Senate votes 72-25 to condemn ad

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The whole thing was pretty pointless. The speech was written by the White House. General Petraeus simply was ordered to say what he was told too. Its not like he can disobey the order unless its a clearly unlawful act.

what are you basing that on?
The whole thing was pretty pointless. The speech was written by the White House. General Petraeus simply was ordered to say what he was told too. Its not like he can disobey the order unless its a clearly unlawful act.

The General said in open testimony under oath that this was his report and it had not been reviewed by the White house or 'Senior Officials'. Unless he was lying under oath (a criminal offense) then the report was his. He is no way obligated or compelled to obey an order that isn't lawful. In fact, in his testimony a Representative asked him what he would do if Congress cut off funds for Iraq and he was ordered by the president to perform an unfunded mission. His response was he would consult his lawyer. He is fully aware that obeying an UNLAWFUL order (such as lying to Congress) would make him criminally responsible regardless who's order it was.

General Abizaid tried the "I have no facts just talk" approach. Today he is in civilian clothes. To even imagine that a General of the caliber of Peterus would sacrifice his honor, credibility, and very career to lie to Congress under oath about the progress being made for a President with only 15 months left on office (of which 3 will be with a President-elect) is simply inane.

The progress is undeniable. Even the MoveOn Democrats acknowledge it. They are working to make it irrelevant by saying 'lack of national political reconciliation' as many times as possible. The ignore the local reconciliation spreading every day. Ever heard of a democracy that shaped it's central government by the will of smaller local governments?

I fully understand why the progress in Iraq makes MoveOn Democrats writhe in pain. They have staked all of their political capital on it failing and if the current progress continues, it will won't fail.

Unless we fail in Iraq and/or legalize the millions of illegal aliens in the country, the MoveOn Democrats are going to be rendered impotent again and George Scoros is going to have spent a lot of money for a party he can't use to re-shape America with.

Any non-political middle east experts saying Petraeus is wrong?
I fully understand why the progress in Iraq makes MoveOn Democrats writhe in pain.

What progress are we making in Iraq? Progress can only be assessed by our proximity to winning the war. What the does "winning the war" even mean? Capturing Saddam Hussein and killing him? We did that. If that's what winning was, we won, it's over, time to go home. Does winning mean ending the Middle Eastern Religious conflict? If that's what winning means, you don't have a prayer at ever being successful. Does winning the war mean capturing and killing Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda? Sorry, you're in the wrong war, we had Al Qaeda on the run and George Bush dropped the ball - as a result, the guy who attacked us is running free. Get back to reality.
What progress are we making in Iraq?
What the does "winning the war" even mean?
Does winning mean ending the Middle Eastern Religious conflict?
Does winning the war mean capturing and killing Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda?

Question, did you watch or hear the report the General made? It seems alot of this was covered there. If not, how can you claim he is wrong, lied, is a shill, etc.? If so then the bulk of the questions above were addressed by the General. It's actually quite a brilliant strategy. Review his testimony and if you can turn off the bias you will see a very sound strategy that is actually working. The MoveOn noise drowned out what may go down in military history as "The Peterus Doctrine" of dealing with terrorist insurgency and religious based sectarian violence.

This local to central instead of central to local approach is proving effective. Look at his plan and what he is doing there. He laid out his plan, how it is being implemented the results, the local effects, the emerging Iraqi self determination and security.

Small and large provinces with varying resources and beliefs settling on how they want to govern themselves then afterward a central government being form that reflects the values the individual Provence hold in common while respecting what each Provence does not have in common, worked for the United States 200 years ago.
If not, how can you claim he is wrong, lied, is a shill, etc.

When you can't argue with someone's remarks or answer the questions presented to you, just shove words down their throat as I always say. I never called Petraeus a liar. I called him a shill.


2 entries found.

Main Entry:
perhaps short for shillaber, of unknown origin
circa 1916

1 a: one who acts as a decoy (as for a pitchman or gambler) b: one who makes a sales pitch or serves as a promoter2: pitch

2 entries found.

Main Entry:
1shill Listen to the pronunciation of 1shill
intransitive verb
circa 1914

1 : to act as a shill

2 : to act as a spokesperson or promoter <the eminent Shakespearean producer…is now shilling for a brokerage house — Andy Rooney>

The "General's Report" was written by the White House and sold to the public by General Petraeus. He is by definition a shill.

This local to central instead of central to local approach is proving effective. Look at his plan and what he is doing there. He laid out his plan, how it is being implemented the results, the local effects, the emerging Iraqi self determination and security.

Guess what Bruxley? I don't care about Iraqi self determination and security. I care about America's security. General Petraeus himself isn't sure that the troop surge made America safer! I don't care what the White House plans to do. They haven't done anything right since day one. George W. Bush dropped the ball when America had Bin Laden and Al Qaeda on the run and we are less safe because of his total ineptitude as commander in chief.
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