Semiautos in CA obsolete?

Glock, Ruger and S+W all registered their opposition to the bill, which effectively requires assembly, testing, disassembly, miccrostamping, reassembly and retesting of a single firearm. This obviously is not how the patent holder sold his "minimal cost" per gun story, but it appears to make perfect sense to meet the requirements, me being in the manufacturing business.

SIG also sent a letter that said the above, and also pretty much "It's not worth our investment to sell just to your state, bye now."

I like SIG. :D
What worries me about this law right now is that the inevitable popularity of revolvers with criminals (after all, not all crooks are dumb and the news media is going to inform even the dumb ones about the loop hole) will lead to an eventual ban on all firearms that don't have microstamping. This law just sucks all around and I can only see things going further down hill.
A change in attitude

We have to stop thinking that the government is in charge of the Second Ammendment. It is a God given right. There is no member of our govenment at ANY level that has the "Power" to take a God given right. If you choose to give up your gun, rifle, or slingshot because an elected official asked for it, it was your choice. I would think that the percentage of people that would voluntarialy turn in their weapons is small. They are simply trying to turn us all into criminals. If manuafactures stop selling in my screwed-up State, I will buy some place else!

As a group, we have to start thinking differently about our rights. And we have to remember what powers our government has.
Revolvers are already popular with criminals. They've always been.

AFAIK, the number one crime gun is, and has been for many decades, the lowly little .38 special revolver, in any incarnation made for more than half a century.
Revolvers are already popular with criminals. They've always been.

AFAIK, the number one crime gun is, and has been for many decades, the lowly little .38 special revolver, in any incarnation made for more than half a century.

I wonder when stories pointing that out will start hitting the Cali media outlets so that the politicians can start pushing the ban them all legislation.
Microstamping, one of the stupidist things I have ever heard of. So the bad guys just file the hammer down or get revolvers. Another CA first
Notice also....

That POLICE guns are EXEMPT! (If I am in error, please disreguard the following argument)

If this is such a good thing, why don't police guns have to comply also? Imagine the benefit, if it works the way they say it will! Whenever there is an officer involved shooting, position of the empties will tell us right away, which officer's gun fired which shot(s). Think how well this could help when there is a confusion about who did what, and whether or not it was proper. In fact, what they ought to do is dump the micro stamping for civilians, and require it for all the cops! Think about it! With only cop guns microstamping, they could rule out the police right away for most shootings! (or not, as the case may be).

If I owned a gun company, my first act would be to look at what kind of market CA actually is to me, and my second act would be to (politely) say something like, "sorry honest citizens to California, your govt doesn't trust you, and forces us to stop selling our product to you because of the cost imposed in meeting their arbitrary requirements. And to those idividuals who work for CA police agencies, again, sorry, we just can't afford to do business with you anymore, as your political masters have just screwed you and us over. Good Luck."

I really feel sorry for the people in CA, who can't or don't want to leave, and who can't get their voices heard through the elective process. Oh well, at least (except for the mudslides and fires) you have nice weather!
What if a smarter than average criminal picks up your microstamped brass at the range, retrieves his brass at the crime scene, and plants yours there?

That's what I'd do.
Gun Ownership by the law abiding might well become "obsolete" in California, which will leave The Cops and Robbers armed. Unfortunately, the above mentioned Law Abiding types might well get caught in the cross fire.
I knew that bill would pass when I first heard of it
that state is way too liberal and gun hating
wont be long before they ban shotguns and Semi autos of all types and then bolt action rifles.I would not be surprised because in a grocery store I dont know what the name was but it was in north California when I was visiting for 2 weeks I looked in the magazine section I did not see one gun magazine on the shelf I looked all over the shelves I could not find even 1 magazine that was gun related all of them were typical soccor mom magazines and other politically correct magazines.So all I can say is avoid that state at all costs the most progun areas of CA are rural areas and some cities other than that the state is vastly Liberal and Anti-weapons.I am glad I live in FL for the time being.
Soon California will outlaw 'high-capacity revolvers' too. Who needs more than 6 shots? Anybody with those fancy 7 shot or 8-shot revolvers is just looking to spray rounds all over the place.

Outlaw speedloaders while they're at it.
California is slouching toward being Brazil, Argentina, or Venezuela. The laws won't matter at a certain point. People will buy on the black market, carry illegally.

Nature abhors stupidity.
I think you mean just Argentina and Venezuela, there.

Brazil has a way to go, but it's a representative democracy with plenty of first-world business-hub cities now. An American visiting Sao feels pretty close to any city in the US, right down to the same chain retailers and restaurants. Forjas Taurus is making money through legal sales of innovative products, not black-market weapons. They even have a just-for-kids cellphone manufacturer and service (Celplay) with parental content management on the web that's superior to anything in the US. They're becoming more like us every day, which is good!
California has been passing unconstitutional regulations since the gun ban. That darned executive office that started passing all this stupid non-sense is at fault. I consider the CA approved list as extortion and the micro stamping is just an insurance to keep the renewal going. It's like the mob at work, but legal. Un freagin believable.


What happens when people think they are smart? Genuine smart people invent things that makes life easy for everyone, people who think they are smart invent things that makes life easy only for themselves.
Lived in California for more than 30 years, but finally had enough .. two mediocre ranges available in my heavily populated county in Northern California ... the state will never change. Of course, can also thank CA voters for sending those bright lights Feinstein and Pelosi to Washington. Feinstein's finest hour was the day she held San Francisco together when the mayor was assassinated, other than that she was a total disaster.

Live in Texas now, got my CHL the second I qualified. I can now go to my favorite gun store and buy whatever I want ... and if they have it in stock, I can TAKE IT HOME that very day ... I hope gunmakers leave California rather than bow to this idiotic law, which is so easy to defeat ...


When they kick at your front door,
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head?
Or on the trigger of your gun?
LightningJoe said:
What if a smarter than average criminal picks up your microstamped brass at the range, retrieves his brass at the crime scene, and plants yours there?

That's what I'd do.

Wouldn't work. Any competent investigator would see through that in a heartbeat.
EOD, but who says they'll be competent and/or motivated to do so? It seems like the attitude towards legal pistol owners out there doesn't convince me that they're on anyone's side. They treat gun ownership as a crime in itself, so what's to say that they don't simply want to bag up anyone they can when they can?