Shall-Issue Finally to Come in Iowa?

I've been keeping my ear to the ground and found out a House And Senate Files were reintroduced to change Iowa from a may-issue to a shall-issue. We'll see if it passes through this time. Some bullet points and contact information courtesy of the NRA-ILA:

House File 2528 and Senate File 2379

-Increase from one year to 5 years the validity of a carry permit;

-Narrow the disqualifying circumstances for a permit to the federal minimum in most cases, while further narrowing state-specific disqualifiers;

-Ensure that denials, suspensions, and revocations of permits would be subject to both administrative and judicial review;

-Protect personally-identifiying information in permit applications from public disclosure;

-Allow Iowa to enter reciprocity agreements with other states for recognition of each other's permits;

-Broaden the types of training that would fulfill the state-mandated training requirement for permit applidants;

State House of Rep

State Senate

I'm fairly excited these Files. They've been placed on the backburner in the past. Also, Congress is ran by Democrats. However, I think they'll actually get this one moving since some of them are pro-gun. All I can do is keep in touch with my reps with fingers crossed.
It'd be awesome, that's what it would be.

I live in SE Minnesota, next to Wisconsin, with NO permits, Iowa, who doesn't recognize anyone else's permits, and within range of Illinois, which has no permits.

Any time one of my neighboring states looks like it might adopt better reciprocity laws is a good day for me.
I am honestly shocked that Mr. Gronstal actually revived this bill in the state senate.

If he actually supported gun rights CCW would have passed years ago.
I just sent Senator Gronstal the following email:

I would like to thank you for reviving SF 2379. I urge you to support passage of this legislation. It is time for Iowa to join the majority of states in enacting a fair and objective system for the issuance of concealed weapons permits that supports the rights of law abiding citizens to carry firearms and defend themselves.

I thank you for your efforts and urge your continued support.

I grew up in council Bluffs and am still registered to vote there. I hope Senator gronstal supports this legislation because I believe Governor Culver will sign it.
I am honestly shocked that Mr. Gronstal actually revived this bill in the state senate.

Better late than never, we both hope...

With Culver salivating over how our new federally elected administration is doing, I'm pretty nervous if he will even sign it. I'm taking the initiative by taking a CCW course tomorrow to prep for Utah and Florida non-res permits. Once that's in place, I'm applying for the Iowa permit. Our sheriff has had a change of heart during the last election cycle and has kept to his word.
my mom still lives in wisc... and we go there every spring to fish.... illinois and wisconsin are the only two states on the whole way there in which I cannot legally conceal carry:o
Let's see:

  • Shall-issue permits
  • statewide pre-emption
  • clarified appeals process for denials
  • more realistic training requirements

Good work on the part of Iowa Carry! I know it's been a hard road for them getting there.
The only thing I don't like in the bill is the ability of the sherrif to deny a permit based on credible evidence that you have committed acts that indicate that you may use a firearm illegally. The only saving grace for that provision is that the acts must have occured within the previous two years.

Other than that this is light years ahead of where we have been.

There appear to be some fringe organizations opposed to this based on the fact that it is not perfect.

You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

If this passes we can always try and improve on it later and it would be hard for it to be repealed.
The Iowa House just voted to pass SF 2379.


Now it just has to get signed by Governor Culver.

He has said he will sign it in the past.
YESSSSSS!!! The Bill passed both the Senate and House. Now on to the Governor. When signed, it will take effect Jan 1, 2011. This will make Iowa a true SHALL ISSUE State. No more County by County discrimination by well-meaning and some not-so-well-meaning Sheriffs.

Will be great to carry when traveling back there...have some family there and get up there a couple times a year. I'll be watching this post. Let us know when it gets signed...:)
The beauty of it is the House and Senate voted for it in such a unanimous fashion that even if Culver vetoes it, Congress would more than likely give him the Hawaiian peace sign while overriding his veto. :D
Congrats to you Iowans. My sister and her husband are newly minted Iowans, and when I visit my brother and his wife in MN, I have to drive through your excessively flat state. :D

It will be nice to have full reciprocity all the way north.
Flat? Guess you haven't driven in Nebraska. :p

Actually, in the eastern border, we have some beautiful landscape due to the Mississippi River.
Guess you haven't driven in Nebraska.

Heh, no, I've done Kansas though. The dot off in the distance is the back of your own head.

I'll eventually get a chance to see that landscape near the Mississippi; my sister lives in Dubuque and gets to mess around with preproduction heavy equipment.

I'm glad that she and her husband will have the option to defend themselves and when I visit, so will I.