Sen. John McCain may pick NYC Mayor Bloomberg as VP


New member
:barf::barf::barf:JM is making me sick! anyone with any knowledge of gun issues
can not support Bloomberg being anywhere near the White House!

Bloomberg is fanatically anti gun, he makes Obama look like a dang NRA life member, If JM picks Bloomberg Then I will be voting Constitution Party or Libertarian
and never voting R in presidential races again. If
Obama picks Richardson or Webb as VP it would be a better ticket than
a Bloomberg VP.
If I had hair I would be pulling it out!


June 11, 2008 --

Sen. John McCain praised Mayor Bloomberg yesterday - talking up Hizzoner as a strong candidate for governor and refusing to rule him out as a vice presidential candidate.

Asked during an interview with The Post whether the term-limited billionaire mayor should be able to seek re-election to a third term, he said there's been "some speculation" about Bloomberg trying to move to Albany.

"Do I think he could serve the state of New York and the country well? Of course," McCain said, during a sitdown at the New York Hilton.

He was also asked about having the mayor as his running mate.

"We don't talk about our vice-presidential possibilities," he said, but pointedly added, "I appreciate Mayor Bloomberg enormously and the great job he's done as mayor."

McCain said he didn't know "what it takes" to change term limits, but suggested that Bloomberg remaining at City Hall would also suit him fine - even though Hizzoner quit the Republican Party in 2007 to register as an independent.

"I just think he's done a great job," McCain said. "From all the polls I've seen, New Yorkers feel the same way."

The Arizona senator also the spread the love to former GOP rival Rudy Giuliani, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, and even Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton. Asked if he had a role for Giuliani down the road, McCain said, "Oh yeah. He's a great American. He united America," referring to his leadership in the aftermath of 9/11.

"I've been with him a lot. I appreciate more than I could tell you his friendship and support. And that was steadfast throughout the primary."

Giuliani endorsed McCain after dropping out as a presidential candidate, and his top fund-raisers are now raising cash for McCain.

It's likely that the ex-mayor will get a featured speaking role at the GOP convention in St. Paul, Minn.

McCain lauded Kelly's crime-fighting abilities and did not rule out tapping him to serve in his White House, perhaps as secretary of homeland security or head of the FBI.

"I'm a great admirer. He's a very, very good leader," McCain said.
Sen. John McCain praised Mayor Bloomberg yesterday - talking up Hizzoner as a strong candidate for governor and refusing to rule him out as a vice presidential candidate.

I would think that the criminal Bloomberg joing McCain as a running mate would spell the end of his campaign. Certainly the NRA would be a cross roads after their support for McCain and their disdain of Bloomberg.
Then I'll have to change my signature line to Barr/and whomever 08.

If McCain does not pick a conservative VP and goes with another lib, I cannot support him irregardless of how bad Obama is.
"If McCain does not pick a conservative VP and goes with another lib, I cannot support him irregardless of how bad Obama is."

That pretty much sums it up for me, too. I was willing to hold my nose and vote for McCain just to stop Obama, but if he picks Bloomberg I simply cannot give him my vote.

"I was willing to hold my nose and vote for McCain just to stop Obama, but if he picks Bloomberg I simply cannot give him my vote."

My sentiments exactly. This would be a deal breaker for me also.
He was also asked about having the mayor as his running mate.

"We don't talk about our vice-presidential possibilities," he said, but pointedly added, "I appreciate Mayor Bloomberg enormously and the great job he's done as mayor."

McCain is being nice. He knows Bloomberg would be political suicide.
Asked if he had a role for Giuliani down the road, McCain said, "Oh yeah. He's a great American. He united America," referring to his leadership in the aftermath of 9/11.

:barf: for Bloomberg.

Even more :barf: for this statement regarding Giuliani.

Giuliani didn't unite America. A bunch of cowardly terrorists with 3/4" knives united America.

Statist-pig Giuliani will no more earn my vote than gun-grabbing Bloomberg as Veep for McCain.
While I agree with all the dyspeptic sentiments expressed here, as Musketeer suggests, he's just making nice with the Posties. Of course, the leading "Republicans" are wise, benevolent and wonderful "leaders."

He may need their help later, so he isn't going to micturate in their Wheaties now.
If you were President who would you feel safer as having as your VP. Bloomberg or Hillary? That is like when Bush Sr. had Dan Quayle as VP. Everyone wanted to keep the President living.
Is This A Joke?

Michael Bloomberg is the WORST pick he could possibly make. I would rather have him pick Luis Farrakhan, Rosie Odonnel, Barbara Streisand, Marion Barry, Jimmy Carter or John Kerry before Micheal Bloomberg.:barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:
Bloomberg -- what a joke

The McCain campaing is already in trouble. Now the idea Bloomberg would become a part of the Republican team is a certain death to McCain's campaign.

While we look at Obama and see the eminent possabilitys of nast 2nd ammendment issues Bloombers single handedly has done more to destroy the 2nd ammendment in NYC than the Brady bunch
The VP nominee mostly causes you to NOT vote for a particular candidate, not vote for them. The choice involves judgement and I judge the choice. Bloomberg would not be a good choice and would not necessarily cause NY to move into the McCain camp on election day. I would guess that Mitt Romney will be the choice.
McCain is more likely to pick someone to help win Pennsylvania, Ohio, and/or Michigan. I agree he is just making nice with Bloomberg.
I can't believe you are all buying this tripe. The few possible VP choice articles I have read had Bloomberg as Obama's possible running mate if he was on the list. This is nothing more than some author trying to get out of a parking ticket by giving Bloomberg more unnecessary and undeserved publicity.
Surely not. As others have said I am holding my nose now to vote for McCain, but if he does something that stupid he will not get my vote.
Sen. John McCain may pick NYC Mayor Bloomberg as VP
I don't think so. He knows that doing it would be political suicide, as would offending the NYC power bloc. So he's making polite mutterings and going about his business.
Considering bad bad choices for VP ain't gonna help your campaign either, I don't think. Shows poor decision making to even consider that. I guess you can consider it an inept choice versus someone who would intentionally do bad stuff though. Man what choices we have! Change versus change depends? Har har. Read that somewhere.
In my opinion, McCain's choice for VP is pretty significant. Let's say McCain wins by a hair.... the VP nominee will likely be the Republican nominee in 2012. With the case of Obama, his choice makes little difference as no matter how bad he screws up, he'd be running for a second term should he win. The VP nominee is a mute point on the Democratic side.

Don't fool yourself into the idea McCain would never run for a second term. There is no indication of that concept from the McCain campaign. I believe that McCain would run for a second term just like the Senators who at age 80 plus run for another term: they love the power of the position.