Sheriff Stone inJefferson County says more involved in Columbine massacre

Here is another little tidbit on Colombine. It seams that follwoing the incident some members of the local SERT/SWAT Teams that cleared the school were on pins & needles that some of the casulties were as a result of friend fire.

The President & First Lady then visit.

A week or so after that a Judge rules to seal the autopsy reports of the children killed.


Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Jim V,
You could have a solid argument that the hci folks might believe the way you you remember hearing a short while ago of the man in michigan who was killing hunters with an m1a(not sure on the state or the rifle..)....wasnt he portrayed as an animal rights freak?....memory is foggy on the details...fubsy.
from:Ivan8883 6-26-99 656PM EDT Yes, can you believe a judge sealed the autopsy reports of the victims? Coverup, coverup ,coverup! Justice is truly blind in Amerika today! Ivan8883
The judge involved has reversed himself. Some of the autopsies have been released, others are awaiting any appeal by the families involved.
An item I read a few weeks after Columbine stayed in the back of my mind, until I read
the stuff about a third shooter. The first
was by a psychologist who said the kids were so out of it, they thought that they would go
on with life and talked about doing things after the shootings. Then the charge was made that the "third shooter", called an adult by some survivors, killed the two shooters to tie up loose ends (brain washing, etc.). has anybody heard FOR SURE that the kids honest to God committed suicide? If their autopsy is hushed
up, it could be as bad as the JFK mess.
As I remember, all the first news stories on the Littleton shootings had three (3) shooters involved.

I am still trying to figure how two young men could get all those bombs in the school without some help from others. If you worked in the cafeteria wouldn't you have had some questions about a LPG tank being stored there?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 27, 1999).]
I usually don't chime in on posts like these, but a conspriracy of this magnitude would be unbelievable. It is really hard to believe that those kids were killed for a political policy agenda. There are real people out there with real mental problems. Bad environments can lead to children growing up with violent behavioral patterns. Scrutinizing every case of violence in this fashion could lead to unhealthy paranoia.

You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE."

- Jules
eric harris' autopsy is released, he killed himself with a shotgun through the roof of his mouth. dylan klebold was killed with a 9mm round through the left temple. Being that he was right handed there is conjecture that he was shot by harris. The ballistics are still being worked on to determine who exactly was shooting what.
"If I didn't see it on television, it didn't happen." This is how most Americans would respond to the "conspiracy theory", and "Our press would have uncovered something."

We will never really know for a fact whether the OKC or Columbine incidents were a part of a larger conspiracy, but we do know that they were in fact "conspiracies". That is, "An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or to accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action" (ref; American Heritage Dictionary 1981). Simple investigative techniques employed in both of these incidents have revealed; detailed planning, intricate communication between involved parties, and massive cover-up after the incidents occurred. Since the perpetrating parties were either apprehended or committed suicide, one can only conclude that the massive cover-up (especially in the OKC incident), was orchestrated by someone else involved in the orginal conspirital actions.

We cannot be so blinded by our own ignorance to believe what we hear at face value. It is in our human nature to uncover facts. Or have the American people been hypnotized to sleep, to ignore the obvious facts, or to believe the monotoned rhetoric of the local news anchor? Wake up America!
From: Ivan8883 6-28-99 456PM EDT Paul Revere,you are correct. The masses believe their local news anchor. The news anchor is paid big bucks not to be controversial or anti-establishment. The best news money can buy.
I happened to see some of the shooting live on TV and there was a reporter intervewing a boy that just excaped from the school. He said that he wished he had his rifle so he could have stoped the killing. The reporter about **** his pants and quickly changed the subject matter. You never saw this boy and intervew again, and have not to date. This was the last live intervew of a boy and there was only a few carefully directed intervews with girls afterwards!