shootin a dragoon

Actually what I wanted to know -is why brochures post pyro and trip 7 more power than real:confused Regulated by license--black powder

Measured by VOLUME, 777 is about 15% more powerful then real BP. The reason that they recommend lowering the load by 15% is to remain comparable to the BP loads... Has nothing to do with safety, just that if you work up the "perfect" load with real black, then try to switch to 777 you wont have the same accuracy or POI as your original load unless you reduce by that amount.

Of course.. as far as I can tell... If you work up that load with 777 (all I use so far) in the first place then it doesnt much matter...

I have no idea about the pyrodex as Ive never used it...
Jeez I am a fool.There was one of these offered on colt percussion modern(Guns International) but it is no longer there. I searched for Colt 3rd gen Whitneyville marine commenr--but nothing popped up.Maybe you can find this 3rd gen colt. I used to know how to post pics here but can't Seem to figure it out. I guess until my art degree daughter finally comes home I can send you photos, if you want==But---------- DRagoon--do you know about this gun?
by emailing me at I can send you nice pics. I must have the only one=but probably not:o:)
Yes it is.You found one! It is a colt dragoon just like mine in the gray box--Congrats---what do you think?
Well i guess 500 to 650 might get that one. And we can go to the range with yours and mine:) Let me know The reflection of the sun off the cylinder -fr ame and barrel will blind them all :D


is that not a 2nd dragoon. I know it is not a 3rd but it is COLT 3rd
It is a Colt Whitneyville/Hartford Dragoon, the originals were a very limited transition model (between the Walker & Dragoons) made before the first model Dragoon. Uberti still makes them and yours is of course, a 3rd Gen Colt Signature Series. I have a Signature Series 1860 Army, very nice pistol.
just a note--mine is a marine commerative w/ insigna on backstrap--i feel sur that is it but make sure-like I said--only 800+ were made--so if has not been fired and decent shape, I'd advise that over a uberti or pietta that probably doesnt cost much less and you'll have a colt that is more of a collectible and a lot prettier or better yet--buy a replica ,shoot it and keep that one polished and hanging---NO buy that one and shoot it!
don't kow about that--i
tisn't mine. I will try to post pics of mine fri or mon. It has been fired once--polishing took gold off left frame screws and wedge front. But even though i have box and shipping box I'm not interested in selling it---- I kinda got fond of it after I shot it:)