Sheepdog Tackles Man With Gun...

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...only the man with the gun is a licensed CCW and the sheepdog is an idiot.

Michael Foster apparently spotted Clarence Daniels' gun while in the parking lot and followed Daniels into Wal-Mart where he implemented a less than perfect takedown of Daniels. Foster was aided by several other do-gooders who helped to disarm Daniels and remove the gun from the immediate area and keep Daniels pinned down.

During the event, Foster is yelling "He has a gun!" and Daniels is yelling that he has a license for it.

Foster was charged for the battery.

Several lessons here. If you carry concealed, make sure it stays concealed.

Situational awareness is important. I doubt most people would realize they are about to be attacked while entering a Wal-Mart, however. As with any use of force situation, if you get involved, you better get it right. It doesn't matter that you are being a sheepdog and trying to save the world if you attack the wrong person. Foster is lucky that Daniels was old(er, aged 62), apparently not well trained, and completely not expecting the attack or Foster may have been injured or killed as a result of his attempted choke hold. Daniels is lucky Foster didn't severely injure him. They are both lucky nobody got shot during the disarming and hot-potato gun handling that went on afterwards.

Youtube version of video for when the news links die.
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In answer to a statement in another thread about concealed means concealed I CAN see the following situation:

If you're going to a lot of places and some allow guns and some do not you might be put into the position of having to unholster and reholster your gun. Usually this is much easier if you are standing the future if I ever have to do this I guess I'll try to do it while seated in the car and put it in the lock box and hope no one like the guy in the story sees me through the window when I take it out of the box and reholster it.

In my state (MN) I have no doubt whatsoever that the anti-gun folk will turn this story around and say it is another argument for NOT allowing concealed carry.
There's a reason God invented the word "concealed."
In today's world, keep it that way...
and don't bother try to "educate" sheep by display.
As I had mentioned in the other (locked) thread, it underscores for me the advantage of carrying concealed over open carry. There's less agitation to the public and it makes the CCL holder less of a target for do-gooders and thieves alike.
I just looked at the video....
I'd call this 'careless' concealed rather than open display.

Again... in today's world, a bit of care for effect on the sheep is a consideration.
(BTW: Had the guy been in a sportcoat & tie, I doubt anyone would have blinked
even if they had seen it. And frankly had it been full & open carry, it's also unlikely
it would have elicited the reaction.)

It's a total package problem
I see folk open carrying here every day and have never heard of anyone jumping on them . Also there is being concerned and beong stupid . We all see something that might concern us from time to time .
IMO: The so called "sheepdog" is an idiot. This comment from the sheriff's office says it all.

"As Daniels entered the store, a label for the coffee creamer in his pocket in case he forgot the brand, Foster tackled him to the ground and placed him in a choke hold, sheriff's spokesman Larry McKinnon said.


"Unfortunately he tackled a guy that was a law-abiding citizen," McKinnon said. "We understand it's alarming for people to see other people with guns, but Florida has a large population of concealed weapons permit holders."

Now comes the civil lawsuit.
1. Calling this guy a sheepdog is insulting to my half caucasian mountain dog. he demands recompense in the form of fajita steak. He's not picky-he'll take either chicken or beef.

2. Note the bystanders who eventually start helping the putz. Yea I'd be suing them too.

3. The good thing is no one got killed. Attacking someone with a gun from behind is an excellent way for bad things to happen really fast.
I would have thought Assault and Battery.
That may well be the actual charge since it's not possible to have "battery" (contact) without an "assault" (attack)

I don't pay too much attention to the precise wording in these types of stories since reporters often get things wrong
In my state, it is called assault in the criminal statute even though it is equivalent to the tort of battery at common law. I don't know what it is called in the Florida criminal statute.
I won't be too surprised to see federal civil rights charges filed as well. Foster witnessed Daniels in the act of AWB - Armed While Black - and concluded that a crime was about to be committed.
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DaleA said:
In my state (MN) I have no doubt whatsoever that the anti-gun folk will turn this story around and say it is another argument for NOT allowing concealed carry.
Or it's another argument for legalizing open carry everywhere, so people will be less inclined to freak out when they see a "citizen" carrying (wearing) a sidearm.

I hope Mr. Sheepdog gets a stiff fine and some jail time. The older gentleman could have been seriously injured by Mr. Sheepdog's idiotic little stunt. He might just as well have rushed around the parking lot and tackled some soccer mom as she was getting into her car. "Look out! She's got a car!"
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Or it's another argument for legalizing open carry everywhere, so people will be less inclined to freak out when they see a "citizen" carrying (wearing) a sidearm.

That's pretty much what my state has done...though I'm still not one to advocate for open carry as being generally a good idea for those who wish to carry.
This guy is not a "sheepdog". He's just an idiot "do gooder" who lacks the sense to properly assess a situation. He saw a weapon and freaked out and impulsively acted without any consideration for the consequences and is very lucky the victim did not react by shooting him or some of the other people joining in. Someone else may have reacted by shooting this idiot and would have been totally justified in acting to defend himself from what he could very easily perceive as a threat to his life when some nut is choking him without warning. I'm afraid that with all the idiot anti gun hysteria/propaganda these days this sort of thing has made some folks just lose all ability to think.
If I were Mr. Daniels I would pursue charges against Mr. Foster. If for no other reason than to make a clear point, gun does not equal criminal! As someone already said, Mr. Foster is lucky no one was shot or injured during his misguided attempt at heroism.:mad:
I understand the uninformed seeing someone slip a handgun under thier Tshirt and going into a store would think the worst but did he call the Police ?
Open and conceled carry is allowed in TN with a permit . There is a push for open carry for any firearm owner without a permit but I dont see the Nashvile politicians going for it with thier Big outside $$ may not like it mentality . Thier to worried about what the New York and West Coast investors want to be concerned about the locals .
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