Shoot-No Shoot scenario: In his sights...

1) brake as hard as it is possible to do safely, memorize as many details as possible about car and driver, and take the best evasive move available. 2) Draw my own weapon, and place at some kind of low ready position, still concealed from view of other drivers. 3) continue to observe the other guy as long as possible, pull to side of road quickly, call 911. 4) Wait for police, reholster handgun quickly and quietly as soon as I see them show up.
The courts will always look at it as "did you have an oppertunity to get away unharmed" This might be a catch 22, but I would always
go for defending myself, even if that means slamming on the brakes in heavy traffic.

"The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, becuse the whole body of the people are armed"
Noah Webster

Second Amendment lover?