Sheriff Stone inJefferson County says more involved in Columbine massacre


New member
From: Ivan8883 6-23-99 1120 PM EDT On July 19, I believe, Sheriff Stone of Jefferson County ,Colo. has stated he believes more were involved in Colombine massacre. Many people ,including myself, have said from the start that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" ,to paraphase Shakespeare. There were reports of at least a third shooter,the FBI seized the tapes from inside the school and who knows what that organization has done with them,the two supposed killers had loads of explosives and other paraphenaliawhich would seem hard for the two punks to gather without outside help(It has been described as a military operation),and one of the survivors, A Ms. Nelson, seems to think one of the shooters was a ADULT. THe Feds cleaned the crime scene quickly at Waco and Oklahoma City and I believe this slaughter of innocents is in the same vein. I am not happy to think like this but it smells of black ops. What do you all think?
Hey, If you wanted to promote gun control, didn't give a crap about about civilians, and really figured (thru a warped mind) that a few lives lost here will allow us to pass laws that will (save more lives later) or (allow us to further disarm our subjects), take you pick, it starts you to wondering. I don't however subscribe to that theory, but if it turned out to be true, I would not at all be surprised. After all you are talking about a government that let military people be exposed to radiation via nuclear test, keep proper medical treatment for STDs from blacks in an experiment, tried LSD on unknowing soldiers. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Question for those out there: What was being debated (firearms wise) when Patrick Purdy shot up the school yard? "Assault Rifles" what ever the hell they are, since true assault rifles have been under federal regulation since the NFA was enacted.

It seems that sometime during or just before the debate on more fire arms/freedom restrictions there are incidents that are germain to that debate.

"If there be treachery, let there be jehad."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I guess that I am a conspiracy nutcase because I truly cannot believe that this was another coincidence of a shooting fortuitously happening on the eve of anti gun leglislation that has already been drafted.
May I point out that there was not a school shooting before B J Clinton was president and he was the coiner of the phrase "For the children".
Another coincidence.

Better days to be,

'Round here, the teachers have been using "for the children" to get themselves increased salaries for years. (Not saying the increases weren't needed, just noting the verbiage.)
Personally I think in order to support the theory that the US government is killing high school student in order to promote gun control you have to be smoking some pretty good banana peels. :) Whatever kind of bastard Klinton is I really don't think he would condone mass murder of kids(adults maybey) to support his socialist regime. The timing is rather odd I must admit. Wait a minute is that burning banana I smell? :)

[This message has been edited by Daren Thompson (edited June 24, 1999).]
Ask the Branch Davidinians if the first felon's goons would not murder children.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Daren; I dont know that it happened that way but two things are certain.
1. Global disarming of citizens is a UN/NWO requirement that has already started.
2. The "coincidence" always happens.I used to blame it on Chucky"Putzhead" Schumer but I over rated him.Check it out. It is always there and these guys are NOT reacting. They arent even surprised.

Better days to be,

Ya'll know your makeing me not sleep much at night with these threads.........if your right that this is a conspiracy and the un/nwo, clinton/gore...etc., are doing or having done such murders prior to debates then it should be happening again in the near future so that the point can again be raised prior to the election and used once again to help cripple the republicans......I have a very hard time believing that, but it is durn curious Ill admit...fubsy.
Something that I always regarded as suspicious is that a month after the repeal of some provisions of the Brady Bill by the Supreme Court a couple of years ago, we get the first of a series of school shootings. Each one more terrible than the first.

Before the First Bastard came into office, I would have thought that anyone who entertained such conspiratorial ramblings to be more than a little "affected." Not anymore. I don't even trust 3/4 of the Republicans currently in office.
If the Feds would/could dream up such an extreme scam, I would expect the shooters to be armed with AK's and AR's (preferably full auto). No bombs.

I don't think we need to look for specters in every act of violence to determine who the opponents to the Bill of Rights are. It only serves to alienate us from thos who are willing to look at the issues.
Hang on to your hats. If you haven't already read about the suspicious cover-up surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing, I suggest you do so (check out , and look in the subject index under OKC). Independent ex-military explosive experts don't buy the government's story that Timothy Mc Veigh perpetuated the damage to the Murrah Federal Building with a 2,000 pound fertilizer/fuel oil bomb in the back of that van. In fact, they concluded that a 40 foot tractor trailer filled with 30,000 pounds of the same stuff wouldn't have caused the amount of destruction that actually occurred. In addition, radio transmissions minutes after the bombing between local police and federal folks mention, "several unexploded devices inside the building". Experts describe how building columns were blown off at their bases, far inside the epicenter of the van blast, leaving columns next to the blast standing. Then, before a thorough forensic investigation could be completed in the bombed out building, it was ordered to be torn down. The debris was trucked off to a landfill where it was secured and guarded from intruders. So what you ask? About one week later, Clinton announced his Omnibus Crime Bill which included all sorts of liberty violating regulations, as well as ordered witch hunts into the dreaded "militia movement", which Clinton called, "the evil amoung us".

So what does this have to do with Columbine? Think about the timing and the "coincidence" of that event. Apparently carried out on Hitler's birthday, there were 3 bills on the Colorado Governor's desk which all dealt with easing gun controls in Colorado which were sure to have been signed the week following the Columbine incident, and the NRA's annual meeting, events, gun shows, and seminars were also scheduled for the following week. How did Columbine affect these things? The bills were **** canned, and the NRA's events were all cancelled (except the annual meeting), and the media went on an NRA feeding frenzy, gun shows were demonized, and the week following the incident Clinton again surrounded by LEO's, Sarah Brady, and a host of other anti-gunners made a rose garden announcement of his Juvenile Crime Bill. This latest bill, as we now know so well, attacked law abiding gun owners, and sparked the "registration" debate.

Are we so caught up with our own lives to not smell the stench surrounding these incidents? Shall we ignore the uses of hypnosis, brain altering drugs, and an array of other "spook" induced manipulation techniques that could have orchestrated this entire event for the desired outcome? A few lives taken in a high school made for more than a month of media propaganda, which created the "emotions" necessary to attempt to ram new legistation through Congress. Is this just a coincidence, or an act of conspirital planning? Never under estimate those who wish to create a "new world order". They have the money and the power to get things like this done, and have decades of experience covering their tracks. You decide.

What's more, it is possible that these events did not cause the erosion of our liberties that "they" had anticipated and "they" are becoming quite impatient. Look for an incident of much greater proportions to occur in the near future, covered up again by some other event, like Y2K.
I agree strongly with your post. However, why is it in both the OKC and Waco disasters (for lack of a better term), the scene was destroyed quickly by the government as soon as the scene was safe enough to destroy?

I tend to rely upon the stupidity, greed, in-fighting, etc. of our government officials to limit their ability to work in concert. But there is a pattern here that makes me uncomfortable: timing, severity, public outcry, destruction/manipulation of (possible) evidence, etc.
What's going on here?
I'm still in the camp that says "interesting coincidence" (someone is still trying to prove Stanton engineered Lincoln's assassination). However, I'm starting to lean the other way after Columbine. What concerns me is that "sniper rifles" (50 cals) is next on the dance card. Any tragedy involving that weapon will make me a convert. Sure hope I'm wrong. The info on the OK bombing is REALLY interesting.
Government involvement wouldn't be necessary. For proof that some people believe the end justifies the means, we need only look at people who bomb abortion clinics and kill abortion doctors. Their justification is that they kill a few so that thousands might live.

Could some anti-gun types feel the same way? Sure. And the son of a Handgun Control activist provided the TEC-9 to the "kids" at Littleton. Did Mommy know? Did Sarah Brady know? What did they know and when did they know it?

If anyone wants to investigate, follow the money. Ask where a down and out bum like Purdy got the money to travel to Oregon and buy hundreds of bucks worth of gun. Ask where Colin Ferguson, a mental defective living in a furnished room one step above a cardboard castle, got the money to make two trips to California and buy a gun, while the California legislature was debating gun control.

Paranoid? Maybe, but it sure sounds like a lot of coincidence. And a lot of money magically appearing a just the right time.

From Ivan6-25-99 728PM EDT Paul Revere, you are dead on in your analysis of Oklahoma City Bombing. There were several witnesses to the other unexploded devices inside building; some who aree not around anymore. General Ben Parton, explosive expert retired, is convinced inside devices were used. Inside informant Linda Howe told ATF that there would be incident either in Tulsa or Okahoma City. No ATF agents or family were in Murray Building that fateful morning. The idea that a truck loaded so called fertilizer bomb could dosuch damage is preposterous. Feds cleaned up place real quick before serious investigation could begin. This bombing made Big Comrade's relection certain and did result in the government anti terrorist bill which is one more step to complete dictatorship. The State of Oklahoma convened a grand jury to look into the facts of this disaster ;thanks to representative Keyes from Oklahoma. But thanks to supression of much evidence that grand jury could not hear,nothing was accomplished. We have the best government money can buy and it seems to be one big Ill scratch your back if you will scratch my back between the three branches of government and the many alphabet soup governmental agencies(ATF,FBI, CIA, DEA,IRS,etc) These alphbet soup agencies all spell one thing in my dictionary: TYRANNY . Ivan
Do you really think, I mean really think, that slick and his merry band of felons can make a distinction between civilians in Serbia, Iraq or Colorado? It's all for the good of the cause. It's all for the children, even if you have to break some eggs to make that omlet.

just heard of another coincidence. A couple of days ago a father in Colorado shot his 3 daughters then piled them into a van & pulled up in front of a police station and began shooting at the windows. The LEO's finally killed him. Tonite on the news they said that the father bought the gun but for some reason he the NICS failed, Then some guy from Hangun Control says that we need tighter laws for background checks. He also said NICS is only as good as what the state puts into it.
familiar theme?, horrible tragedy=more rights taken away.
here is a link to the story that appeared in a local paper in Colorado.

There was a conversation on the radio this afternoon regarding the "suicide by cop" of the father who had shot his three daughters.

The father was under a restraining order. As reported on the local news; the restraining order had not been served so the info hadn't made it to the NICS computers. So he was approved!

Yep, let's trust the government to protect the children from gun violence. The government is here to help you.

It would have been so much better if the mother of the girls didn't have to rely on the government to protect her children from her demented husband, and could do it herself.

As in Columbine and in Arkansas, one responsible person carrying a firearms in the right place at the right time could have ended the slaughter.