Shooting Music?

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Okay say your throwing a big Range shoot on your property or whatever. What kind of music goes well with the mood of shooting, or cleaning, or whatever, what is good gun music?
My answers are probably not even close to what most on here will say, but
The dogfather himself Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre. maybe some good quality funk george clinton and the like. The Heavy Metal Soundtrack. Maybe a nice zep skynard mix.

Or classical for a movie feel :D.


Edit: I just realized how random my music collection is

HAHA, well when i am shootingophers, coyotes, and other vermin i like the Hard rock that gets the adrenaline flowin... But if i'm at the range i will listen to country or some softer rock. But i have mixes that range from my personal DEERSLAYER mix, To my reloading mix
But mainly Disturbed, Egypt Central, Drowning pool, Saving Abel, and Apocalyptica
I use shooting at a range as a form of meditating, so if I were listening to various classical music styles. I would listen to "stern" symphonies like classical, such as Rachmaninoff, Muzgorsky, Tchicaovsky, Shostakovich, Stravinksi, and Gustav Mahler. But sometimes a smooth mellow ballet is nice too.
I like to hear the soundtrack from "Heavy Metal", or OLD rap--like Ultramagnetic MC, Slick Rick, or DJ Easy Rock and Rob Base.

Most of the time I keep it quiet. Gotta make sure I'm paying attention to my shooting and not to the next verse.
Industrial Music. Something about the mechanical rythms and strong messages.

"Ask no questions, hear no lies
There’s no smoke without a fire
Fortune always favors the bold
First deserve then desire
All that glitters is not gold

Desperate diseases, desperate cures
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Pride goes before the fall
All things will pass
After us the deluge
We shall not last
The die is cast" -KMFDM Tohuvabohu
I dislike any sound outside of shooting. The one and only exception to this would be:

In August of 1990, when I was in The Corps and working at a known distance range at 29 Palms preparing to deploy to the Persian Gulf and we got word that Stevie Ray Vaughn had died in the helicopter crash. The RO was a huge fan and cranked up some "Texas Flood" on the PA and we blazed away with the M2HBs, Mk19s, M60E2s and SAWs for about fifteen minutes straight.

I'm just too worried/concerned/conscious about safety to need the outside distraction.
What's in my hands is making its own music; and I'm the conductor. :D

Besides, with my hearing protection I hear nothing else anyway.:rolleyes:

I concur with LucifersPants. Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" or "Overture from The Flying Dutchman" would be good for the drive to the range, and the "1812 Overture" for the return trip.
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