She's Outa There!


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From Fox news:

Dole to quit presidential race
9.02 a.m. ET (1310 GMT) October 20, 1999

By Ron Fournier, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former American Red Cross president Elizabeth
Dole has decided to drop out of the presidential race today, citing an inability to
raise enough money to compete with front-runner George W. Bush, The
Associated Press has learned.

Two sources close to Dole, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Dole would
announce her departure from the presidential race today in Washington.

"When the money becomes the message the process is diminished,'' Dole said in
a draft of her remarks provided to The AP.

She did not plan to endorse any GOP candidate, the sources said.

Her departure winnows the GOP field to seven candidates. Pat Buchanan, a
conservative television commentator, plans to bolt from the GOP on Monday.

Bush, the Texas governor, and Sen. John McCain of Arizona stand to benefit
from Dole's decision, because both are courting the same moderate Republican

Dole's historic race for the presidency — her supporters say she is the most
credible woman to seek the White House — came to an end just less than three
months after a surprisingly solid third-place finish in Iowa's straw poll. The finish
gave her a chance to boost her campaign, which was already sagging in polls and

She was unable to capitalize. Mrs. Dole raised just $5 million in 1999, less than
one tenth as much as Bush.

In the most recent campaign spending reports, Dole reported raising more than
$1 million from July to September. By comparison, Bush raised $20.2 million
during the same period.

Just last week, Dole fought off rumors of the impending demise of her campaign
by announcing that she would formally kick off her campaign on Nov. 7. She said
she hoped that date will turn into the anniversary of her election to the White

"It's exactly one year before the first presidential election of the new millennium
and our selection of that date reflects my sense that we will make history,'' Dole
said in a release.

On Tuesday night, Dole canceled a campaign appearance in Indianapolis at the
last minute. A campaign official said Dole was ill, and a letter faxed to Indiana
GOP Chairman Mike McDaniel referred to "unforeseen circumstances'' that
prevented her attendance.

Her departure leaves three candidates in the top tier: Bush, McCain and
millionaire conservative Steve Forbes.

Gary Bauer, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah and commentator Alan Keyes are
competing for conservative voters.

Dole, 63, earned her undergraduate degree from Duke University in 1958 and a
master's degree in education from Harvard in 1960, as well as a law degree from
Harvard Law School in 1965.

She married Bob Dole in 1975.

Dole started in the Democratic Johnson administration as a consumer advocate
and worked in the Republican Nixon administration as a Federal Trade
commissioner. When Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980, she was
appointed to head the White House Office of Public Liasion. The position serves
as the link between public interest groups and the executive branch.

In 1983, President Reagan appointed Dole transportation secretary. She was
sworn in by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the
Supreme Court. Dole herself was the first woman in Reagan's Cabinet and the
first female transportation secretary.

In September 1987, Dole told President Reagan she was resigning to help with
her husband's 1988 presidential campaign. George Bush beat Bob Dole for the
Republican nomination and went on to win the presidency over Democrat
Michael Dukakis. When Bush took office in 1989, he named Dole his labor

In October 1990, less than two years after taking office, Dole resigned as labor
secretary to become head of the Red Cross. News reports at the time said she
had little clout at the White House and most policy decisions were made by Chief
of Staff John Sununu. Dole denied any frustration.
© 1999, News America Digital Publishing, Inc. d/b/a Fox News Online.
All rights reserved. Fox News is a registered trademark of 20th Century Fox Film Corp.

© 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

I respect your right to your own opinions and beliefs
and will fight to the death to defend your right to them
regardless of how uninformed and ignorant they may be.
And this had nothing to do with those sad Viagra commercials Bob was doing?


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Damn, George.... that was a cheap shot.... :)

I respect your right to your own opinions and beliefs
and will fight to the death to defend your right to them
regardless of how uninformed and ignorant they may be.
Great news. And, deserved.

She'll paint it as simply a money problem. Her money problem was connected to her idea problem. Regarding the RKBA, we all know she was a complete idiot.

Look at her resume again. She was a professional bureaucrat. Dole may understand how government works, but she really doesn't have the background to truly understand how our society works. Especially freedom and personal responsibility. Sounds like the only payroll she ever met without government money was the Red Cross, and even that is quasi-governmental.

Good riddance. She is an example of exactly the wrong kind of person for that job.

I look forward to our first female President. But, I hope to see one more in the mold of a Margaret Thatcher instead of an Elizabeth Dole.

Regards from AZ
Yep, I agree with Jeff T.: good riddance to her! This morning's radio news attributed her dropping out to money, all right. But why should anybody contribute money to someone with as little to offer as she had? So the real issue is not money but the candidate herself.

BTW, I hope someone gets the idea that anti-gun rhetoric may spark the attention of the media, but it's not a substitute for a solid, viable candidacy, at least not in the Republican party.
As a consolation prize, she gets to keep that FIVE MILLION DOLLARS when she retires.

How many people run for President merely to collect graft and kickbacks "legally" and to improve their retirement funds?

Their "campaign chest" should go to the Treasury and be applied against the national debt. Such candidates as Liddy aren't serving their country - they are serving their bank account.
(Sorry for the double post, I saw the typos and tried to grab it before it went out, but sometimes the server is faster than me-M2)

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited October 20, 1999).]
Dennis nails it (again)!

I have friends and acquaintances who worked under her at DOT and ARC. Based on their hearsay, she is a self-serving bureaucrat, very ambitious, and can be a real b*tch when crossed. She is a product of the system, knows how to work it well, and probably hasn't had an original thought in her life, and will say whatever she thinks will 'sell'. She was never our friend. As the song goes, "thank God and Greyhound she's gone". M2
If she really was serious and wanted a shot at the White House...change as a Dem and she'd really be able to play the gender card.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Lizzie Dole took an axe, gave her campaign....

She went out like the liberal she is, blaming her problems on someone else. "Geroge W has more money than I could get, boo hoo hoo..."

She didn't realize she couldn't raise money because conservatives saw right through for what she is, Clinton in a Woman suit.

Gosh, I hope her and Bob go back to Dorothy in Kansas and we never hear from those two twits again!

Yup. That's what I said when we heard the news on the radio. I guess she's just not rich enough to be presidential material...huh?.
Thank God she's outta there! Now if He'll just give us someone with some testosterone (not the one who injects it into his arm) and stands on principles and BOR across the board, including second amendment.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I liked Liddy for years and half wanted her to become the pres, But she lost my vote and my respect when she made her comments about
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>What do you need an Ak-47 to protect your family for[/quote]

I don't have an Ak but I think you should if you want to.


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944
Politcal Darwnism still works...but then again, what about Billy?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Darwin is temporarily held in abeyance when you control the lab....after that control is gone Darwin comes with a vengence. His Billness will be offal on the historical record....just like the booger someone left on the library book when the page stuck ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I caught her "submission speech" this morning on the Communist News Network (CNN) this morning while fixing breakfast. Did anyone else catch the part about wanting to make America a place where kids "can't buy a sawed off shotgun across the counter??!!!!"
I really should not watch such events before eating because I am getting old and crabby and my ensuing meal does not sit well. Where in the world do they dream up such remarks? The scary thing about it is no one jumps up during such an affair and points out that the reason she is having to fold is because of such idiotic statements. As Lincoln once said "it is better to be thought of as a fool and keep one's mouth closed than to open it and remove all doubt".
Take care and God bless to all,
All I have to say is that no one really needs a presidential candidate who doesn't have a clue in her featherweight head.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
"it is better to be thought of as a
fool and keep one's mouth closed than to open it and remove all

Concise, precise....too bad politicos don't understand this.

Thanks Paladin :)

(I loved that show BTW!!!)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
With any luck this is the swan song for the Dole duo, but I suspect that she is the frontrunner for the GOP VP (I had to do that) spot.

But, maybe things will go our way and we won't have to listen to Liddy babble about more gun control or hear Bob drone on about his impotence anymore. And maybe he'll stop doing Viagra ads, too.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight