Senator Kennedy Has Milignant Brain Tumour

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Now, what I just said is an honest statement. Full of ire, granted. The best thing for this country would be to get that family out of office and end their fifty years of womanizing and debauchery.

But speaking of irony, if I speak the truth, but don't watch my language even in veracity, I'll get banned from a forum which seeks to invoke discussion. If that's not irony, I don't know what is.

Feel free to say it. Just don't say it then pat yourself on the back for not kicking him when he's down.
benign.neglect said:
He didnt murder her.

Potato, pawtawto. I have an opinion. I find the circumstances way too convenient. Granted, you and I might not have been executed, but we would have had a thorough investigation.

Coupled with the behavior of his family and the way they "clean up their messes," I'm disgusted. Let me draw you an example.

Let's suppose I have a uncle who's a area constable. Suppose I don't like you and lure you to a tavern under the guise of burying the hatchet. When you get there, I push all of your buttons, you get angry, and I gig you with a stiletto. The "constable" shows up and his opinion is, "Looks like self defense to me."

Consider that scenario and look at Marilyn Monroe's death, the sexaul assault at the Kennedy compound when Teddy couldn't find his pants and the cousin who escaped justice for +20 years after a cheerleader was beaten to death with a golf club.

I have an opinion.

So now Ted is sick. You're right, I should say a prayer, and I did. But let's face it, I do so only out of pity. What that family did to this country is a travesty. About the only solid thing I can document is the starting of The Peace Corps under JFK. The rest of Camelot was actually the work of LBJ.
Most of us here think that liberal policies are nonsensical to say the least. People have made comments all through the years about how liberals "have no brains". Therefore, its ironic that a very liberal man actually has a brain tumor.

Ok now I see what you are saying. You think that patients with brain tumors act nonsensical, like they have no brains, and that might explain some of the dumb ideas that Kennedy has had over the years.

You do know, I hope, that most brain tumor patients don't act like that. It only seems ironic to you because you don't know anything about brain tumors and the patients who suffer from them. If you were educated on the subject, you would realize your comment doesnt make sense, and there is nothing ironic about it.

Also, its in poor taste to comment on your dislike of a man just diagnosed with a fatal condition. It is very similar to the attacks on Charlton Heston by the left when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
It is now being reported that the tumor may be inoperable. I certainly did not agree with his politics, but would not wish cancer on anyone.
Ok now I see what you are saying. You think that patients with brain tumors act nonsensical, like they have no brains, and that might explain some of the dumb ideas that Kennedy has had over the years.

You do know, I hope, that most brain tumor patients don't act like that. It only seems ironic to you because you don't know anything about brain tumors and the patients who suffer from them. If you were educated on the subject, you would realize your comment doesnt make sense, and there is nothing ironic about it.


No, I'm saying that the very thing that people (mostly conservatives) have alleged for years has actually come to pass. Do I think that his brain tumor caused him to be a liberal, no. Do I think it caused him to pass screwy legislation, no. Would this be ironic if it was a tumor anywhere else in his body, or some other ailment, no.

Its like I have to spoon feed here.

Also, its in poor taste to comment on your dislike of a man just diagnosed with a fatal condition. It is very similar to the attacks on Charlton Heston by the left when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

No, the comments about Heston were celebrating the fact that he was dying. Nothing of the kind was said here.
You are all too PC!

He is a major part of the enemy within, who wants to turn America into a Socialist Nanny state, at the same time allowing illegal aliens to take over our country by flooding in by the tens of millions and also denying our 2nd Amendment rights. The sooner he dies, the better. I am also glad Hitler and Stalin are dead.
benign.neglect, one of the problems in being my age is that you remember things without an historical spin.

Yes, Ted's health is tragic. But I remember him when he was healthy, and vital and a hypocrite.

We all know his stance on firearms. About a dozen years ago, Teddy brought two private security guards into Washington D.C. with automatic weapons and several hundred rounds of ammunition. They were caught on felony charges.

He cried a river about his family and assassinations.

What would have happened to you and me?
Tourist, dont get me wrong, I totally agree he is a hypocrite and detrimental to our country, but I think it is un-gentlemanly to make that the point of a thread about a man dying from brain cancer.

That is my only point.
It seems that the Senator has a Glioma Brain Tumor. There are two basic grades, low and high. The low grade variety has better prognosis for treatment. The high grade is very difficult to treat.

Glioma Brain Tumors
For years, researchers puzzled over an aggressive form of brain cancer. The lethal glioma tumors often outsmart traditional cancer treatments such as surgery, and quickly invade healthy brain tissue. But now an understanding of the biological makeup and survival mechanisms of glioma tumors is helping researchers develop methods that they hope will kill the cancer.

Brain tumors always have been one of the most devastating diseases because they are so difficult to treat, much less cure. But now scientists are on track toward finding what may be definitive treatments for the most virulent of these tumors.
The growing mass of cells in a brain tumor bullies healthy cells by pushing them out of their way and squeezing them against the skull. This hinders the brain's ability to orchestrate life functions. Depending on the tumor's size and location, paralysis, behavior changes and dizziness, to name a few of the symptoms, can occur.
A glioma tumor is particularly damaging because it tends to quickly sprout and spread within the brain. Each year, approximately 20,000 Americans find out that they have a glioma. More than half die within 18 months.
Researchers have come closer to improving these odds by examining the biology of glioma tumors in animals and humans. Studies are uncovering the cancer's unique characteristics, including the mechanisms that help it survive and spread throughout the brain.

The advances may help make the diagnosis less grim by leading to:

Therapies that target glioma cells but leave normal cells unharmed.
Methods that limit the spread of the cancer.
Treatments that block the tumor's life-sustaining molecules
I must admit, I am indifferent to Sen. Kennedy's health issues. Having a brain tumor at the ripe old age of 76 sure beats the hell out having your brains blown out at 40 something. I hope he doesn't suffer, but at the same time you are not going to get me to say that I hope he makes a speedy recovery so he can stay in office for another 15 or 20 years.
Having a brain tumor at the age of 76 sure beats drowning when you're in your twenties.

My sympathy is with his family, who've had to put up with him along with the rest of us.
Well, with the Godwinning this thread may be circling the bowl. I'll just say I have sympathy for his family, and yes for him as well. Brain tumor at 76 may not be the worst luck, but I have a feeling that if/when I hit 76 I'd not be excited about getting one.
I tried...and I hoped for some decency but it seems that there are folks here who are no different than the Kos crowd.

WildihopeamodcomesbyandclosesthisAlaska ™
Wildalaska said:
I hoped for some decency

And you got it. No one wishes this man any pain or suffering. Our hearts go out to his family. At the same time, we're not going to canonize him for the leftist damage his family did with their money and celebrity.

Here's one for you. I never heard one word of sympathy from you about Sonny Barger. He had throat cancer and lost his larynx. Unlike Ted, you always know where Sonny stands, he fights his own battles and did time for the crimes he committed. No wealthy aristocracy pulled his chestnuts out of the fire.

I feel sorry for both men. But at the end of the day I feel there's more honesty in bike club president than in an elected official.

How about some decency for Sonny?
Here's one for you. I never heard one word of sympathy from you about Sonny Barger.

Start a thread then :) I got no problem with Sonny Barger, hes too old to be a danger

WildwhathasonegottodowiththeotherAlaska ™
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