Shield Fails To Lock Back On Empty Chamber

I slingshot reload anyway, so it doesn't bother me that much.

The issue is not about how to reload (release the slide or rack the slide) it is about knowing that you need to reload.

A defensive pistol which fails to tell you it is empty could be a big problem, in that very unlikely gunfight which we are trying to prepare for.

So I am glad the original problem is not still happening.

Bart Noir
I keep notes on every shoot I do. The hg failed to lock back the one day back in 9 19 using Remington brass 115 gr JHP so maybe it just doesn't like that round. The hg feeds literally everything flawlessly though so that's a blessing. But I got some great input from the op so I'll keep it all in mind should it happen again.
Yep. I probably just had a bad day. I had been using a Ruger SP-101 snubby with a bobbed hammer for edc but then switched over to the Shield. I hardly know the Shield is on me whereas that wasn't the case with the Ruger. Heck, I have to remind myself I'm carrrying with the Shield which I figure is a good problem to have. All-in-all though even with that one bad outing, I feel confident with the Shield. The thing has literally become a part of me.
Agreed. My bad. ..shoulda put that in op. But I'm betting my thumbs forward on this relatively small pistol is the problem. ..probably rubbing the slide. I'll try more of the Remington 115 gr JHPs ammo that caused the problem to see if it repeats.
Agreed. My bad. ..shoulda put that in op. But I'm betting my thumbs forward on this relatively small pistol is the problem. ..probably rubbing the slide. I'll try more of the Remington 115 gr JHPs ammo that caused the problem to see if it repeats.
You’d have to put a lot of pressure on the slide to cause it not to lock back. I don’t think the problem was your thumb rubbing the slide, I think the problem was your thumb riding the slide stop. It’s extremely common with a thumbs-forward grip. I keep my right thumb away from the gun and rested along the base of my left thumb to prevent this.
Copy that, Theohazard. I'll check out my grip the next time I'm @ the range and watch some vids on the topic before my next shoot. I thought I had a good purchase on the li'l hg but maybe it needs an adjustment. ..appreciate the comeback.
It's possible that it could've been an ammo issue too. Do you remember how the empty cases were ejecting? Were they being flung well clear of the gun or just kind of lazily plopping out of the ejection port? I have seen failures to lock back when the round has just enough power to cycle the slide enough to eject and feed, but not quite enough to engage the slide stop. Remington 115 gr JHP isn't a particularly powerful 9mm load and that combined with a new gun with a recoil spring which hadn't taken set yet could've caused your issue.
Nope. ..nothing unusual that caught my attention regarding spent rounds being lazily ejected. Next time I head out to the range I'll try those Remington's again just out of curiosity.