Shall-Issue Finally to Come in Iowa?

Iowa WILL be Shall Issue

We just got word that Governor Culver will sign our SHALL ISSUE Bill this Thursday, April 29. That makes Iowa the next SHALL ISSUE State!

Merged threads....

I just heard it today. Funny, though. Culver stated the 2nd has always been near and dear in importance to him. HAH! Yeah, right. But I can't knock his voting record regarding this....

Happy camper in Blue Grass...
Iowa Now Shall Issue

At least it will be shall issue as of 1 January 2011.

I was actually kind of surprised that this article in the Des Moines register didn't have more anti reaction.

Of course, during the ramp up to this, the antis were predicting spur of the moment shootouts between CCW holders and blood of innocents flowing in the streets.

They predicted the same thing in Virginia in 1994, and my blood bucket hasn't been filled a single time!
Jim, the training is provided by the sherrifs dept. usually on a saturday. I belive the cost is still 15.00. I will ask a cousin works for the dept there.
I see some definite improvements, but I also see a couple of things that'll need to be addressed. The fees quintupled, and permit information is a matter of "public record," meaning newspapers will likely publish lists of permit holders.

Other than that, it's nice to see them accepting any state's permit without the need for a reciprocity agreement. I know this was an uphill battle, and the folks at Iowa Carry did a marvelous job.

I can't remember if I asked this before, but if there are any folks from Iowa Carry here: was the Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence organization a significant roadblock to this, and if so, did their disintegration help move things forward?
It looks like the fees matched the increase in the permit time from 1 year ($10) straight up to a five yer permit at $50.
True, but it's not as if they have to administer the permit every year. If anything, going with a once-every-five-years scheme results in 20% the maintenance of the old system.

...or am I expecting too much for the government to be a bit efficient?

I'd really like to hear about the circumstances and the steps taken to get things to this point in Iowa. It could be very helpful to folks trying to get the ball rolling in other states.
Des Moines gunshop owner interview

Did any of you central Iowans see the interview last night on the 5 o'clock news about the new law with the Des Moines gunshop owner? I watched it with amazement. I will never buy a anything from him again.
His statements about assualt rifles and other weapons were out of line in my opinion. Neither of these items had anything to do with the story of the new law. He also showed pistol gripped shotguns and short rifles that he said were now legal to carry concealed. How many of you here have carried either of these concealed? Jim
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