shooting games?

My brothers and I shoot empty shotgun hulls with our pocket .380s. I have an LCP, my brother has a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard (can't use the laser, that's cheating), and my other brother has a Taurus 738 TCP. We line up 7 hulls each and shoot one magazine. After each set, losers pay the winner $1.00 per shell off the winning score. A full game is 49 rounds. If someone has a good day, he might win enough for a new box of ammo.
This is a game we do with rifles, but by adjusting the range it works equally well for pistols.

What you need=
7 medium sized boxes (copy paper cases work great, something at least 10x10x10
100ct. (at least) bag of 10" party balloons
Tape, marker, staple gun

Set up=
Using magic marker, paint, tape, whatever...number the boxes 1 thru 7. Large enough to be easily seen from 25-30 yards.
Inflate and attach a balloon to each box (tape or staple gun.)

The "shooter" turns his back to the range and the others place the boxes down range, mixing up the order. Usually about 5-7 feet apart at various ranges between 5-20 yards. Just make sure not to align any two targets from the shooters point of view. (which is harder to do if you add movement later)

The shooter starts with his pistol holstered (sometimes we start with loaded pistols, sometimes unloaded. Just to mix it up.)
When "go" is called, the shooter must turn and shoot the targets sequentially as fast as he can. Shooting out of order de-qualifies the shooter for that round. We also limit the number of cartridges to 10 per magazine, which makes a reload necessary if too many misses. (you could limit it to 7 per mag if you like.) This is basically the time penalty for poor accuracy.
Fastest time wins that round and gets a point. We usually shoot quite a few rounds and add up the points at the end of a range session. Prize is usually just bragging rights...I rarely win the handguns tho:o

As I said, we usually shoot this game with tactical rifles.
We have mixed it up by making shooters move to different positions, ie. shoot targets 1-4 from one spot and run to another for the last 3. Different shooting positions, go prone for the last one for example.
We sometimes add a different colored balloon as "no shoot" targets to be skipped. Or shoot the red balloons from prone, blue from kneeling, yellow from standing, etc.

Tons of variations of ranges, number of targets, move and shoot, etc.

We keep the ranges shorter to make the game more about judgement and quickness than it is about precision. Besides, a 10" target is pretty close to upper torso sized.
Introduce it and use it if you want, would be kinda cool seeing our invention go big time.

Send me my royalties in .22 ammo:p
^^another good idea.
The balloons tend to move in the slightest wind too, making close "no shoots" pretty tricky.
Not technically a game, but gallon milk jugs filled with water, then frozen make fun targets. As the ice breaks up you have ever increasing smaller targets.
Additionally, if you cut the plastic jug away first, there is no trash to pick up. It just melts away.:D
I pick up used bowling pins for free from alleys that are throwing them out. They make nice reactive targets that take a lot of hits before becoming unusable.
How to set them up and use them is limited only by your imagination.
Hard to beat blasting hedge-apples ( aka Osage orange trees, depending on where your from). Hot .357 mag loads really do things to hedge-:rolleyes:apples.
Place 5 targets each at 5, 10, 15, and 20 yards. (10" balloons work well for this also, but any target you choose would be fine)
Each target is valued by it's range. (5 points for 5 yds, 10 points for 10yds, etc, etc.)

The shooter has 10 shots in 2 magazines, and 20 seconds to score as many points as he/she can.

The shooter must decide whether to gamble on the longer range/higher value targets, or take the quick and easy points up front.

Another that my buddy Dan and I do with .22 pistols.
NRA small caliber pistol targets
20 rounds, 20 yards, 20 seconds.
High score wins
Make ersatz steel challenge target stages,,,

I took some PVC pipe, paint buckets, and plywood,,,
I made some fake steel challenge targets.

Staple some paper plates and balloons on them,,,
Set them up in the arrangement of Steel Challenge,,,
And you have the makings for some good time shooting.

But you do need a shot timer. :(

