shooting in chicago


New member
have ya'll heard about the shooting in a small town outside of Chicago, 6 dead, dozens wounded, gun found, and shooter still at large, is said to be between 18 to 20. What is wrong with these kids. I am 71, was a kid once, and we did not do these crazy things, would not have even thought about anything like this.

and I was raised in a home with guns. We hunted, went target shooting, fished, and had fun. Never a thought about hurting someone
I get that they need to use his image and name to help with the manhunt. But I wish news outlets would stop publishing the twisted thoughts of these losers, I think that just provides motivation for others.
have ya'll heard about the shooting in a small town outside of Chicago
Highland Park, IL is a city of 30,000 people and one of the many suburbs of Chicado.

Looks like they know who the suspect is and like many previous cases the warning signs may have been there.

Warning signs are like tips to the FBI when it came to the 9/11 attacks. The FBI deals with 1000s of "tips" every day to the point of information overload and the extreme difficult of linking everything together in a coherent picture that is useful in real time or prior to the event, particularly when the information isn't about anything particularly illegal.

The guy in Highland Park that was arrested is a known mental case. Every day in America there are people who have known mental or behavioral issues, thousands and thousands of them, that hear voices, claim they will kill tyrants, are being chased by unseen gremlins, have open fantasies about killing their bosses or people at work and every day thousands and thousands of these people don't do any of this. For these people, all the warning signs are there for ... nothing like this to go wrong.

There is no respect. Last week 2 people were shot at Subway in GA over mayo on a hoagie. When found guilty they need to start killing these people. I bet it will stop.

Completely different situation and your solution is build on a very faulty premise, particularly because a lot of these people really don't care or potentially don't have the capacity to care about whether they live or die.
Any idea of the gun used yet? They keep saying "high-powered rifle" in everything I read.

Highland Park has an "assault rifle" ban. One of the perp's cartoon drawing resembles an AK. The videos of the incident that have shots on them sound pretty fast for semi-auto, so I'm wondering if he used a binary trigger or bump stock.
> "...recovered a high-powered rifle on the scene, which
> [Lake County Major Crimes Task Force spokesman Chris
> Covelli] described as an AR-15-style weapon....">\
> Crimo was identified as a person of interest after BAFTE (Bureau of Alcohol,
> Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives) officials conducted a DNA swab test* on
> the weapon that was found at the scene.
> Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering confirmed that the suspect legally
> bought a gun before the shooting,

* Now that's interesting. (or is the reporter conflating swab test w/ serial number run?)
I heard about it. Read a couple of "new" reports. Noticed the usual anti-gun themes are being pounded even before there is data released to the viewing public.

Before there was a suspect named, USA Today reported "the gun was obtained legally" Perhaps because that's what the mayor said to the news. She also apparently has had time to do an interview on the Today show...
Rotering said "somebody clearly had a mental breakdown" but that the focus should be on access to guns, not mental health.

I have not yet seen any information on the gun used, other than this..
Mayor Nancy Rotering signed a city ordinance banning assault weapons almost a decade ago. Rotering said she did not know details on how the alleged shooter obtained the high-powered rifle used in the assault, but she said he did so legally.

SO, at the time when the police (officially) didn't have a suspect, mght have had a "person of interest", hadn't caught or arrested anyone, or given out the name of who they were looking for, the mayor knew the gun was obtained legally.

Did the shooter, perhaps leave his Illinois FOID card behind with the gun when he escaped after the shooting? (I doubt it)

News today, the police have captured a "person of interest", no charges filed, yet. The fellow is identifies himself as "Awake the Rapper". He's 22, apparently the son of a Highland park businessman who ran for mayor in 2020.

SO, at this point, there is no statement released from him claiming he did it. There are no charges filed yet, and we are a long way from a conviction, so one cannot yet state with certainty that the guy they captured, who happens to be the son of the Mayor's political opponent in 2020 actually did the shooting.

Coincidence? Probably.....:rolleyes:

There are things being said about the guy, implying he has mental problems, and new reports about a "disturbing" video he released in Oct. But nothing factual, yet...

Maybe the kid is disturbed. MAYBE he's an "artist" who's not disturbed (any more than any other artist) working in the rap/gangster medium, which frequently focuses on violence in its lyrics and images.

IF his music and videos are the "warning signs" that he was disturbed and an actual threat, then there's a LOT of other people (who have made a lot of money) who should also be considered dangerous and potential threats as well.

Warning signs are like tips to the FBI when it came to the 9/11 attacks. The FBI deals with 1000s of "tips" every day to the point of information overload and the extreme difficult of linking everything together in a coherent picture that is useful in real time or prior to the event, particularly when the information isn't about anything particularly illegal.

This is most certainly true. I've always liked the way someone (I think Clancy but can't remember for sure) describe the situation of intelligence analysts...
Suppose someone (your field agents) hands you a box with a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle in it. You know there is a bomb going to go off, but you don't know where it is, or when it will go off. You do know that on the back of each puzzle piece is a code, and ONE of them will disarm the bomb.

You don't have a picture of what the puzzle is supposed to look like when assembled, only that you expect that picture to tell you where the bomb is.
Then, as you are working like hell to fit the pieces together to try and make a picture, the bomb goes off. People killed and injured, and the press, the public and even Congress screams at you, for failing to stop the bomb, because you "had all the information you needed" to do so.

There is, at this point, no information about the SUSPECT having ever being treated or even being assessed about his mental state. The "warning signs" might be nothing more that someone's opinion about the violence, teen angst and depression in his music. At this point in time, with the information we (the public) currently has, the "warning signs" mean NOTHING. They may have been real, or they may have been taken as real because of his "art". WE DON'T KNOW, yet.

A very bad thing happned. They MAY have caught the guy who did it. They may not have. We don't know yet.

Once again, the point is being made that "the gun was obtained legally" which my response is "SO WHAT??" (actually my response includes some profanity, which I omit here..;))

IT doesn't matter if the gun was obtained legally, it wasn't USED LEGALLY. IF the shooter wasn't a convicted criminal before becoming a mass killer, then no laws were broken until he started killing people. That means,... gee, he's the same as every other citizen up to the point where the law gets broken.

The only point I can see to making a "talking point" about the gun being obtained legally is to try and bolster the flawed logic that "if the killer hadn't been able to get the gun legally, then he wouldn't have had a gun and the killings would not have happened".

This reasoning is not only flawed, it is childishly immature.

There is going to be a lot of crap flung back and forth (yet again) over this. Most of it isn't worth listening to, though we must, if only to find the few nuggets of actual truth buried in the fecal storm, that we need before being able to make a reasoned judgement.
44 AMP said:
Once again, the point is being made that "the gun was obtained legally" which my response is "SO WHAT??" (actually my response includes some profanity, which I omit here..)

IT doesn't matter if the gun was obtained legally, it wasn't USED LEGALLY. IF the shooter wasn't a convicted criminal before becoming a mass killer, then no laws were broken until he started killing people. That means,... gee, he's the same as every other citizen up to the point where the law gets broken.

The only point I can see to making a "talking point" about the gun being obtained legally is to try and bolster the flawed logic that "if the killer hadn't been able to get the gun legally, then he wouldn't have had a gun and the killings would not have happened".

^^^ Go to the head of the class.
I'd used to live a suburb away from Highland Park. It's an affluent part of Chicago's North Shore - older money but not as old as Lake Forest, IL. Personally, I was very surprised that it happen there. Violent crime is almost unheard of over there.

Latest reports indicate the rifle used was "similar" to an AR and used "high powered" ammunition. Also read that the guy fired off 70 rounds. What's surprising is the speed which the authorities identified the guy. Gun was legally purchased locally. Strictly guessing but probably from the weapon & the digitized 4473 - which opens up a different can of worms.

Highland Park also has a grandfathered Assault Weapons Ban. I think the weapon would have had been something like a Ruger Mini 14 or a Kel Tec SU16. Maybe that's why they aren't jumping up and down about AR's.

EDIT - So, if the gun was legally purchased & he's a Highland Park resident, it would have no evil features and no high capacity mags (legally speaking of course). The story doesn't fit mainstream media's narrative for gun control.
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oldbear 1950: "What is wrong with these kids. I am 71, was a kid once, and we did not do these crazy things, would not have even thought about anything like this."

I'm with you and I'm 79. History has shown that political control by dictators always begins with disarming the population. I'm starting to wonder if these shootings are planned and backed by the extreme left radicals who want to wear down any protection of the Second Amendment so personal safety concerns motivate a majority to agree that abolishing all gun ownership is the answer.
Parents need to wake up.
You got a 20 something kid sitting in his room, not interested in school, not interested in working, not interested in the opposite sex, begging for money for tatoo's and sitting in their room with their face buried in a computer 24-7. No he's not harmless. No he's not a quiet kid, no he's not your friend anymore. He has officially checked out of the human race. If he does't kill you first, he will kill. And you will richly deserve all the hatred and reproach that's coming your way,
There is, at this point, no information about the SUSPECT having ever being treated or even being assessed about his mental state. The "warning signs" might be nothing more that someone's opinion about the violence, teen angst and depression in his music. At this point in time, with the information we (the public) currently has, the "warning signs" mean NOTHING. They may have been real, or they may have been taken as real because of his "art". WE DON'T KNOW, yet.

Well, years ago, he got depressed after breaking up with his girlfriend, listened to and made dark music, dropped out of school his sophomore year, and did drugs. In 2019, around the time he and his girlfriend broke up, police were called because he might have been suicidal and later because he might kill everyone at his house, but they have nothing significant enough to take any action on him at the time. He didn't actually do anything actionable. Apparently, cops left things in the hands of a mental health professional and then nothing since 2019.

The problem here is that LOTS of people talk a big game, making idol threats. If we put away every person that said stuff like they might commit suicide, that they wanted to kill their boss, coworkers, parents, a group of kids at school, etc. etc. etc., the free population might be in the minority.

Originally Posted by 44 AMP
Once again, the point is being made that "the gun was obtained legally" which my response is "SO WHAT??" (actually my response includes some profanity, which I omit here..)

IT doesn't matter if the gun was obtained legally, it wasn't USED LEGALLY. IF the shooter wasn't a convicted criminal before becoming a mass killer, then no laws were broken until he started killing people. That means,... gee, he's the same as every other citizen up to the point where the law gets broken.

The only point I can see to making a "talking point" about the gun being obtained legally is to try and bolster the flawed logic that "if the killer hadn't been able to get the gun legally, then he wouldn't have had a gun and the killings would not have happened".
^^^ Go to the head of the class.

That's the short game. The long game is to shut down or severely limit civilian ownership of legal guns as has been done in several other countries, precisely because the laws do not stop illegal acts. Then you have the gun confiscations, etc. because people will be worried about all these legally purchased guns being used in mass shootings and want to get rid of guns. Yes, guns will be around for years to come, but people will argue that by not pumping millions of guns into the American pocket every year, the number of guns will decline with time (particularly with confiscation) and as a result the number of gun crimes will actually diminish. They will cite other countries as models where this has been the case, ignoring self defense issues and defense of the country, such as with the Ukraine. They will say things like, "Imagine your children or your grandchildren never having to worry about a mass shooting at their school...." and a portion of the population will buy into the argument. The long game isn't next year, but maybe over the next 20 or 40 years.
In Illinois a FOID card is required in order to purchase a firearm. The police could have revoked the perps FOID card or application for a FOID care. But he had no FOID card at the time of the incidents.

Three months later the perp filed for a FOID card. Because the perp was under 21 when he filed for the FOID card, a sponsor was required. The sponsor was the perps father: Go figure.

"Such action police could have taken included revoking a licensed-gun owner's Firearm Owners Identification card (FOID), which is required in the state to own or purchase a firearm.

Illinois State Police said at the time of the September 2019 incident the suspect "did not have a FOID card to revoke or a pending FOID application to deny."

Three months later, Crimo did apply and successfully obtained an FOID card, police said.

"The subject was under 21 and the application was sponsored by the subject’s father. Therefore, at the time of the FOID application review in January of 2020, there was an insufficient basis to establish a clear and present danger and deny the FOID application," police said.
So three months before he submitted an application for an FOID he was reported to the police for threatening, the police agreed that he was a danger to the point of confiscating multiple knives, he was over 18 so the record was not sealed as a juvenile ... but "there was an insufficient basis to establish a clear and present danger and deny the FOID application."

Got it.
Irena and Kevin McCarthy were both killed, leaving their two year old daughter orphaned. Kathy Goldstein watched her mother get shot in the chest then die. This pathetic loser's father has that blood on his hands.

Robert Crimo II is the one who should have his image and life-story splashed all over the headlines this week. He bred and raised a monster, and then armed him.
One thing that always bothers me about these events is that I feel like the wrong questions are asked.

Instead of 'how did he get a gun?', I think the proper question that no one seems to want to ask is:
"Why are young men deciding that they want to take the lives of complete strangers?"