Shooting Involving Open Carry Proponent

The video shows:
* That the shooter had a vehicle between the shooting victim and himself;
* the shooting victim with his hands in his pockets;
* that the victim made no furtive movement which could be reasonably interpreted as a threat.

Should the shooter be found he may be charged with:

§ 16-5-21. Aggravated assault

(a) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:

(1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; ...

Penalty: imprisonment for 3 to 20 years.

I think this is an opportunity for people to learn that you don't mess with strangers.
Should the shooter be found he may be charged with Aggravated assault
He might be charged, but there's good chance he can convince a jury that he felt Rogers represented a threat to his life. Given the Rogers was armed, confrontational, and aggressive, that might not be a very hard sell at all.

It may have worked out better for him in this particular circumstance; but he could have easily been dead with even a mildly more aggressive assailant.
If Rogers had returned fire, resulting in injury or death, he could have ended up facing serious charges. Under Georgia law, it would have been very difficult for Rogers to plead self defense when he was the one instigating the confrontation.

he seemed to forget he even had a gun once that happened
I'm willing to guess Mr. Rogers has little or no training in firearms. That thing on his hip is a talisman or a symbol, not a weapon. He doesn't think of it that way, and it came back to bite him. He's not alone in that.
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he waited for the man to exit the store and followed him - saying something to him

2 wrongs dont make a right, both men were wrong here, jimmy shoulda let it go and left wit hhis family, the other guy shot him cause he was confronted by a guy wit ha gun. Hmmm and cops should not be allowed to pull when confronting open carry folks? LOL

Now I must wonder if gent number 2 would have shot gent number 1 if he had his gun concealed. I bet he didnt have it on his hip at that concert.

I open carry when hunting never when I go into town. I belive this would happen so it goes under cover cause there are idiots out there. Some are armed....
The fact that the shooter ran and is hiding is proof enough in my world that this wasn't a defensive shooting. Defenders call for help. Criminals hide from the police.
markj, there is a huge difference between lawful open carry, and open carry combined with aggressive, stalker type behavior. You know that, but I guess you can't resist stirring the pot.

Edit: PK, it does look bad if the shooter hasn't contacted LE.
If Rogers had returned fire, resulting in injury or death, he could have ended up facing serious charges. Under Georgia law, it would have been very difficult for Rogers to plead self defense when he was the one instigating the confrontation.

Yes, in this particular scenario, it actually worked out well for him. However, looking at the video, I don't get the impression that a sudden, penetrating insight on Georgia self-defense law was what caused him not to shoot. I think your assessment concering firearms as magic talismans is probably on target.

I've done some goofy things in Force-on-Force training myself; but it still just amazes me to see someone who is in a gunfight and has been shot and has a gun on their hip, yet it never occurs to them to even put their hand on that gun. Also a good illustration of some of Cooper's points on mindset.
Mr. Rodgers forgot survival rule #1, Never start a fight you don't know you are going to win. I have no real idea of what happened that night, none of us do, as were not there when the fight happened, but from what little I do know I'm not feeling to sorry for Mr. Rodgers right now.
I prefer "Never start a fight."
I was once told that the #1 rule for surviving a gunfight was not getting in a gunfight. I was also told early on that one is entitled to a gun or a temper, but not both.

it does look bad if the shooter hasn't contacted LE.
Sage piece of advice #3: always be the first one to present your side of the story to the police. While it doesn't tank the shooter's chance of pleading self-defense, it certainly doesn't help.
and open carry combined with aggressive, stalker type behavior. You know that, but I guess you can't resist stirring the pot.

I said my piece, if you think it is stirring the pot you are wrong. Dont like my thoughts on this? That is your opinion. The guy oc shopulda left it alone.

Did the shooter shoot cause of OC or just to shoot someone? Got an answer? So far this is unanswered isnt it? We dont really know why he shot or do we?
For me OC or CC puts me in the same mode, I go the extra distance to be polite and non confrontational. If things even look like it might get heated I would rather leave than escolate.

I dont claim to be some perfect human but I will even ignore stuff that would normally result in at least some minor comment.

Its just not worth losing my right to carry for some crazyness...
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I'll get heat for this, but many of the people I've known to open carry do so to get some kind of reaction.

I have the suspicion that the recent evolution in the tactics of the OC 'movement' may be attracting this sort. Because they didn't seem to be as prominent until it became popular to instigate confrontations with the police and public. At least this is what's been evident in PA. When OC advocacy was about educating people in a less confrontational manner, the OC community was relatively low key. There were always a few kooks and zealots, but the OC guys were mostly just people who wanted to be able to open carry without getting hassled. The change in tactics seems to have attracted an element that's more interested in showboating.

What I find funny about these guys is that though they'll tell you that we're living in a police state with storm trooping cops waiting to kill you at the drop of a hat, they never seem prepared for what happens to them when they do provoke a confrontation.
I was once told that the #1 rule for surviving a gunfight was not getting in a gunfight. I was also told early on that one is entitled to a gun or a temper, but not both.

Truer words have never been spoken

My "mindset" (god I hate that word) is to run, or beg for my life, or do anything I can to avoid confrontation.:D...

WildijusthadicecreamandthusamhappyAlaska ™©2002-2011
I open carry when hunting never when I go into town. I belive this would happen so it goes under cover cause there are idiots out there. Some are armed....

yup and some open carry while hunting, then conceal when in town. One never knows really who one is crossing paths with ... gotta be careful out there.
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There has to be alcohol involved in this for such behavior. As my old Platoon Sgt used to say you go out get drunk smell your breathe and you think its ape crap and you start acting liking Tarzan. Then the trouble begins.
The change in tactics seems to have attracted an element that's more interested in showboating.
For awhile, open carry wasn't even called "open carry." Some folks just didn't take pains to cover up their guns in some circumstances. It was never a big deal either way. If you jump back a few years on the forums, you'll see scant mention of the practice.

About three years ago, I noticed the twentysomethings throwing around phrases like "in your face." That's when a lot of local businesses starting banning guns from their premises. It's also when I started hearing a great deal of grumbling from law enforcement, who were finding themselves being baited by the open carry crowd.

I've spoken with two of those guys who've suffered self-inflicted negligent gunshot wounds this year alone. For many of these guys, it's not a weapon; it's an adornment for freaking out the squares.

I'm trying really hard not to hate open carry, but stuff like this makes it very difficult.
Thank you, MLeake, well said.

For me OC or CC puts me in the same mode, I go the extra distance to be polite and non confrontational. If things even look like it might get heated I would rather leave than escalate.

Amen, brother. The last thing an OC or CC should want is any kind of confrontation. Hell, I'm with Wild - I'll turn and run and scream like a twelve-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber concert if it'll avoid me having to return fire. I'm willing to take that grief if that's the way it plays, but I'll do everything in my meager powers to avoid it.

This guy's behavior is simply incomprehensible to me. If he lets someone merge in front of him in traffic and doesn't get a thank-you wave, does he follow the guy home and demand an apology? Sheesh. Dude, leave the firearm at home until you get your head right.
This guy's behavior is simply incomprehensible to me.

I have to wonder whether the fact that he was OC'ing is what gave him the 'courage' to press the matter.

Honestly if I were to have come out of that store to find some scruffy guy with a pistol waiting for me, who wants me to thank him, and then follows me to my car with his hands at the ready - I'd probably have assumed that he intended to attack me. I hope that I'd have kept my cool and not shot him. But consider that the shooter was otherwise faced with an approaching threat as he gets into the car and tries to pull away. There was a woman in the car, so her safety is a factor as well. It's not reasonable to expect that someone is going to recognize that this guy is just some idiot poser. His behavior was like a textbook prelude to an attack.