Shooting Patch Lube ?

I mix a little Ballistol with water, soak my patching material in it, blot off the excess, and then let the water evaporate. This leaves the patching material lightly oiled but not saturated.
Something like five parts water and one part Ballistol is a good starting point. I just mix it until it looks about right to be honest.
I have been told before that this will not work but I have been doing it for over 20 years. I use water soluable machinest oil. I mix mine about 12/1 instead of the recommended 20/1 ratio.

I put my patches in one of those plastic snuff cans and add about 10-20 patches. Then I squirt a shot over the patches and let it soak in. Not so much they are runny, just wet.

By doing this I can shoot shot after shot without wiping the bore. This is all I use to clean my barrels now. No more sucking water up and down. And I have made the offer several times that if you are in the Burleson Tx area come by and I will give you a rod and patches and you are welcome to check any of my bores for rust.

I drop the nipple and clean out screw in a little can of this solution and wipe off the outside of the barrel. This is the same stuff Birchwood/Casey used to sell and I think its the same as Dixies Moose Milk.

We used water soluable oil in my dads machine shop. We ran mostly cast iron parts. And nothing rust like cast iron does. Its has water in it but the water evaporates and leaves a slightly oily coating on the metal.

For a harder lube I use Crisco mixed with a toilet ring melted together. Its a little stiffer than straight Crisco. Did you know Crisco was developed by the Germans in WWI to use as a smokeless gear lube in submarines? That was the original formula. It has been changed many times over the years.
I haven't had the need to try it yet, but I've been told by some very seasoned shooters that this mix works very well for patch lube:

50/50 Murphy's oil soap and peanut oil.
Somewhere I have rendered deer fat and I stopped using it when someone gave me some bear fat. Along with a classmate, I stunk up Trinidad (CO) rendering it. Classmate who was over 1/2 a mile away smelled it as the aroma wafted its way downhill. :D