Semi Driving and Firearms?

As long as the state you are living/driving in allows for a CCW then its legal.

The states CCW laws have little to do with it, unless the driver is carrying a concealed weapon on their person. It is a states firearms possession and transportation laws that are applicable. Texas, for instance, forbids CCW by non-permit holders, forbids open carry for anyone, yet it is perfectly legal to TRANSPORT a handgun in a vehicle so long as it is concealed within the vehicle.
Dear Mr. Loden:

This responds to your letter regarding the applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171- 180) to the transportation of a loaded personal firearm lawfully carried by a commercial motor vehicle operator while in the performance of his or her duties. Specifically, you ask whether the transportation of
such a firearm is prohibited by the HMR under the “forbidden explosives” clause in
§ 173.54(f).

The answer to your question is no. Unless otherwise specified in § 173.54(f), a personal loaded or unloaded firearm lawfully carried by a commercial motor vehicle operator is not considered in commerce and therefore not subject to the HMR. Under this scenario, a commercial motor vehicle operator who carries a personal firearm while in the performance of his or her duties is subject to local or State jurisdiction regarding such matters. This response has been coordinated with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

I trust this satisfies your inquiry. Please contact us if we can be of further assistance.


Hattie L. Mitchell
Chief, Regulatory Review and Reinvention
Office of Hazardous Materials Standards
Great letter, thanks. Its interesting to note that in the second paragraph they simply refer you back to state and local laws. That has always been what drivers who carry have told me as well.
The states CCW laws have little to do with it, unless the driver is carrying a concealed weapon on their person.

His original post was talking about CCW reciprocity so that's what I was referring to. From the sound of that letter whether you have a CCW or not it all boils down to state and local laws which was my main point anyway.
Gothca! Yes, you are correct, it all does come down to state and local laws, except FOPA, 18 USC 926a applies to commercial drivers as well as private travellers, but does not protect a driver from the employers policy. Although, if the commercial driver has any stops to make other than rest or fuel in the state they are currently located in, the state becomes a destination and they are no longer travelling through.
NavyLT said:
Gothca! Yes, you are correct, it all does come down to state and local laws, except FOPA, 18 USC 926a applies to commercial drivers as well as private travellers, but does not protect a driver from the employers policy. Although, if the commercial driver has any stops to make other than rest or fuel in the state they are currently located in, the state becomes a destination and they are no longer travelling through.

FOPA has nothing to do with the discussion since we have been talking about loaded firearms. (At least i have!):)
I apologize and I stand corrected. It took me a couple of days to find out. It is funny though, I stopped off at the Donner summit scale and talked to three DOT troopers and all three thought it was illegal. So Im not the only one who thought that. They did contact DOT and found out for sure, and then called me yesterday and told me. The other posters were correct.

When I am wrong I will certainly say so. Navy LT you can hold your insults and no Im not a one hit wonder. If you think Im wrong, then say so. I will certainly check and correct any mistakes I have made. Ive been wrong before and Im sure I will be wrong again. Just hopefully not too much.
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I apologize, Staticline. I have been wrong too and came back on boards to say I was wrong. We do have to be careful with law enforcement, especially when carrying, because some, in the minority certainly, just don't like citizens carrying and will attempt to twist laws or invent laws to prevent us from carrying:

Thanks for coming back and sharing, and again, I do apologize.