Semiautos in CA obsolete?


New member
A new microstamping law was passed in CA for 2010. Personally I don't trust this technology and won't buy a gun with it. On a good note, this does not apply to revolvers, so I suspect revolvers to become more popular in this state. Revolvers may have been seen as obsolete to some, but I'm thinking they'll easily outsell semis once this law goes into effect. Could I be wrong?

The microstamping law is a step aimed at making guns illegal because current technology does not exist to do this. If it is developed and people start buying more revolvers, they'll apply the microstamping law to them as well.
It depends on whether or not the gun companies want to play. if they don't want to have the expense of this technology, they willwithraw from the market, as big as it is. Glock, SiG and Smith haveall stated to the Governator that they would consider pulling out of the CA market, to include LE, if he signed this bill, which he did. Now, to see who will put thier money where thier mouth is...
Vote with your feet

California and its draconian gun laws was more than I could take by 1988, so I voted with my feet and left the state. I live in the Northwest now and enjoy an easily obtained CCW that has no real restrictions on what type and how many guns you can use as CCW pieces. Most law enforcement administrators in our county are pro gun and trust that armed citizens weigh the balance in favor of the law abiding. Needless to say, it's a safe place to live.

One night, our police chief; now the county sheriff, put on a concealed carry class and had two of his officers bring guns for all the students to try out. The turnout was so great we filled the fire station's engine room floor and they had to add another class! His parting remarks were, "One of these days, I might be struggling on the roadside with an armed felon-it would be great to see a legally armed citizen help me out if I needed it!"

Think that will ever happen in California? Don't hold your breath.... Most likely, the local sheriff assumes, as a gun owner, you're more dangerous than a felon.

My understanding is that guns already on the safe list will NOT need microstamping. The companies MUST pay for renewals, and as soon as the gun falls off the safe list due to failure to pay renewall it would THEN be subject to microstamping. Only brand new models not on the list before the law would be subject to microstamping. So in the short term, the semi-auto market won't be affected.

Having said this, it is a stupid law that will likely get worst as they add provisions to it, and introduce new laws. Long term goal in CA is full out gun ban (including rifles, shotguns, single-shots, muzzleloaders, pellet, and bb guns). Their strategy is taking many small steps, rather than one huge sweeping ban.
His parting remarks were, "One of these days, I might be struggling on the roadside with an armed felon-it would be great to see a legally armed citizen help me out if I needed it!"

I was watching one of those "Police chase" shows just last night. In one episode I saw two examples of citizens coming to help the police.

1. An officer is trying to arrest a mentally unstable man and the fight could go either way. A retired police officer screeches to a stop to help. Moments later a rather "large" man steps in to help as well. They have the large man lay down on the suspect while they get the man under control.

2. A woman is being arrested for exessive amounts of unpaid speeding tickets. The woman is struggling and throwing a hissy fit. A Man stops to help the officer out.

That being said, there also was a funny one from North Dakota, A cop pulls over a car for suspected DUI. The stop goes like this.

Announcer: DUI stops can be difficult, many drunks do a good job to try and hide the fact that they are intoxicated....
Officer: Hi, can I have that beer you have there. (Sets beer on roof of car.)
Announcer: This isn't one of them.

I was laughing so hard I was crying at that one.

The only other video involving ND was a "high speed" chase that involved a van going down I-94 at 65 MPH in blowing snow. Seems to be a good thing that there are so few videos from North Dakota.
Boycott Ca.

Let's all Boycott California! Barrett Arms is. Barrett Arms is REFUSING to sell/service their excellent .50 rifle due to civilian restrictions. My apologies if the name is spelled wrong, it could be Barnett. Anyway, if gun people start to boycot California, we could hurt them where they live-the wallett.
California and its draconian gun laws was more than I could take by 1988, so I voted with my feet and left the state. I live in the Northwest now and enjoy an easily obtained CCW that has no real restrictions on what type and how many guns you can use as CCW pieces. Most law enforcement administrators in our county are pro gun and trust that armed citizens weigh the balance in favor of the law abiding. Needless to say, it's a safe place to live.

One night, our police chief; now the county sheriff, put on a concealed carry class and had two of his officers bring guns for all the students to try out. The turnout was so great we filled the fire station's engine room floor and they had to add another class! His parting remarks were, "One of these days, I might be struggling on the roadside with an armed felon-it would be great to see a legally armed citizen help me out if I needed it!"

Think that will ever happen in California? Don't hold your breath.... Most likely, the local sheriff assumes, as a gun owner, you're more dangerous than a felon.


Some things just jerk my chain! I can't agree enough!!!!! Change the date to 1993, change the state to NEW JERSEY, and change the Northwest to the Southeast. Only the name of the writer has been changed.

It is truly unbelievable the difference several hundred miles can make. During my move, I called the Sheriff of the county I was moving into, from NJ, to speak with him about the firearms regulations in the county. When I asked him what "paperwork" I had to do to bring my guns into the county I was about to resdie in he said "they're your guns, I don't need any paperwork".

My CCW class back then was about the same as yours.

The Puritans fled England due to religious persecution and lack of freedoms. Those of you in most Northeastern States and evidently California may not realize how much your governments inhibit your firearm rights as compared to other States of the good ole USA. Too bad.
Idea for lawsuit.

Let's bandy this about for a bit.

If a majority of gun makers decide not to sell in Kali, and I understand Glock has already decided to do this, then would it not be possible to file a Federal lawsuit claiming that because the law has stopped sales of a legal product, Kali is in violation of Federal law for being in restraint of interstate trade??
If a majority of gun makers decide not to sell in Kali, and I understand Glock has already decided to do this, then would it not be possible to file a Federal lawsuit claiming that because the law has stopped sales of a legal product, Kali is in violation of Federal law for being in restraint of interstate trade??
Far better: sue them for negligently endangering the public by forced disarmament rendering them helpless. I'd personally like to see them prosecuted for it.
Far better: sue them for negligently endangering the public by forced disarmament rendering them helpless. I'd personally like to see them prosecuted for it.

The Second Amendment has no legal standing in Kali!!!! :eek::rolleyes:

The purpose of my suggestion was to take the issue out of that arena and place it into something that might have more than a snowball's chance in hell of succeding!!!!
Personally I would leave. I'm already planning on leaving Michigan because of our blue state laws and blue state economy. Cali residents should think about it too. Maybe once all of the sane contributors leave, Cali will get so bad all of the collectors will make the state implode and you can start over. Basically, leave them to their own foolishness, and once it gets so bad, they might realize how wrong they were.
What's the ultimate motive of this law? To help capture a criminal after he's commited a crime? Or to persuade people to not buy guns especially semis. I would say the latter. And by moving out, or giving up on your beloved semiautos, your helping them. I would roll with the punches. Demand the manufacturers to build the guns, buy them in droves, and when this stuoid law finally gets repealed, you'll have a nice momento to give to your kid or grandkid.
The whack-jobs are happy with incremental denial of your rights. AWB, no issue carry permit and microstamping are just a few examples. These people are very patient and they will prevail unless Mr. Average Joe wakes up. Goes back to what I’ve stated in other posts; the politicians are paying voters with money from the successful and money borrowed from the future to placate them into agreeing to anything on their liberal agenda. The short list includes abolishment of the death penalty, abolishment of 2A, legalization of drugs, gay marriage, affirmative action, multi-culturalism, multi-lingualism, abolishment of national borders, legalized pedophilia, socialism and UN control. It’s all coming and California leads the way, so moving out won't help. Get used to it, because the average moron with the size three hat is more concerned about who’s going to win tonight’s baseball game and that the perks the government is giving him will continue, than whether or not this is a country where freedom, self-determination and self-reliance provide unbounded opportunity that his grandchildren can be proud of.

I fear that one day soon. I’ll wake up to be ashamed of my national origin.
What you can do to save yourself is avoid the political reforms that stripped California of its democracy. We have almost zero influence on the legislature because of "reforms". When you impose term limits (I was a supporter) you have no control anymore because you can't fire someone that cannot run for reelection. Our crooks are limited to two terms which translates into 50% of them thumbing their noses at the will of the people at any given time.

The left-wing media talked us into campaign finance reform. Translation: The flow of campaign money is entirely controlled by the party leaderships (extremists) and the public employees' unions. Government by, of and exclusively for the benefit of the public employees' unions. The state and many local governments will be completely bankrupt due to pension obligations within 30 years. I'm NOT kidding!

Computerized redistricting so perfectly Gerrymandered that no more than two or three seats changed party hands in 10 years.

Massive political spending by public employees' unions combined with media disinformation campaigns block any hope of political reform at the ballot box.

Don't let these "reforms" happen in your states.
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The M/S law is an attempt to ban semi-autos from CA. Guns currently on the "list" will not have to incorporate the technology until they have to be requalified as "safe", which is not currently a provision in law AFAIK but will come up sooner or later.

There is some wording in the law that the technology cannot be implemented if it is "encumbered" by patent protection. I have heard a couple of interpretations of what that means, the most positive being that until the patents expire in 2020 or thereabouts, the technology cannot be implemented. I dunno.

The great crime expert and humanitarian Ted Kennedy is working on a national bill to follow the CA precedent, as are several states. Among the political class, bad ideas travel rapidly.

Glock, Ruger and S+W all registered their opposition to the bill, which effectively requires assembly, testing, disassembly, miccrostamping, reassembly and retesting of a single firearm. This obviously is not how the patent holder sold his "minimal cost" per gun story, but it appears to make perfect sense to meet the requirements, me being in the manufacturing business.

Bypassing the technology is very easy, with spare parts or a little metalwork. To close this loophole, some spares will have to be custom to your gun or its M/S capability will fade in 2-4000 rounds of firing. That certainly will be costly.

It ain't called the People's Republik for nothing.