Shooting accurately while moving

Win62A, "Crabbing" is one of the techniques taught to shoot while moving at an oblique to the target, but you still have to use the approach that your torso is a turret and you legs acts as shock absorbers Erik states.

I may be pillared for this but I agree with the use of air soft, since most people cannot get simmunitions. But lacking that you still can practice on a square with your service weapon if you have some creativity and someone to assist

You are not shooting at the assistant either, what we do on the square range if we are doing live fire is we have a shooter and an AI move through an array of targets, the Marine under instruction is not allowed to flag any of the targets and when the AI calls a target the shooter has to ID the target and shoot while still moving at what ever angle he happens to be to the target.
It isnt shooting while moving that's hard, its hitting while moving that's tuff, and I dont see the attraction.

Decide what is most important, moving or shooting, and then do it, then the other.
:) Here! This is a big favor, my friend: I’m a longtime reader of Combat Handguns magazine. What follows is, more or less, quoted from M.S.A. Colson’s article, ‘Training The Gunfighter’ published (as memory serves me) 3 or 4 years ago in Combat Handguns Magazine.

I liked this article so much that I made notes on the material and kept them for future reference. I want to be careful not to imply credit to myself for what follows. These are my words from my notes; but, the source material is ALL from M.S.A. Colson’s original article. This is, about, the best information I’ve ever read on the subject of firing while moving. Maybe it will help clear up some of the confusion:

If you’re not behind cover during a gunfight you’ll probably need to be moving toward it - shooting as you go.

Start to learn shooting-while-moving by placing a target directly in front of you about forty feet away. Draw an imaginary line between you and the target. Keep your feet on the imaginary line as you move forward. Placing them one in front of the other, in heel-to-toe fashion, while moving forward.

Bend deep at the knees because you need to use your knees as motive, ‘shock absorbers’. Tuck your elbows into your body, and exaggerate the bend in the elbows (More like Weaver than an Isosceles) in order to bring the pistol a bit closer to your face than usual. If possible, watch the front sight even more carefully than you normally would.

Start practicing by dry firing until you observe your sights staying well within the center of the target as you move forward. You will notice a slight up and own motion of the sights as you move. This is normal. Control it by keeping a deep bend in your knees. If the sights wobble too much from side-to-side, remember to be careful and place your feet, exactly, one in front of the other.

Make sure that your weight remains, forward, toward the muzzle in order to manage recoil. During live fire training, you should be able to place all your hits within an 8-inch circle. Fifty percent of them should be inside 6-inches.

After you’re comfortable with shooting while moving forward, change the angle of approach so that the imaginary line goes from you to an area of cover on your left or right front. As you move toward cover you will be forced to engage targets on either side. Right-handers, in particular, will discover shooting to the left is much easier than shooting to the right. (And visa versa for left-handers.)

NOTE: M.S.A. Colson was described as a special operations veteran with some 17 years of military experience. He is reported to have extensive training in CQB techniques.

That’s it! Like I said: I’ve never read or seen anything better on the subject. Hope this helps! ;)
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"...good techniques to practice accurately firing a pistol while moving..." Why you'd be moving is beyond me, but keep your eye on the target. Exclusively. As daft as it sounds, if you have any kind of eye/hand coordination, you'll hit the target. No factory DA triggers though.
However, if you're thinking HD, you'll also be charged with assault and/or manslaughter. If you're claiming self-defence, advancing is not an option. The threat is gone.
"...Combat Handguns magazine..." Forget what you read in any of the gun rags.