Semi Auto Self Defense Shotguns?


Im looking to buy another self defense shotgun. And I would like for my next purchase to be a Semi Auto. What do you guys and gals recommend? 12 ga only. Thanks. ps Please post pics if possible. pss Lets keep it under $600.
Your best option is the Mossberg 930. It appears to be as reliable as a semi-auto shotgun can be and they make a 18.5" five shot model in your price range. The full on 930 with ghost ring sights is just a few $$$ over you price point but I'm happy with the "non-tactical" model.
And the one I want is $561.00 MSRP and $490.00 on the street.
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Cheap approach.....

Pick up a much used Remington 11. Install new springs and friction pieces, cut the barrel to about 20". A new pad and sling studs,some breakin shooting and you've a fine defensive weapon.

Less cheap. Do the same with an 1100.

Or buy a new Saiga.

Whatever you get, learn to run it.....
The wally world Beretta sells for your price as well, and will run forever providing you give it at least a modicum of minor maintenance
I'd spend $250 on a good used pump for now and save my money until I had enough to get a better semi.
I went with a used 1100, cut barrel to 19", Rem Shurshot stock combo, and +5 tube about $415 in it with glow bead front sight. Cycles every 2 3/4" light thru magnum...shot & slugs. 200+ rounds, no problems yet. I'm limited to 2 3/4 ammo and need to take tube off to clean.

or will do just fine

"siaga 12 all the way best shotgun ever made for home defence!!! (sic)"
It may be the best for you but for others there are better choices - FN SLP, Benelli M4, Mossberg 930. Many would even favor a good pump action. I'll take a tube over a detachable magazine any day.
The detachable magazine on the Saiga has a problem because the gun does not not have last round bolt hold open. I understand it can be modified to be useful and have last round bolt hold open. With a tube you reload as you go and can chamber specific rounds, slug or buck shot. The Saiga can be made to be reliable in 12 guage. Let's put it this way, you drop your magazine, replace it, and engage the bolt while I load a round in the tube magazine and shoot you. I think there are very many reasons why the Saiga 12 guage is deficient which can all be fixed at significant cost.
Shotgun for home defense is probably the LEAST LIKELY to ever need to reload... Saiga 12 are awesome for having fun or waging urban war/civil unrest/fomenting change or looting liquor stores..

Home Defense? Not really at all, I'd take my 930 SPX over a Saiga any day, in fact if you gave me the Saiga I'd sell it to buy a 930 SPX (or even a 590A1 if not able to get a 930 SPX)...

Changing magazines while a home invader is marauding? Not really tactically feasible... Much more likely to shoot-one-load one or even just go through your 5-8 rounds in your shotgun, maybe pop a few in from your shell carrier/stock soft shell carrier/bandoleer/pocket etc.. But mag changes are for warfighters in warzones, not HD with a shotgun, IMHO.
I agree with tAKticool. I have my 930 SPX loaded with a full tube (7) of #4 buck, chamber empty. Also have an 8-round side saddle with 3 more #4 buck and 5 00 buck. After a little bit of practice pulling rounds from the side saddle and loading them into the tube, I'm pretty confident that I can do it quickly. That's 15 rounds total I have at the ready. I think that's plenty. After all, I'm not laying down cover fire for a ground invasion...