slide hold open tab. It was large enough that it would sometimes be "tripped" by the nose of a cartridge coming up in the magazine. Once I got that adjusted, it's been functionally flawless, with most ammo. I did find that it does not like Winchester white box stuff. Everything else I've tried feeds flawlessly.
It carries perfectly in a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster in summer shorts. I find that at three yards, I can pull it and put a round in the head of a silhouette target in about a second and a half.
..... and the slide locks open after the last round.
According to the very useful trigger pull problem chart it is very likely you are breaking your wrist down when pulling the trigger.

I think that's it..moving my hand down anticipating the recoil..just gotta practice more, even tho the thing ain't fun. Certainly isn't a 'shoot it lots to get good at it', fun gun like my G42/17/19..

Thanks all, BTW-mine is the 'gen 2', with better sights.
Load some random snap caps, and it will become evident if that is what you are doing!
Load various number of rounds with a snap cap in multiple magaines. Put them in a range bag and shuffle them up and grab one out of the bag. That way you won't know when the snap cap comes up. If you are anticpating and dropping your hand, it will happen.
A handful recoil wise

Very accurate, and not much fun for multiple rounds. My between shot recovery time needs more work.
That said the little sucker is accurate. For target fun I will bring other guns. The LCP is always in my pocket, and always gets at least a magazine through it on range days.

The always in my pocket is the important part.