Shooting party instead of a bachelor party.

On the pure luck side of things I'd suggest something along the lines of Russian rulette but aiming at some sort of reactive target. Watermelon pumpkin whatever. Probly at a close distance so even the most experience could hit it. Everyone gets one trigger pull but the cylinder gets spun after each get to keep things fair.

Think you'd get a fair bit of exciting build up waiting for the actual shot to happen. Best of luck and congrats

Just saw that this is a bit old but hey maybe you haven't had the party yet lol
Make some hangers, from thin rod, (in the shape of a horseshoe) and stick in the ground.
From those, hang bowling pins or thick pieces of wood, (2x4s) about a foot long.
Cheap and effective reactive targets that don't need resetting.
I want to re-emphasize what others have said about a safety brief. I think that might be the single most important thing that will keep you guys safe (other than not drinking, of course). A safety brief will get everyone on the same page and it will encourage everyone to police each other. If you emphasize that anyone can call a cease-fire at any time for any reason, people will be much more likely to do that instead of keeping quiet for fear of looking stupid.

I've shot with groups of people where nobody took charge and everyone assumed that everyone else knew the safety rules. Luckily nothing went wrong, but I think that's a bad idea and I realize now that I should have spoken up and made sure everyone was on the same page, even though I was the one newcomer to the group.
my office is planning this for our company holiday party. thankfully most of us own guns and are very familiar with the range and safety. however we have a few who have not ever shot or handled a gun. i have offered to take them out on my dollar to give them a "crash course" in safety and shooting on my dime one of the weekends prior to the party. safety first is always the biggest concern
I think it's a great idea and if I was doing it again that's what I'd do. I have several parties a year that are "shooting parties" have to be wearing a gun, or be with someone who is wearing a gun, or simply have the desire to wear a gun in order to attend. LOL (obviously anyone is welcome). I'm lucky enough to live on my own private range where I have a 100 yard rifle range with shooting bench, and a steel target pistol range. We all get together, men, women and kids and shoot and have a blast. Often times people bring new toys that others get to try out, kids get to shoot a BB Gun at cans and balloons, or a .22 at steel, cans, etc. Us adults have a fun time trying to shoot empty shotgun shells at 15 yards with a variety of hand guns, as well as a 6" steel plate at 75 yards. Afterwards, the guns are all locked in my safe and everyone else's cars and we fire up the grill and eat like kings, and then we have a bonfire and laugh our butts roasting marshmallows, etc. Lots of fun. This would be WAY better than some traditional bachelor party with everyone getting drunk, strippers, hang overs afterwards, etc.
I am real late to this thread. My daughter got married on July 20 of this year. Her husband is in the Army Reserve, scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan in Feb 2014. he enjoys guns, and does some of his own reloading. We decided to have shooting party on the morning of the wedding. All the groom's side of the party was there, as well as several family members from out of town.

The highlight of the almost 3 hours we were at the range was introducing my cousin's 8, 10, and 11 year old kids to shooting. they had never been around guns at all; their father had never been around guns. they all got to shoot my father's .22 that he received as a present in 1935 when he was 8 years old. My uncle, their grandfather, saved the .22 casings of their first shots.

My 38 year old cousin, who was introduced to firearms by my uncle when she was young, had not fired a gun in several years. she lives in New York City now, and her friends are all anti-gun. she asked to shoot the .22, by the end of it she was shooting the .38 pistol.

The most fun for all of them? setting up the metal gong at 100 yards and letting them take their turn at trying to hit it with the .22 rifle.

We had adults shooting their duty weapons, including shotguns and AR 15's, and everything from .22's up to my .44 magnum. I had lots of lighter loads for the larger caliber pistols on hand.

My niece, 16 years old, had never shot before; she burned through almost 100 rds. of .38 wadcutter by herself. Even my brother, who is not involved in shooting anymore, was amazed that she liked it so much.

It was a great way to spend the time. Everyone had a great time, we left only because we had to get ready for the wedding.
