SF Bay Area TFLers?

Plinking means informal targets and includes anything allowed on the range. Not sure about the .50 cal stuff or shotgun. I do know we had someone with a belt fed machine gun, but he was required to shoot single shots.
Well.......once again I'll cast my vote for richmond............any weekend being ok by me :).

(also pretty sure that they allow guests on ipsc range........but need to attend "orientation" on saturdays.......not sure what that entails)
Maybe just an informal target-shooting/plinking session to get to know one another would be a good way to start. Although, if there's a trap facility where we go, I'll have to shoot at least one round of trap! :)
Richmond is probably best for me. Saturdays are the best day, preferably early; sounds like its going to be April, which is okay with me.

Thanks for the details on IPSC and IDPA; I had somewhat of an idea about the differences but wasn't sure how formal the groups are about guests. At the club I belong to we have "action shoots" that are probably closest to IPSC in style, but anyone can come as a guest of a member any time.
Richmond, on the IPSC range, sounds good to me. I got my Glock, cocked?, and ready to rock!

Somebody should do a poll (dates and times, what range)and if a majority of people decide on a place and time, then make an official announcement and e-mail everybody that have replied to this post.

If you've shot action pistol you are aware that the matches are like golf--lots of BS time and a few minutes shooting. The better you are the less time you get to shoot.

Okay, a poll.

If there is an interest in a match I will seek out the information. Select all that apply or add to list and remember some range/activity combinations are mutually exclusive:

Activity: Action, target(handgun and rifle), trap, skeet

List prefered or excluded days, months, times

Range: Sunnyvale, Concord (USI), Livermore, Richmond, San Leandro, Chabot

Additional requests
San Leandro should be ruled out as it isn't a very large range. We're talking about a dozen shooting positions in the indoor pistol range and about a little over a dozen in the outdoor, with some restricted to 50 yards only. Suggest any of the outdoor ranges mentioned if you guys have a large gathering.
Yeah let's forget about San Leandro, I shoot there most of the time and it is not a big place.

Activity = Target, action (action sounds more fun)
Available = Most weekends, anytime of the month (Mar. 24 sounds good)
Range = Richmond
2 more people interested. . . myself and a co-worker.

Chabot seems best (size, central location, variety), even if they won't allow the Barrett .50 on the weekends. They say it's too noisy :(

Any weekend starting with the 17th is fine with us.

Chabot (but flexible), Action and target, any weekend.

Heck, it would be fun to just show up and shoot the breeze if nothing else.

I also like the idea of Guy just arranging things for a first time that seems best to him, and if we can adjust to it, good. If not, we'll make the next one. When we get together, it will be easier to come to an agreement on what the next one should be like.

I am going to suggest Chabot on Saturday April 14 for our first outing and then maybe rotate after that if we decide we would like other get togethers.

Other than being a good day to relieve pre tax stress, April 14 is a scheduled TASC sponsered USPSA match date and the date they are providing the holster orientation required for new action shooters.

If you have not shot action pistol before and require the orientation please call the contact listed at the TASC web site (http://www.tasc-ipsc.org) so they can be prepared to accomodate everyone.

Those wishing to enter the match should be at the range a bit before 8:00. The target ranges open at 9:00. I will probably not be entering the match in order to be a more mobile host, but will be there at 8:00 if any of you respond that you are entering the match.

You may want to bring something if you intend to stay through lunch. There are vending machines with noodle cups and sometimes soggy sandwiches, but I recommend bringing something you know you will like.

Range fees at Chabot are $11 for full access to any and all public rifle and pistol lanes in any combination for the day. Trap fees are $7.00 per round with clays included.

TASC action pistol match fee is $20, which seems to be the iron clad standard price at all clubs in the area.

For Chabot directions and a preview of the facilities check http://www.chabotgunclub.com. Please check http://www.tasc-ipsc.org for holster orientation, equipment and other match details.
Hi everyone, I just noticed this thread a little late but thought I'd answer a question. As for Chabot IDPA matches, they do take new shooters and one doesn't have to be a member of the club to participate. Additionally, I believe they will let you shoot with a non-approved handgun or holster/mag pouch combination if you are new, but I believe your score won't be posted at the website - http://www.sfbay-idpa.com. We like to know that a shooter has either participated in PPC/IPSC or taken a handgun class from a recognized trainer where holster work and safety is taught. At the window when paying new shooters are expected to notify the personnel, and then simply listen to a 5 min (est) instructive speech by one of the experienced participants before the match. The club very much welcomes new shooters, though we are serious about safety. We have around an est. 20-60 shooters show up, with the most usually during nice weather and the 3 times a yr. we do the classifier (June 16th, and Oct 20 left this yr.) We have a great group of people participating, and some very inventive, and (lately) prop intensive stages. IDPA at Chabot is every 3rd Sat of the month. 3-gun, which has some of the same people participating, is every 1st and 5th Sun of the month.