Shooting out tires

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I've investigated several shootings where the tires were shot out and I've been on scene 3 times when it was done, 1 of those times I did it.
I've never seen 'spinning tires' deflect a bullet. One situation I investigated the officer, riding passenger, fired 12 rds from a 5904 while behind a fleeing felon. Speeds were 100+MPH. 8 of those rds hit and punctured the tire.
I took out a rear van tire traveling at approximately 80 mph using an 870 loaded with 0 Buck. 3 pellets penetrated the thread with the other 7 rds hitting the fender. We pulled the tire off the rim to recover the pellets which were still inside.
I understand some of the confusion regarding shooting tires. But, the scenario you are painting that the vehicle is the threat is like saying you should shoot at the pistol someone is holding vice shooting the person (the threat). More danger is caused by trying to shoot out tires vice the driver.
Also, shots fired at a driver are not going to be made driving down the highway. They are made at short distances at lower speeds.
That's odd. The .357 magnum was invented for just that purpose: disabling a vehicle. The .357 was designed originally to penetrate engine blocks.

Oh, Doug...Elmer Keith is spinning in his grave.:(
Friend of mine shot out the drivers side tire of a car that was trying to run him over (don't ask), probably saved him from getting hit by the car, as the car jerked a little to it's left and he moved to his left. The funny thing was that he was not even aiming at the tire.
Well, everyone's mileage may vary ;)

Obviously, the wholesale shooting out of tires can't be condoned or we'd have lead flying all over the place. That being said, I've done it & of the 7 or 8 sheriffs & a couple of CHPs who responded, nobody voiced any disapproval of it. In fact, a couple of them snickered & one said that they like chasing vehicles with flat tires. Several things were on my side:

1) I'm out in the boonies & there was no chance of harming innocents.

2) There were two of them & one of me.

3) There were lethal weapons in the truck that they tried to dive back into.

4) They were stealing my property (farm theft is a BIG problem here) & it IS legal to do what you must to protect yourself, your family & your property until LEO arrives.

5) If I had allowed them to drive away (I would NOT have stopped at just shooting out the tires) they very likely would have endangered my children on their way out.

6) A stolen truck full of stolen farm equipment was recovered.

7) LEO *hates* farm theft, as most incidences are reported weeks or months after the fact & all he has is a very cold trail (if any).

8) It seemed to be just a tad entertaining to the officers who responded ;)

It is not my intention to bring an old, dead thread back up (please don't respond to it) but there are pictures there if yer interested:

There was some degree of debate on that thread, but rest assured that the angles involved and the placement of the concrete block buildings (I couldn't show it without an arial photo) made it impossible for any rounds fired by me or by the thieves to have reached inhabited areas.

In another incident several years ago, my brother in law shot out the tires of a vehicle that had fled the scene of an accident involving destruction of property. After he chased the vehicle and ran it off the road, it's driver took footbail. He too was in an uninhabited area and could not call for help or report without leaving the scene (whereapon the driver of the other vehicle would have come back to his vehicle & escaped). A .22 rifle was used to flatten all 4 tires. When the report was taken, the officer said (sheepishly) "Well, yer not really supposed to shoot people's tires out, so I'm just gonna put that you 'flattened his tires' in the report".
From the looks fo the tire in the picture, I'm surprised the thief wasn't out trying to steal some new tires. The tread was so worn, it looked like a slingshot might flatten it.
From the looks fo the tire in the picture, I'm surprised the thief wasn't out trying to steal some new tires. The tread was so worn, it looked like a slingshot might flatten it.

Well, maybe they really wanted the new tires that I have on the splitter & I would have recovered it down the street ;)

Seriously though, when the sheriff called the woman who owned the truck, she wanted to know why she couldn't just come & get it herself rather then it being towed to impound. Then he asked her if she had any spare tires for it, as the truck had a couple of flats. I could here here reaction (even though he hadn't told her that the tires had been shot out)- she had very recently put new tires on it. LEO calmly informed her that the first thing theives do is to remove good tires & sell them. He told her that if she could get a couple of road-safe tires together & take them to the yard in the morning, they could mount them for her (I'd like to have been a fly on the wall when they told her why they were flat ;) ).

Oh, & that gorrilla? He's history, his tire is definitely a leathal weapon, or he just ate my kid ;)
That's odd. The .357 magnum was invented for just that purpose: disabling a vehicle. The .357 was designed originally to penetrate engine blocks.

Bahahahaha, some things I read on this forum, are simply amazing.

And also, shooting out tires? Come on be realistic.

If someone is in car, and is trying to push you off the road, simply slam your brakes.

Also, if someone is next to you shooting at you, once again..slam the brakes.
Ohhh, ok. Maybe I missed the point, we are talking about shooting tires on moving vehicles.


I mean, no.

I couldn't imagine any situation where that would be neccessary or prudent. I think I saw it done on Cops once, where LEO got beside an 18 wheeler & used buckshot to get the vehicle to lose some momentum (hmmmm, maybe it was Dukes of Hazard, iunno ;) ). At any rate, the truck was a menace to everyone on or near the road & LEO did what *he* had to in order to protect the public. We aint LEO & we're not authorized to chase, stop or apprehend bad guys. Best thing we can do is get out of their way, report & hope for the best.

Besides, shooting out the tires might cause a rollover, they might be transporting a gorrilla, & it might get loose and rip one of the tires off of the vehicle. Where on earth would you be then? :eek:
I think shooting out tires would best be left to Hollywood. Tires are pretty tough hombres, especially moving steel belted radials, rifles would probably stand a good chance of success. But even if you did puncture them the driver would possibly lose control creating a worse scenario.
Before anyone says "OMGsh another Doug senario.

But this IS another Doug scenario. In fact, with currently 1112 posts at this time, you have 292 threads that you have started yourself, many of which are scenarios or gear capabilities threads. Just curious, do you not trust your own ability to research information yourself and draw your own conclusions or is it just easier to fling out questions without doing book reading, internet searching, or even bothering to find out if such information is already posted here in the forum where you are posting your query?

You know, that is the beauty of forums with archives. You can SEARCH the forum for information, often gaining said information much quicker than posting bizarre queries and then having to wait on responses.

So based on your questions and scenarios, you are apparently starting your own mall ninja company, as near as I can tell, and you are trying to discern the most tactically cool manners in which to address mall security concerns. Maybe going to mall security school first might be insightful.
Tires? WHY?

Being a bit of a realist, I find it hard to believe that someone riding down the road (roads have bumps) at 100+ mph sent 10 rounds toward someones back tire and hit with 8 of them. Has anyone here ever tried to fire from a moving vehicle? Talk to a good 240G turret gunner that survived a depoyment to Iraq (there aren't many that get to walk away unscathed, the gunner in a truck stands the greatest chance of getting waxed), ask them how hard it is to get hits on a human sized target with an AUTOMATIC BELT-FED WEAPON that is stabilized on a flex mount moving just 20 mph. Maybe that will put things in perspective.

Some of you watch way too many movies. It's also prepostirous that a .357 will penetrate an engine block. A .308 FMJ won't do that with just one round unless you hit in the right place (aluminum heads, MAYBE).

Now, back to the relavence. Shooting out tires is very difficult to do, but now in Iraq the ROEs actually state that we should attempt to disable the vehicle before we kill the driver. I'm not LE, I'm infantry, so I'll put this in my perspective. With a rifle with the finest optics the government owns (acogs), it is still difficult to shoot out tires WHILE YOU ARE STATIONARY. You will be much more effective letting loose a few rounds in the engine. Not to pierce the block; but to pierce the radiater (which a .357 WILL DO), water pump, fuel injector, or any other various part that the vehicle needs to function.

Moral of the story? Shooting tires out isn't realistic unless you have a shotgun and are pretty close. Shooting at the engine with just one round from any gun will not stop the car immidiatly. Shooting the engine with a whole lot of rounds from a .357 will probably still not stop it. If you want to stop cars legally by shooting at them, join the military and let a burst loose from the ma duece into one. Promise you it won't go very far after a few .50 cal rounds hit the engine compartment.

Have a good day
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