Self limited concealed carry


New member
Work attire not included.
When someone posts they can't conceal bigger than a pocket gun.
Whats not being said is reluctance to dress for carry:
I'm one of those who mostly pocket carry. But I don't complain about it, the convenience is what makes it feasible to me. Now if that man were to wear a super stylish Hawaiian button down, he could OWB. Or how about one of those low key IDPA fishing vests? (jk)
Not going to dress like a Rambo, or a Mall Ninja just to cover a cannon when I can comfortably carry a smaller, lighter pistol that I have complete confidence in.
Yes, when attire allows I carry a bigger gun IWB covered by a loose shirt. But being "obviously over covered" isn't important to me.
A 1911 will fit in a cargo shorts pocket, but you sure can't run or even walk fast comfortably with it there. It will beat you to death.

There is nothing wrong with a pocket gun. If everyone carried one, the world would be a much safer (and nicer) place.
The gun is there to serve me, not the other way around.

That's not to say that I'm totally unwilling to change how I dress to carry, but there are limits. I draw the line at buying a different set of clothes just for carry. In practice, that doesn't mean I can't ever carry a full-sized pistol, at all, but it does mean that there are some situations where I can't conceal a full-sized pistol.

That said, my compact pistol holds 8 rounds and it has a long enough grip and sight radius that I can shoot it very well. I figure if I can hold a 10 shot group under 5" at 25 yards with a pistol, it will do for most anything a person with a pistol would reasonably be expected to do.

I think the key is shooting your carry pistol to determine your capability with it. If you find that you can't shoot it well enough to satisfy you, then maybe it's time to consider whether or not you want to change your mode of dress to allow concealing something that might be easier to shoot.

In my experience, once you get above .380ACP, most people will want all three fingers on the grip of the gun to properly manage recoil and to provide adequate "shootability". Going shorter than that on the grip will result in a noticeable handicap--and also hurt you in the capacity department. As the caliber goes down, so does recoil, and a two-finger grip can work ok in those situations--although the shorter grip is still going to cost you capacity.
I'm 5"8", a trim 175#, live in a very warm place, and nine months out of the year wear shorts and an untucked T-shirt. I carry a G19 OWB almost everyday. Sometimes a 5" 1911 IWB. Nobody notices.
The #1 rule of gunfighting: Have a gun.
The absolute best gun for self defense: The one you have with you when you need it.
Every situation is different. Sometimes you need to arm yourself for the situation and dress accordingly.
Sometimes you need to dress for the occasion and arm yourself accordingly.
There are only three absolutes in life; birth, death, and taxes.
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Fortunately, I've enjoyed wearing cargo pants and cargo shorts throughout my life, ergo I don't have to "dress around" my carry gun since it's easily concealed in my everyday attire within an AWB Holster.

That being said, I used to carry a Walther PPK/S in .380 ACP as my primary carry gun, so even if all that I was capable of carrying was my trusty Ruger LCP, then I'd feel just fine. I really only started carrying a bigger gun because of wild predatory animals appearing in my area.
Growing old(er) is a minefield for both the body and soul.

Like the time the blonde ran up to my car door to tell me that she loved my convertible....right before she asked me if she could borrow it sometime.

Maybe it's getting used to being invisible now. Pretty girls who would return my looks are now looking right through me. Maybe that was what bothered me for a while?

Someone notice the butt of a 1911 that I have tucked in my waistband? Are you kidding me? I would have to set myself on fire for someone to notice me and then they would have to smell money burning before they tried to put out the fire.

Now, I don't make a practice of carrying a flashy chrome plated 1911 in a holster at my side. That might maybe draw some attention....the pretty pistol, not the owner. But the butt of a 1911 riding on the top of my belt? NEVER noticed....never.

I live in an open carry state but I'm not into political activism or choosing a hill everyday when I go out. But on the other hand, if I jump in the pickup for a trip to town and that 1911 is in my waistband then the snowflakes will just have a warm day I guess.

My point is that it has taken me a long time to get over myself enough to realize that every lump and bump on my body is not going under the microscope of public scrutiny.

Now, if I had a hind-end like J-Lo we would be talking about something way different.
But I don't, so we ain't.
Ingramite makes a good point. The majority of the time, no one is looking.

I've carried full size pistols for decades. No one has noticed.
Someone notice the butt of a 1911 that I have tucked in my waistband? Are you kidding me? I would have to set myself on fire for someone to notice me and then they would have to smell money burning before they tried to put out the fire.


A blonde ran up to me too to tell me she loved my convertible.

I was flattered until I discovered she meant my Ruger 45ACP/45Colt.

If the fella in the pic untucked that ratty T shirt he could carry any handgun that he desired for concealable purposes. He could also put on a button up work shirt like a Dickies or a Big Ben and look better than he looks in that tucked in T shirt and be cooler in a hot environment. There is nothing about what he's wearing that places any major obstacle to carrying a Glock 19 or a Colt Defender or a larger piece.

More important is what he plans to do and go when he carries. People normally dress differently based on where they are going. Do you have to wear a suit? Do you have to wear a dress shirt and a tie? You going for a hike or camping? Going shopping in a mall? Or out to dinner in a fancy restaurant on your anniversary? We tend to dress differently for these things. So what we carry and how can vary for the circumstance.

Nothing wrong with a pocket gun. They tend to have distinct limitations when it comes to shootability for most folks. In terms of carry they go anywhere.
