Shock & Awe!

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Howdy Ya'll! (:
Needin a place to vent and hopefully get some answers on what to expect.
Long Story so please bare w/me.....
Went to our local pawn shop to buy my husband a handgun. Filled out the necessary paperwork... no stranger to this process as I've bought several guns throughout the years and never once had a problem.
I was told by the dealer that the check was delayed because the computers were down on the check end---- he was on the phone w/them for what seemed like an eternity before the checker told him that it would be delayed. I was told to come back 5 days later and pick up the gun. Well, here it is 5 days later---- went to pick up the gun and was told I was denied. I was floored! I've never in my life been convicted of a felony. The owner then proceeded to give me an appeal paper for the NICS. I called them straight away and they wouldn't give me a reason either, just that I had to submit the appeal and it was best to go ahead and get fingerprinted to quicken the process.
Well, I've done both (I'm a woman--- I get things done! LOL) and will be submitting my appeal tomorrow. I asked the police officer doing my finger printing what the problem could be and he didn't know. Said he had never heard of anyone having to be fingerprinted and that it was all new to him.
I didn't know if there was new legislation to hassle or if this could be an error, or a random flag????
Got on here and started reading and now I'm gravely concerned that it is going to take forever to get my right restored.
Why is this happening? I have never in my life committed a felony. Back in 1992 I was arrested at a Van Halen concert for smoking a joint but that's it. The police officer told me today that wouldn't warrant my right being taken from me and I tend to believe him as I've never been denied in the past.
I've contacted a buddy of mine that works for the FBI, but I don't know how much help he will be able to give me.
I guess I'm just mainly venting and wondering if this is becoming a common problem and if there is anything I can be doing about this while I wait to hear from the NICS (which from what I gather is going to take an eternity!)
Any advice, on topic or whatever is most appreciated. Would love to read something positive out of all this.
Your right has not been taken away. You were denied on ONE purchase -- nobody has come battering down the door about any guns you bought previously.

Submit the appeal. No, there is nothing else you can do in the meanwhile.
I have been denied, delayed and approved, all in one year. Not in that order.
The system is not the most reliable for its purpose.
I never put my ssn on the form, it just isn't prudent from an identity standpoint.
I have since got my CCDW permit and do not go through the NICS system when I purchase a firearm. It eliminates that step since a background check is done to obtain it.

It may be different in your state, check the laws and speak with your local gun dealer.
As inefficient as our govt is with everything else, you expect precision accuracy from the NICS?

According to some experts at the time it began, you could put in John Dillinger's name and have a 50/50% chance of approval.

One friend of mine got flagged (and delayed) because he had a govt security clearance!

IF you have a clean record, fill out the forms and work the system. They will, eventually, get it cleared up.
My understanding (never been delayed or denied) is that you can also be given a unique PIN number to use in lieu of the SSN to ensure that this doesn't happen again.

My state issued CHP is sufficient to satisfy the Federal background check requirement and I haven't had an NICS check run on me at point of purchase in quite awhile.
At one time I had a top secret security clearance. Until the Walker fiasco. Then it was dropped to secret.
Worked with Nuc weapons on a Nuclear sub.

I doubt that the NICS people really cared a hoot about that though.:barf:
Did you put your social security number on the form? Almost everyone that I've heard of that gets "mysteriously" denied did not put their SSN on the form.

If you didn't, you should.

There's no reason not to. They know who you are, they know where you live, they know where you work, they GAVE YOU the number.
Sorry Pete, that is the wrong thing to do.
Are you friends with the dealer? Would you trust then with you bank account number?
What about your teenage daughter?
For decades people had their SSN number printed on their personal checks. It didn't cause a huge problem. If the dealer steals it off a 4473 of mine I'll deal with it when it happens.
As has been asked, did you put your SSN on the 4473? While doing so is optional, it does help to prevent mixups. Nearly everyone I've even heard of or talked to who's been mysteriously denied either didn't put their SSN on the 4473 and had a name the same or similar to that of a prohibited person or had a record that wasn't as clean as they thought it was.

Also, a felony conviction isn't necessarily needed to make you a prohibited person. A misdemeanor domestic violence conviciton or a restraining order can also get you denied. I've heard of many people being denied because of a messy divorce in which their former spouse got a restraining order.
Not justifying anything, but it rather makes sense when you think about it. If you decline to provide your SSN, the only key identifier they really have to run an NICS check is your name. If you have a fairly common name, like as not you're going to have a name similar/identical to someone who no one wants to have a firearm.

So...if you have a common name and decline to provide your SSN, you're just rolling dice.

What they SHOULD ask for is just the last four digits of your SSN. That would allow applicants to retain the sanctity of their SSN's, and still provide a reasonably unique key to search against.
Ditto_95 said:
Sorry Pete, that is the wrong thing to do.
Are you friends with the dealer? Would you trust then with you bank account number?
What about your teenage daughter?

So you trust these people with ever piece of personal information except some number?

Seriously. Some people need more to worry about.

Trust them with my bank account number? Well... if I write them a check... I just did, didn't I?

What about my, gulp!, credit card number!? Oh no!

I better buy everything with cash!

Seriously. The teenage girl at the window at McDonalds has access to my credit card number every time I buy my kid a Happy Meal. The 20-something cashier at the grocery store gets one of my checks, with my address, phone number, full name, wifes name, bank account and routing number on it, every week.

Seriously people.
Pete, your SSN is your identity. That is the defining identification instrument for you.
A credit card has limits and protection. Your bank account has limits and protection.
By having your ssn, a person can become you. Credit cards and bank accounts are theirs at a whim.
Buy a new car? Sure, here is my name and ssn. My credit is good.

I protect mine at all costs.
May I ask a related question?

If a person is denied, or delayed a firearm purchase. Can that person go to another store and on the 4473 include his/her SS# ?. Not making any false statements, just providing more information the second time.


Glenn Dee
"your SSN is your identity"

Like heck. I know there's more to me than a number. And they aren't shortcomings either, they're character traits. :)
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