shall carry vs. may issue

may issue is subject to abuse. sheriff may be anti-gun or may not like you personally (me b/c of politics). If you can legally own a gun, you should be able to carry concealed or open. To open a whole 'nother can of worms, you're either in jail paying you're debt to society or you aren't in jail and should have the rights of any other citizen. (No, I'm not a felon, but if you shouldn't be able to legally own a gun, you should still be locked up.)
As well, there is a standard course of live fire/ proficiency in which 50 rounds are fired at ranges of 3, 7, and 25 yards with a minimum score of 80 out of 100 required to pass.

What happens if you shoot someone at 25 yards? I can't think of too many instances in which that would be justified. It doesn't sound like a reasonable requirement to me.
What happens if you shoot someone at 25 yards? I can't think of too many instances in which that would be justified. It doesn't sound like a reasonable requirement to me.

If someone points a gun at me from 25 yards, I would not think it unjustified to shoot my own. I would certainly be in fear of my life or serious injury.

You only have to shoot a total of 12 rounds at that distance, 12 rounds at 7 and 26 at 3 yards. This is shooting at a pretty standard silhouette target with a fairly large target zone. [for some reason no pictures of these targets are to be found via google:confused:] This zone, which is most of the area of the silhouette outline, counts 2 points per hit, and the outer part of the silhouette counts 1. Misses are zero. A score of 80 is pretty easy...only two hits in the target zone required at the longer distance.

Reasonable requirement? Maybe, maybe not. Frankly, I would think anyone serious about taking up a firearm for self defense would make sure they can shoot it at least this well. At least anyone committed to carrying it around with them in public.
Just remember when your shooting for real your accuracy can drop off as much as half as accurate as at the range.

If someone points a gun at me from 25 yards, I would not think it unjustified to shoot my own. I would certainly be in fear of my life or serious injury.

You only have to shoot a total of 12 rounds at that distance, 12 rounds at 7 and 26 at 3 yards. This is shooting at a pretty standard silhouette target with a fairly large target zone. [for some reason no pictures of these targets are to be found via google] This zone, which is most of the area of the silhouette outline, counts 2 points per hit, and the outer part of the silhouette counts 1. Misses are zero. A score of 80 is pretty easy...only two hits in the target zone required at the longer distance.

Reasonable requirement? Maybe, maybe not. Frankly, I would think anyone serious about taking up a firearm for self defense would make sure they can shoot it at least this well. At least anyone committed to carrying it around with them in public.
I'm in agreement that if you can own a gun you can carry it... openly.

If you want to carry concealed a simple permit process could be in effect. I envisioned one that would go like this....

Go to the police station or sheriff and ask to get a CCW. You have to fill out a brief form for your ID info and answer some questions like the 4473 form.

They take your ID and run your records for any disqualifiers. Then, they take thumbprint and your photo.
You pay them $15
Within about 20 minutes you get your laminated card.
And a pamphlet that describes off-limits CCW zones and what to do if you have to shoot (call 911, get help, STFU)
Have a nice day.

The ONLY reason I can think of to retain a permit for CCW is that most cops feel a little better about you if they know you've been screened.
This is very close to what we do in PA. It that simple in most counties. It would seem the closer you get to a large urban area the more the sheriff takes liberties with the law. Most sheriffs don't offer a pamphlet and those that do its wrong.

Add: price in my county is $25

I'm in agreement that if you can own a gun you can carry it... openly.

If you want to carry concealed a simple permit process could be in effect. I envisioned one that would go like this....

Go to the police station or sheriff and ask to get a CCW. You have to fill out a brief form for your ID info and answer some questions like the 4473 form.

They take your ID and run your records for any disqualifiers. Then, they take thumbprint and your photo.
You pay them $15
Within about 20 minutes you get your laminated card.
And a pamphlet that describes off-limits CCW zones and what to do if you have to shoot (call 911, get help, STFU)
Have a nice day.

The ONLY reason I can think of to retain a permit for CCW is that most cops feel a little better about you if they know you've been screened.
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I live in GA so it is shall issue, just a background check, pay for fingerprints and application, and wait about a month and you get your "firearms permit."

A lot of folks always think a course or test will weed out the bad guys. Maybe I am not understanding the purpose of the course or test. I would think the government would try to weed out people who would be prone to accidentally shoot someone or themselves. The permit is not to make the permit holder into some type policeman is it? If it is to reduce accidents, let's look at the number of permit holders who have accidentally shot someone or themselves while legally carrying outside of thier property. Plus, you cannot make a simple test to test how someone is going to react in a life or death situation. If it is to weed out criminals, then just a background check is sufficient. Am I missing the argument?
The test is a sop to the anti gunners

And thats all. Something that can be used to "prove" competence. There is no test that can prevent accidents, it is just something to make the process more complicated than it needs to be. Anything that makes it more difficult is good in the eyes of the anti-gunners. If they can't stop it outright, they try to make it as difficult as they can.

Many states have no test, no minimum range score, or anything like that. Just a pay the fee, fill out the forms, and (eventually) get your permit. Those states have no higher a rate of "accidents" than anywhere else, and lower than some.

The CCW permit does NOT make the holder into a law enforcement officer, in any way, shape, or form. It does not authorize you to go out and fight crime. All it does is give the gun owner a legal protection from prosecution for carrying a gun concealed.