Self limited concealed carry

My job is very physical. Bending, twisting, pushing, pulling, kneeling, overhead lifting/reaching, up and down ladders, etc. I’ve tried a few different pistols in my years at this job, and the only thing I can successfully keep concealed is my NAA Mini.

I’m 5’8”, 135 lbs, anything but SOB, or appendix carry prints horribly, even without all the motion. I’ve tried a J frame, and my SP101 in pocket carry and found two issues. First, in normal jeans pockets, anything the size and shape of a small revolver in my pocket, looks like a small revolver in my pocket. Second, pants with loose enough pockets to hide the shape, let it flop and bang into equipment and material, I don’t like that.

The mini revolver works for me, so that’s what I carry at work, switching to larger options when off work.
When I saw the picture in the first post I thought for sure there was going to be a "gotcha" moment where the guy would pull up his shirt or pull his pants partway down to reveal Dessert Eagle or S&W 500 in some hybrid belly band, crotch holster or something. Shudder. Glad we didn't go there.

(I can't find it now but there used to be an ad in the gun rags that showed the guy and gal standing there with the caption "Unarmed?" then they've got their pants partially unzipped and they're holding their guns and you can see some kind of belly band holster and the caption is something like "Not Hardly!" Again, I can't find it but it used to be around a lot.)

So seven hours later for no particular reason "Thunderwear" pops into my mind.
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carrying a Glock 19

Do you have to wear a suit?
Do you have to wear a dress shirt and a tie?
You going for a hike or camping?
Going shopping in a mall?
Or out to dinner in a fancy restaurant on your anniversary?

pocket gun. They tend to have distinct limitations when it comes to shootability for most folks. In terms of carry they go anywhere.


Concealing a Glock 19 (23) is easy, even in summer attire.
No. (Thank God)
No. (Thank God)
Walk my dogs about 2 miles daily, with Glock 23 or larger.
Shopping, errands... Glock 23 or larger.
Our 30th anniversary was lunch on outside patio at restaurant with our dogs - I chose wisely. :D

Agree, a Glock 19 is easier to shoot quick & accurate (plus holds more bullets) than a pocket gun - 380/38 snub.
I'd prefer a Glock 19 (23) in hand if I had to defend myself (rather than a pocket gun) and carry accordingly, everywhere.

Strive to carry (of the concealable guns owned) what would be preferred in hand if have to defend against lethal threat(s). ;)
It seems to me all carry guns are a compromise if you have or want to carry concealed. A rifle or shotgun is a better defensive tool than any handgun but they don't conceal very well. it just gets better from there, a 6" .357 Mag. is great but it also doesn't conceal very well, A baggy jacket or shirt will conceal even the 6" .357, 1911 or Glock of your choice. I wear t-shirts and cargo pants or jeans most of the time. Pocket carry works best for me. The 642 revolver draws better than the LC9 so i carry the 642. LC9 in the pickup console.
It seems to me all carry guns are a compromise if you have or want to carry concealed. A rifle or shotgun is a better defensive tool than any handgun but they don't conceal very well. it just gets better from there, a 6" .357 Mag. is great but it also doesn't conceal very well, A baggy jacket or shirt will conceal even the 6" .357, 1911 or Glock of your choice. I wear t-shirts and cargo pants or jeans most of the time. Pocket carry works best for me. The 642 revolver draws better than the LC9 so i carry the 642. LC9 in the pickup console.

Other than just hanging out at the house, I typically don't wear a t-shirt rather a untucked loose fit polo or button up.
That said, a Glock 19/23 is easily concealed under a t-shirt as pictured.
Dressed in t-shirt and shorts, concealed is Glock 19 AIWB and Kahr PM in pocket.


You should be carrying your passport, voter registration, drivers license, and a blanket form apology you can sign.

Just to cover the bases.

There are others in this nation who don't want you to carry (or even own) anything other than a bright green squirt gun. :D
I wear cargo pants and tshirts all the time. I have no issue whatsoever concealing a Smith M&P 9c. Hell I've even carried my Berretta M9A1 wearing the same.

I thinks most peoples issue is trying to make cheap ass holsters work. An Uncle Mikes $4 holster is not going to work.

Spend a little and carry what you want, when you want, wearing what you want.

I use a white hat holster IWB holster. Same style as the super tuck and others.

Looks huge. When on, I don't even know its there. Sit down. Stand up. In and out of vehicle. Loading up lumber at home depot. It does not move. Never have to fuss with it.

Stop trying to make cheap holsters work. And good luck trying to fish a gun out of a cargo pocket quickly.
I find it amusing that others want to tell me what I should be carrying, and why.

My philosophy is, of the concealable handguns owned strive to carry one that would be preferred in hand if you had to defend yourself.

If one would prefer a Kel-Tec P32 ;) in hand to defend against lethal threat(s) that is their prerogative, certainly not mine.

There is nowhere I'd prefer a pocket 380/38 snub in hand rather than a Glock 19 (23) to defend my life and I carry accordingly.

starting a thread =/= telling others what they should be carrying

Encouraging, not telling. :)
Pick your poison. For me, changing the way I dress to accommodate a larger gun is going to get me just as much bad attention as printing.
I've worn a belt pouch for the last 30 years. Packing or not, I wear it every time I go out. I don't think anyone can tell that I have a S&W Shield tucked away in there.

Some years back I bought a Colt Detective Special and I ended up selling it when funds were tight. While it was well made and a beautiful gun, it was bulky chunk to carry. I don't miss carrying it at all...

Pick your poison. For me, changing the way I dress to accommodate a larger gun is going to get me just as much bad attention as printing.

My typical attire affords easy concealment of a Glock 19.
Pictured is a Glock 19 (23) easily concealed in "summer attire"
I don't care what anyone has stuffed in their pants, a pistol in your pocket is always there, and is no trouble at all.
Same goes for a pistol stuffed in your pants, and its easier/quicker to get into action, from any position, and gives you a lot more flexability. ;)
CDW4ME, what holster are you using? have you always carried the Glock 19 or did you work up to it? Did you always carry a back-up? It does look like that Glock conceals well on you. Good job. I'm relatively slim, wear clothes that fit, and don't typically wear cover garments until the weather makes me. I haven't mastered a comfortable concealed carry with my compacts yet. I haven't gotten that far on my journey.
Don't forget that ability isn't everything.

I CAN conceal just about any full sized pistol I want. On occasion, I do. However, my normal everyday carry is a S&W bodyguard .380 holstered in my right front pocket. Its very comfortable.

My chances of needing it are miniscule. My chances of needing more gun than that are so small it's almost incomprehensible. I've come to place a higher value on comfort and convenience the last decade or so.
I don't care what anyone has stuffed in their pants, a pistol in your pocket is always there, and is no trouble at all.
A pistol in your pocket while standing is always there and easily accessible.
A pistol in your pocket while seated in a chair, restaurant booth, etc., is inconvenient.
A pistol in your pocket while seated in a vehicle (particularly while wearing a seat belt) is virtually useless.

You have to dress for the occasion. Most people wouldn't wear shorts and a t-shirt in -20 weather; or a parka and snow boots on Miami Beach in July.

As I've alluded to before, just as you dress for the occasion, you need to arm for the occasion.
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