Share a gun joke...


Two guys, tenderfoots, go hunting. They get lost. One states..

" I've heard that if you shoot 3 times, it's a distress signal, and help may find you. I'll go first."

So over the next few hours they did just that, taking turns. Eventually one says to the other...."Shoot, it's your turn."

"Can't"........ says his pal...."Out of arrows".
Dead Eye Dick . . . .

Dead Eye Dick was the best revolver shooter in the world. He won every competition everywhere. At each match, before he shot, he'd pull up a locket he had on a chain around his neck, open it, look inside, close it and go on to win the competition. He never revealed with was inside the locket save to say that it was the secret to revolver shooting.

When Dead Eye died, his followers waited a respectful amount of time and then gathered around the locket. Inside it said . . . .

"Single action, cock first. Double action, just pull."
Sven and Ole were out duck hunting. Nothing had been flying so they were enjoying a cup of hot coffee. All of a sudden a mallard flew overhead and dropped some duck poop, which hit Ole on his new hunting jacket.

Ole: "Cripes. Dat stuuupid duck fleww over and pewped on my neww huntin' yacket."

Sven: "Oh calm down, Ole. I got some toilet paper up der in da truck".

Ole: "Vhat good vill dat do? By da time you get to da truck and back, he'll be miles from here".
Guy walks into a gun store. He buys the cheapest revolver there, and before he leaves he asks the clerk if he can buy 5 rounds of ammunition for it.

Clerk replies that its sold by the box and the smallest box is 20 rounds. the guy stops and thinks and says "only need 5 rounds for the wife, and the wifes lawyer only left me enough for the gun. Think its strong enough to take a beating?
A dude decides to go hunting and an experienced hunter takes him into the field.
He tells the newby, "If you shoot a deer, be very careful, some of these hill billy's may try to take it away from you". "Just fire three shots and I'll come running to stop them".

A little later he hears a shot, then a few minutes later three more shots, so he rushed out to see what was going on.
When he arrived he found the dude holding his rifle on a man backed up against a tree, scared to death.
The dude says "He was trying to steal my deer so I covered him until you could get here".
The man against the tree shouts....
"Honest to god mister, I was just trying to get my saddle back".

A doctor was an avid deer hunter.
One year three thugs stole his deer, and when he reported it to a game warden the thugs showed that their tag was on the deer's ear.

Next year the doc got his deer and the same three thugs took it too.
He reported this to a warden and he stopped the three thugs.
They again showed their tag on the deer's ear.

The doc whispered to the warden and he went over and opened the deer's mouth.
There was the docs tag under the deer's tongue.

A sheriff was having a beer in the saloon when a wanted outlaw came in.
Seeing the sheriff sitting at a table sipping a beer he swaggered over and told the sheriff that he bet he could out draw the sheriff, especially since the sheriff was sitting down.
The sheriff casually said. "Notice the beer in my left hand and my gun hand under the table"?
"It's kind of hard to out-draw a man who's already drawed".

This is supposedly a true story from my home town from back in the 1930's.

Two men were playing cards and one caught the other cheating and called him on it.
The cheater pulled a .22 automatic and shot the other man once.
This somewhat angered him so he took the gun away from the cheater and emptied the other 9 rounds into him.

At the hearing the judge asked......
"Bob why did you empty the gun into Jack, one or two would have done it".
Bob replied.....
"Well judge, every time he moved I shot him and every time I shot him he moved".
No, just guys who post without reading...

I can't believe this needs explaining.

1. Gun-related content: hunting scenario. The general assumption being that you are hunting with a firearm since it is a firearm thread

2. Rube in joke assumes using a bow will create the same signal a firearm report will.

3. Satirical situation makes people other than jonnyc and ghbucky smile.

"I can't believe this needs explaining."

And I can't believe you didn't read post #21...right after your arrow joke!
Not a joke, a true story.

Guy walks into a gun shop and asks if they have 357 Sig ammo. The clerk answers "yes, how much do you want" as he walks toward where the 357 Sig ammo is located.

Customer pulls 2 empty magazines out of his pocket and hands them to the clerk and says. "One holds 10 rounds, the other 13, I'll take 23 rounds."

Another true story.

A well respected local preacher finds a great deal on a used shotgun in a pawn shop and buys it. Before leaving he expresses concern about how he will explain it to his wife.

A few weeks later the pawn shop owner ran into the preacher and asked him how he sneaked the gun past his wife. Preacher told him that he decided he couldn't lie and he decided to just walk it with it in front of his wife and explain what a great deal he got on it.

But when his wife saw the shotgun she asked, "Honey, did you kill anything today?" To which he simply replied "No, didn't see a thing."
remembers me of a few off color jokes..

man sitting in the police conferance room with his lawyer. Lawyer asks why he killed his mother in law. man says that his employer gave 3 days for inlaws and step siblings who die as part of paid family leave. Lawyer understands and asks why the man killed his wife as well. man replies,

they give 5 days for that.