series 70 gold cup slide stuck back

Put a decent barrel in. Not some cheap thing. There's no shortage of good 1911A1 barrels.
Most need fitting by a smithy but Brownell's is listing Ed Brown match grade drop in barrels at $179.99. Lower quality barrels can be had from Gun Parts for under $100. A Gold Cup will not like these.
the first time I went to shoot all there was was a click so I figured the primer didn't go off, without thinking I pulled the slide back and chambered another round and shot it, this is how I got the bulged barrel. I made more than one mistake that I will not make again. As soon as the first one clicked I should have emptied the gun and checked the barrel. I learned a good lesson. Good thing they were light target loads, a full house load could have ruptured the barrel and hurt me. I was alone at the range at the time so no one else would have been hurt. Count my blessings, learned a valuable lesson and move on.
If memory serves, aren't the internals of a Gold Cup somewhat different than a regular 70 series 1911?
And would it make any difference to replacing the barrel?
I had one eons ago, but can't exactly remember.
The sear and trigger on a Gold Cup are different, not the barrel.

By dropping a Storm Lake or Ed Brown barrel into the Gold Cuo, you could only improve the accuracy. Pre-Gold Cup National Match 1911s were very accurate, most Gold Cups I have fired were only so-so accurate. Better than a Government model, but not as good as with a good barrel.
Gold Cup barrels are specially fitted, but a standard barrel should either drop in or be easily fitted. But I agree with the others that the new barrel should be of a quality worth of a Gold Cup. You might consider calling Colt to get a price on a barrel and a check up to see if there is any other problem.

What seems to have happened is that you had a round without powder (factory load, or reload?). It is normal for the primer alone to have enough force to drive the bullet partway down the barrel, but not to work the action. So you had a stuck bullet in the barrel and fired another behind it, causing the barrel to bulge.

the first time I went to shoot all there was was a click so I figured the primer didn't go off, without thinking I pulled the slide back and chambered another round and shot it, this is how I got the bulged barrel. I made more than one mistake that I will not make again. As soon as the first one clicked I should have emptied the gun and checked the barrel.

Bad Boy! You were withholding evidence!! :mad:

Try a Kart barrel. I forget just whom I was talking with on this, might have been David Sams the gunsmith, but recently someone whose opinion I respect said Kart barrels were as good as you can get.

Charles Petty wrote an extremely interesting article in the Sept/Oct 1998 American Handgunner titled Accuracy Got You Over a Barrel? He tested thirteen 45ACP barrels in a fixtue and air gaged the things. He had Kart, Wilson Combat, Colt NM, Colt 1991A1, Bar-Sto, Kimber, Chip McCormick, Briely, Ed Brown and some duplicates. The GI barrels, (WW2 High Standard and Colt Nat'l Match), were ranked 5th & 6th out of 13 barrels for accuracy! The best was the Kart and Briley was the worst. The difference between best and worst was around 0.60" at 50 yards. The Kart had an average of 1.36", and the Briley Electro Chemical Machined barrel was 1.99". That is some good grouping at 50 yards.

Petty made the statement that fitting was critical, and based on his test data, I believe more critical than barrel make, assuming a good barrel.

This might be of interest:

Improve Your 1911’s Accuracy With A New Barrel
I recommend a Storm Lake barrel, they run $200ish.

Through the years I've used just about every manufacture of barrels for the 1911 platform of pistols.

I agree with Scorch pick up a Storm Lake barrel you will not be disappointed.

I've built every type of 1911 pistols, competition and carry guns, most were barreled with Storm Lake barrels.

It's not uncommon for Storm Lake 45 caliber barrels to shoot 5 shot groups that measure 0.750 at 25 yards, I know this to be fact from first hand experience.

Check your barrel hood dimensions, you may find a difference between it and standard barrel hood dimensions.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
The two Series 70 Goldcups my dad and I had in the late 70's were not especially accurate because they actually were not fitted in any way. They became the reason I found someone to teach me how to fit 1911's up.

The Kart Easy-Fit barrel is the way to go if you are unfamiliar with fitting. If you are going to invest in a new barrel, not fitting seems like a lost opportunity to me. It typically makes a great difference to group size.

I see Brownells is now calling that barrel the Kart XACT Fit barrel, but I don't see any difference. The tool kit they sell for it is the same. They have this video from before their name change, so you can see what is involved in doing the fitting job.
The sear and trigger on a Gold Cup are different, not the barrel.

For years, Gold Cups had "narrow hood" barrels that were different from G.I./Government Model specs; approximately .400" vs. .435".
A lot of non-Gold Cup Colts have had narrow hood barrels in more recent times, but a Series 70 Gold Cup will have a narrow hood.

David Sams is a highly respected Bullseye gunsmith and he's dead on..

bullseye 1911s are all about accuaracy..period

what barrel is in the vast majority of Bullseye 1911s....Kart... then Bar-Sto.

KKM are also in the mix for 9mms

Kart Gunsmith Fit are some of the best bargins out there for a 1911 barrel but do require expertise and the proper tools
I appreciate all your answers. I posted on the Bullseye forum that I needed a barrel for my gold cup and a fellow there was very generous and sent me a barrel for free. Which I appreciated very much. I put the barrel in my GC and it fit like a glove, perfect. I took it to a gunsmith and had him check it out and his opinion was a brand new fitted barrel would not be much better fit if any. He checked everything with calipers. I will follow up with a post after I get to shoot it. I will admit that just about any 1911 will shoot more accurate then I am capable of. At 69 yo with progressive lenses I am not the shooter I once was. LOL
I got to shoot the new barrel and was really amazed with accuracy. Using bags at 25 yds I shot 3 groups all right at and under two inches. I was shooting handloads with a 200 gr lswc over 4.2 of bullseye.