Shooting black powder and smokeless in SAA, how to clean?

Daniel Shays
Good to hear but for long storage protection, I use something else after this cleaning. Remember you can reuse the mineral spirits over and over. I keep some just for this purpose and start new every season.

Ballistol is great stuff. I sometimes shoot a bit down the barrel between the range and home. It's just that mineral spirits is cheaper, much cheaper and it works.
You know, half the fun of shooting/cleaning Black Powder is hearing others shooters share their methods and beliefs, and every mother's son has his own way.:rolleyes: Ask this question of 100 shooters and you get 100 different variations, and each one is 100% sure he has it right!:)

No wonder new comers are so confused!:eek:
Ask this question of 100 shooters and you get 100 different variations, and each one is 100% sure he has it right!

Most of them are. There's a lot of different ways to clean bp that work. My way may not suit you and your way may not suit me but that doesn't mean both ways aren't right.

I think what is important to note, is that you have options and you have to find one that
"floats your stick". I would never say that my way is the best and in fact, I have it on good authority that my way will not work south of the Mason/Dixon Line. By the way, where is the Mason/Dixon line ??? :confused:
where is the Mason/Dixon line

The original line as surveyed by Mason and Dixon separated Pennsylvania and Maryland. Later the Missouri compromise of 1820 ran it following the original M&D line and headed west to the Ohio River, then along the Ohio to its mouth at the Mississippi River and then west along 36 degrees 30 minutes North.
Smokeless isn't water soluble. Hoppes is the best thing to clean smokeless residue. If you want to use bp after cleaning for smokeless just run a few dry patches down the bore and chambers and then one soaked in olive oil or bore butter etc. If you roll your own you can use bullets lubed with bp lube for smokeless but not the other way around.
I just did a bunch of reading about Ballistol. It sounds as if it's a really good CLP for both smokeless and BP. If I were to just use Ballistol on the pistol are there any other precautions when using BP (i.e. do I still need bore butter or any other product)?
Round Dial

I season all my M/L barrels, SS and blue, with bore butter butter, Bore Butter has it's limitations. For long term storage and metal protection, I use chain oil lubricant with Moly. Made by Gunk. Keep in mind, that I am very frugal (Yuppy word for Cheap) I only use Ballistol on M/L's in a limited way. Ballistol is good stuff and very safe to use. On smokeless, I use Hoppe's or Birchwood Casey.

Be Safe !!!