All right. I couldn't stand it. I sent this to Senator Perata, my state senator Jim Costa, and to my assemblyman Dean Florez. Costa is not much better than Perata, but Florez has been our friend on almost every gun vote.
Dear Senator Perata,
I was just informed you appeared on Fox News and blamed the National Rifle Association for the poor "assault weapons" registration compliance. Shame on you! I have been a life member of the NRA for almost fifteen years and I have never, repeat never, once seen that fine organization encourage anyone to disobey the law.
I think you are witnessing in California civil disobedience in its clearest and rawest form. One of the nation's founding fathers said that the beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will never be needed until someone tries to take it away.
What you are seeing Senator is a grassroots rebellion to your anti-gun bigotry. Californians have decided they are not going to tell you where to send the Attorney General to collect their guns.
You have been ignored. I guess that is about as tough a nut as any politician has to swallow.
Bruce Stanton
Lemoore, CA