serial number check when pulled over

I just want to make clear that there is a way to "stand up for your constitutional rights" without being "jerkus erectus." If asked to surrender your weapon, you could respond, "I would prefer not to do so but I will comply if you order me to do so."

For me, a traffic stop involving firearms is not the time nor place where I want to push my rights.
It's a matter fo time and timing !!!

If asked to surrender your weapon, you could respond, "I would prefer not to do so but I will comply if you order me to do so."
I can live with that and I thank you !!! ..... :)
For me, a traffic stop involving firearms is not the time nor place where I want to push my rights.
Sooner or later, the time will come when we will all have to push-back. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
The topic at hand is whether or not the actions in the OP's post were constitutional or permissible. Broad criticisms of law enforcement are off topic and will be treated as such.
For me, a traffic stop involving firearms is not the time nor place where I want to push my rights.

I've always felt it was much better to collect the judgement from the civil suit myself before my estate does.