Sen. John McCain may pick NYC Mayor Bloomberg as VP

Keep Bloomberg in NYC. I dont care if he continous to spout anti-gun rhetoric,as long as he confines his venom to that area. Do you think the NRA would support McCain under those circumstances?
Last week I read that Obama was going to pick Bloomberg. No, I don't recall where & don't have a 'link'. Sorry. The fact that either of them would consider him is sickening. The fact that both of them are tells you how worthless the two-party system has become.

It's time for a third party. Oh, we'll get hosed for the next couple of election cycles but we'd better get off our asses, quit complaining, and DO something meaningful about FIXING this mess. We owe the sweet taste of FREEDOM to unborn generations Americans- who will rightfully judge us as having been unworthy of it, if we don't.
The Only Chance

If McCain could pick Jesus himself he might have a chance to win in November. Other then that, this is a moot point.
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McCain has lunched with several people. Doesn't mean they're possible vp picks. The only one I know he's talked to about it for sure is La. governor Bobby Jindal but he turned it down. He would have been a great vp and he's a staunch conservative but he feels he can do more good for La. as governor. The people of La. think so too, they love the guy. He has lunched with Mitt Romney but Romney says the issue never came up. He also said he's not actively seeking the vp slot but I don't think he'd turn it down if it was offered. I'll believe he's considering Bloomberg when I see it.:rolleyes:
Dear God, please intervene in our election!

J.M is really terrific, as a liberal trying to get Obama elected.

Roy, I believe you meant "moot"
if McPain picks bloomberg, it will be political suicide. I think it would be a fitting end to a thief of liberty. The problem is that the possible alternative would be worse. Could both of them please volunteer to go on a space probe to Uranus?
Has anybody counted electoral votes lately? New York has a lot of them. If nominating Bloomberg delivers New York, McCain can lose Ohio, Pennsylvania AND Florida and still win tidily with the same states Bush carried in 2004. For that reason alone, Bloomberg is going to get a look.

Bloomberg is also appealing from a strategy standpoint because the Dems went with a far-left candidate against a candidate the media has displayed as a "moderate Republican." In truth, there are a lot of things that centrist voters will not like about McCain once they discover them; but Bloomberg would smooth that out nicely.

In the end, Bloomberg still won't get chosen though because he is an unreliable, self-aggrandizing SOB who can't be trusted and because he cannot deliver New York.
The Last Time

The last time that the winning candidate lost both Ohio and Florida was 1960. Nixon won those two states yet JFK was elected. Also, Florida was worth a fraction of the electoral votes its worth today. McCain has to hope for at least a split between these two states.
Bloomberg for VP???? That would truely be the end of the world as we know it, and make "1984" seem like a cheery little tale. It would make the most paranoid of the survivalists seem like hopelesss optomists.

I would never again work 'on the books', would stockpile guns, ammo, and food, try to find a place far enough past the end of beyond to get little government 'help', and pray that someday America might rise again from the ashes.

When I think of the America I was born into compared to the country I am leaving to my kids and grandkids, I am sickened and embarrassed.
I sincerely hope that a satellite falls from the sky and smashes both of them on stage if this happens. This is just too messed up beyond belief.
If McCain picks Bloomberg, I'm staying home this election, I'll be a cold day in hell before I vote for that a******. I also agree that picking Bloomberg would be the end of his campaign, the right would revolt, the NRA would renounce their support of him, he'd be finished. I don't think he is that stupid, although his campaign is pretty pathetic right now.