Sheepdog Tackles Man With Gun...

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According to the articles, no, he did not call the police, nor did he inform any Walmart employees.

He only called the police AFTER the fact.
I prefer Gary's (+1) take.
We love to always say "...when seconds count..."
He rolled the dice on what he perceived as immediate threat and they fell the wrong way.
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The man ( sheepdog ) lacked judgement and common sense.
That is all.
Dollars to donuts he is a hot headed bully no one would want for a neighbor and especially would not want to be seated next to in a football game..
The video was very disturbing to me.

The above being said --- conceal well. Any one wee seemingly inconsequential action can have escalating consequences
Not to push the racial component to the exclusion of other factors, but it is very important.

I think what WyMark said in post 14 needs to be reiterated. The CHL holder was black, the idiot was white, and he freaked and attacked when he saw a black man with a concealed (maybe poorly concealed) handgun.

The OP also noted that the CHL holder was a little short on situational awareness to be taken off guard, but I can't criticize him; I'm not perfect either.
The man who was attacked looked and dressed like a solid, middle class, middle aged citizen period.

He wasn't covering his face, dressing and acting like a thug, or giving indication of criminal intent --

He did let slip a peek of his legally concealed weapon.

It could have happened to any of us.

I am just upset over the attackers actions sorry :cool:.

In such a situation, if one was confronted with a hostile scenario, would it even be wise to use your gun, given the density of people roaming about?

The chances of shooting someone that you would not intend to would be rather high I imagine.
Sorry to ramble but -

How in the world didn't the attacker give thought the man wasn't an off duty policeman!!!!!
Unless I am in the field...I keep a gun hidden or cased (if transporting)..I don't want attention from others nor hassle. As to the attacker, he earned those bracelets.
How in the world didn't the attacker give thought the man wasn't an off duty policeman!!!!!

The report said that Daniels was 62. Which might lean the duffus toward not thinking he was cop. However it makes me take the racial element even more seriously. I can't see inside Foster's head, but this whole incident raises some racial red flags.

Very glad charges were filed.
I was discussing this with my shooting buddy. On range days and gun show days, we spend what amounts to a long day together out and going to different places. Certainly to restaurants, gas stations and retail stores.

If this had happened to either one of us, the other one of us would have reacted with our handgun. And while it is simply NOT possible to "plan" a situation and each situation evolves however it evolves, if my buddy is the one being tackled and I am the armed friend witnessing this happening, I've got a real situation on my hand right from the get-go, but it turns a page IF/WHEN idiot do-gooder citizen guy makes the decision to reach for that holstered handgun on my friend.

In fact, if the citizen guy is being charged with assault and battery, should a firearm charge be tacked on top if that gun came out of the holster by anyone other than it's owner or a sworn LEO?

Easy to sit around after the fact and find out the background and "intentions" of do-gooder bystander guy. But when someone is tackled and placed in to a choke-hold and a loaded handgun is present, there are only seconds to predict what may or may happen next.

If the legal and licensed 62-yr old guy in this story had been with -HIS- best shooting buddy at the Wal-Mart, the do-gooder idiot might be leaking from holes and this would not play well for licensed gun folks in the lamestream media.
My thoughts went along the same lines: If someone physically attacks me and goes for my gun, I am fighting with everything I have, because I have been given every reason to think that my life is in immediate danger.

In a state with over 1.3 million concealed weapons permits, assuming that everyone with a gun is a bad guy is a special kind of stupid.
I’ve seen some stupid people doing stupid acts but that one takes the cake.
If someone attacked me like that moron I would have defended myself. And I wouldn’t have allowed him to hump me like the moron did.
I think sexual battery was also needed. Not making a joke.
Well, that is pretty funny because there was no sexual battery, LOL. There was no humping evident on the video. The police have reviewed the video and made their charges and for good reason they didn't include sexual battery.
OK, so what do we take away from this? Don't commit an act of stupidity in a public place (or a private place, for that matter :D)

As to any racial element, we have no idea what was going through Mr. Sheepdog's mind, so let's not even go there.

Interesting thread, but it's run its course.

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