What we have today is a nearly complete reversal of the attitudes of 100 years ago. Back then, the overwhelming majority of handgun users considered the DA revolver to be shot SA (for accuracy), and DA for emergency use only (point blank defensive shooting).
Back in the 20s Ed McGivern began to open people's eyes to what could be done with a DA revolver, shooting it DA. Others followed, and today we have people who will tell you the only way to shoot a DA gun is DA. Some will even go so far as to hint you will be killed if you do otherwise...(yes, I have actually heard that).
I'm in the camp where 99% of my DA revolver shooting is done SA. I'm not a gunfighter type, and have no plans to be one, or train like one. I'm fine with the "risk" I'm taking. I have no doubt in my ability to DA shoot and hit at belly to belly distance, and I have done DA work at slightly longer ranges. I just don't make it my main focus.
If you do, fine. I can tell you that you WILL NOT HARM any DA revolver in proper mechanical condition by shooting it SA.
While it is fiction, I would recommend the movie Unforgiven as a good cinematic treatment of the differences between the stories about gunfights and the reality of the same gunfights. Particularly the scene where Gene Hackman tells about how the "fastest gun" in the fight might have won (and lived) if he had been a little slower...
I'm a shoot however you please, and if you are accurate, that's what matters most guy about most shooting. I fully recognize the importance of, and what an advantage being a good combat shot can be. They aren't wrong, but there is a more to handgunning than just combat shooting.