Shooting at the range next to somebody with a suppressed rifle

I can't imagine why a range wouldn't allow legal suppressor use. I completely agree with SR420; I wish everyone used suppressors.

Nothing's more annoying than when you're at the range with some buddies, you're all shooting suppressed, then some guy with an unsuppressed semi-auto rifle with a muzzle break starts blasting away next to you.

That's why I put an AAC flash hider on my main AR; my buddy hated shooting with me because I don't own a rifle suppressor yet. So now I can shoot my rifle with his SDN-6 while I wait for my tax stamp to come in.
In britain if you want a suppressor all you do is mention " Its for HEALTH AND SAFETY" and boom you have permission :D.....down side is the add a lot of weight to the light end of the gun and tend to put it off balance on your when your hunting which is a pain but they are fab things :cool:

The suppressor I have is an old first generation design which only stays quiet as long as the wipes are new – two or three 30 round magazines – and it is bulky for a 45 ACP unit by the standards of today’s technology. But it is an original Powder Springs MAC suppressor which goes with my select-fire MAC-10 so I’m not too concerned about replacing it.
My only use of a suppressor, this was on a .22 rifle, my buddy's Dad owned it, shooting Pidgins in the barn?

His Dad not to pleased with the holes in the tin roof!
In mississippi I believe you can hunt wild hogs anytime 365 24/7 with anything you want...supressed or not.

I know a FFL holder that does it on a regular basis and I doubt he would risk any trouble doing that. Being a FFl is how he makes a living.
In mississippi I believe you can hunt wild hogs anytime 365 24/7 with anything you want...supressed or not.

That's the case in most places with wild hogs. They're not considered a game species so their hunting is almost entirely unregulated. Typically, you can hunt them at any time and with any weapon that is legally owned.
lcpiper said:
I forget, is there a Federal Law in the US that prohibits using a suppressed weapon for hunting game?

Im not sure about Federal Law, but your state may have a law about hunting suppressed. In Ohio, you CAN NOT hunt suppressed.
While Ohio allows silencers (registered ones it appears) It does not allow their use for hunting birds or four legged animals.

Silencers are included in the definition of dangerous ordinance.
(K) "Dangerous ordnance" means any of the following, except as provided in division (L) of this section:
(5) Any firearm muffler or silencer;
(1) Possession or control of any dangerous ordnance, or the materials or parts for making dangerous ordnance, in the absence of circumstances indicating the dangerous ordnance, materials, or parts are intended for legitimate use;
It shall be unlawful for any person to use a gun equipped with a silencer or muffler, or deadfall of any type to take or attempt to take a wild bird or wild quadruped.

I suppose you could use them for hunting snakes and fish provided there were no other regulations prohibiting it. But why bother. :)

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What I like to do is pull out my loudest gun so that the guy with the suppressed weapon has to put on hearing protection which negates the purpose of his suppressor. :) Just kidding but that would be funny.
That happens quite a bit.

I was shooting on an indoor range with eight people on a squad. One guy was shooting with a suppressor.
Why ?
That happens quite a bit.

I was shooting on an indoor range with eight people on a squad. One guy was shooting with a suppressor.
Why ?

If you have your gun sighted in with a suppressor, its POI will change when you take the can off and cause you to miss your target. No use wasting ammo, even if no one else is using a can.
I think the reason was simple, he enjoyed shooting the gun suppressed just for the heck of it. I personally wouldn't do it, but I am certainly not faulting him, it is fun. And even though seven other people were shooting indoors at the same time, you could hear that distinctive report every time he fired.
One of the range safety officers at the KRRC in WA lets anyone use his 223 silencer. I hear that most people enjoy trying it out on their AR or bolt gun, but a few refuse. He is trying to get 10k rounds through it before he replaces it with a better built model. He plans on cutting it in half to see the effects on the aluminum baffles. If he made it right the first time he might not do that. :)
