Shooting someone from behind with .38 (or similar) caliber gun.

Maybe I'm wrong, but...

OK, I'm no tactician, and I do think I'd go for center mass, and if real close maybe the head, but I have a question for those more knowledgeable than me. I used to pop squirrels running up trees and across branches etc with a BB gun offhand as a kid. Distance? I don't know, maybe thirty feet tops. Shouldn't I be able to hit a guy in the head even if he's moving? I see posts all the time about how hard it is to hit the head, and I believe it. But is it really that hard?
Front rear or side shot, center mass is the preferred target

Like you said you may have only one shot.
It would be better to hit the easier target than to miss the smaller target
Haven't BTDT but it seems to me the guy with a long gun has to make a one eighty and find you somewhat concealed before lighting you up.

In that time ( at the range anyway) should be time for 3 DAO COM -- head shot if you feel strong.

But that dadburn Murphy guy is around somewhere or you would not be in the scrape to begin with.:D
I see posts all the time about how hard it is to hit the head, and I believe it. But is it really that hard?
Don't get me wrong; hitting a squirrel on the run at 30 feet is still some pretty fancy shootin', but a squirrel's path is fairly predictable, and you can anticipate and lead it. You have to luxury of time and your pulse isn't 120+.

If you find yourself in the position that a head shot is necessary, the situation has gone from grim to desperate.

Say you've done a double tap to COM and you hear the unmistakable "thwap thwap" of bullets hitting a vest, you have very little time to switch tactics, line up for a head shot, and fire.

The head can bob in different directions, and if you combine that with body movement, plus adrenalin flow and the need for speed, you end up with one very difficult target.
here's my issue...he's in a many people around? If nobody, then take the shot. If its crowded, you better think before you try anything. Thats just me though.:cool:
surrondings matter!

If you are behind him, then there are people oppisite him... In that instance you should drop to the floor before firing so your bullets are aimed UP at him,greatly decreasing potential for freindly fire! As for the body or head, just empty all 5 shots of your 38. snubby. if you hit him he will go down, atleast long enuf to reload(you should always carry speed loaders)
Hmm,, I'd have to say try to aim for his shooting arms shoulder...right around the shoulder blades with a revolver. If u bust the bones that are supporting the rifle, he/she can't shoot that rifle., If I had my G17, I'd start center of back and He'd be on the ground before I got the 5th shot off... If I was close enough and felt comftorbal enough, I'd go for the head.. U hit the brain stem, game over.. Also depends on the backdrop,.. If there's a lot of people everywhere, I'd stick to the bigger target.. If he was standing in front of a brick wall or something, head shot coming in hot.
have to say try to aim for his shooting arms shoulder...right around the shoulder blades with a revolver. If u bust the bones that are supporting the rifle, he/she can't shoot that rifle. If I was close enough and felt comftorbal enough, I'd go for the head..
So its easier to shoot a bone in a persons arm than get a head shot? Why not just shoot the rifle, its a big target.:rolleyes:

I'll buy that I don't want to shoot for the skull. I'm relying on memory from years ago that the medulla is right around where the skull opens to the spine. That's where I want my shot to hit. Now, ordinarily I would not even think of trying to make such a pinpoint shot. But I'm behind him and I have something not usually in abundance in a gunfight...time to put that spot in the sights and squeeze slowly.

As for the aorta, i'm sure you're right. i know enough anatomy to be dangerous. But what I was really trying to get across was that from the front you have direct access to the main vessels of the circulatory system, while from the back the spine could protect parts that you are really aiming for when you shoot at "center of mass".

I'd have made my thinking more clear, but I have a tendency to write a lot, so I was trying to compress.

Also, at the end I favored the back of the knee. I think the idea here was the same as the hamstring idea (sorry, forgot who said it). Destroy something that enables the BG to stand. On reflection, that would be my preferred shot except for one other thing that I was thinking but didn't mention, but then saw suggested here. The head shot would automatically be upward if I'm sitting. The knee shot would be more reliable, but might put other patrons at more risk.
from the back the spine could protect parts that you are really aiming for when you shoot at "center of mass".
The spine is one of those COM targets. Even Superman wouldn't be able to fight with a shattered spinal cord.

Knees are tiny little targets even from behind, especially if the BG is not cooperating by standing still
That shot will not disable his gun hand, and he's gonna be way pissed
He's in a restaurant? There's no need to expend ammo in such a place. Simply whip out your whetstone, sharpen your butter knife ad cleave his skull in two. Then ask for some sour cream.

Seriously, I think this situation demands tactics as much as skill. To preserve your life, your snubbie is best kept hidden from the shooter until you can gain the advantage to take a head shot with reasonable certainty of a hit. Manuever until you can get into such a position, wait for the opportunity, then take the shot.

The desire to take the shot immediately, under less than favorable conditions is what places you at risk. Make the conditions favorable, then take the shot. I know it's not the action hero thing to do, but to save others, you must first preserve your own life. The shooter MUST reload at some point. That is your opportunity. Get on him, and get the shot to the head.
aaaah.....good point

Capt. Charlie: Very true. I wasn't thinking of the predictability of path. I forgot about leading. When a squirrel is running a branch, you know where he's going, but you can't predict the assailant's head path.
I vote multiple shots center of mass

Under the circumstances, with all those people running around, it's the most reasonable choice. The idea is to stop the shooter from shooting. Hitting bones with bullets is very painful and debilitating. There are lots of bones in the upper back so I'd probably shoot a little high and keep shooting until I felt satisfaction or my weapon is empty.
Center mass, and keep shooting till he stops moving. Even with body armor, that round is going to hurt and suprise the BG. Go for the sure shot and adjust tactics as necessary.
Say you've done a double tap to COM and you hear the unmistakable "thwap thwap" of bullets hitting a vest

Alright. Learned something new already from this thread. I didn't know you heard anything when the bullet hit body armor or flesh. I thought it was just as if the bullet hit the backstop dirt mound at the range. I thought you would only hear sound if the bullet hit metal or rock. Thought the only sign you saw that you hit them was when they staggered or fell. If they staggered with no seeming effect (and they look a little overweight) then they probably have body armor.
Now I know that there is something to listen for when shooting someone. :)
Triple tap to the posterior.

I think I'm changing my target. Do a search on the "The Hunt" forum and look up the infamous "bung hole" deer shot. You don't have to worry about a vest, or shoulder bones, or anything. The guy will go down, but probably live. Later, he will be cursing you in his jail cell as he empties his bag after he goes to the bathroom.
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Say you've done a double tap to COM and you hear the unmistakable "thwap thwap" of bullets hitting a vest

Alright. Learned something new already from this thread. I didn't know you heard anything when the bullet hit body armor or flesh. I thought it was just as if the bullet hit the backstop dirt mound at the range. I thought you would only hear sound if the bullet hit metal or rock. Thought the only sign you saw that you hit them was when they staggered or fell. If they staggered with no seeming effect (and they look a little overweight) then they probably have body armor.
Now I know that there is something to listen for when shooting someone.

Unless your using a silencer, or a .22 all your going to hear is a bang from your gun, and maybe some ringing:rolleyes:
Unless your using a silencer, or a .22 all your going to hear is a bang from your gun, and maybe some ringing
I know that hearing hits to a vest sounds preposterous, but it's true. A few years ago we starting seeing vests showing up more and more on the streets. Because of that, our range officer set up a demonstration during qualification, and you can hear it. It almost sounds like an extension of the shot, but it is distinguishable. The weapons were 9mm.
Hearing slugs impact happens.

But hearing the impact depends on a number of factors i.e. background noise level, distance from target, angle of impact, and probably many etc.s. I doubt that I would notice the sound of my slugs impacting in the heat of a deadly moment.

I like the "butt" shot idea. However, the "butt" is a small target compared to center of mass.
OK here goes...

Why would I be carrying a snub? my instinct is tight groups and pulling the trigger as fast as I can, so there is no way I would be in this situation to begin with.

Ignoring that fact, lets continue. A shot to the back of the head would be good, assuming you have a clear backing, and are not risking anyone elses life. Even if the shot only buys you 1-2 seconds, that should be time enough to close the distance between you and him and grab his firearm.

BTW, since the other thread was closed, and I was chewing my tounge off wanting to say this... if a guy walks in with an AR and you go all rambo and flip the table, .223 FMJs are going to punch through that table like a paper plate. The only thing that flipping the table would do is to inform the shooter that you are prepared to have a shootout, thus making you target #1.

I do, indeed, look forward to your next "what if" post. Try to pick a better firearm in the next round, though. ;)