I have a question for any law enforcement out there. when I get pulled over here in Georgia, I usually get the "do you have any guns in the car?" question. I usually just comply and they take the firearm back to the cruiser and run a serial number check. they say its to see if its in the stolen database, but do they do anything else with that info? like tag me that I carry a gun, or put a name to a specific firearm? or am I just being paranoid? I don't mind much if its just for checking if its stolen, I like hearing stories of firearms that were stolen years back and finally get returned to the owner. I have gotten pulled over after shooting with a trunkload of guns and had a cop run the numbers on ALL of them. also, the last time I handed over my pistol, the officer took all the bullets out of the magazine, whats up with that? theres no HP law here, I thought that was a little bizarre