Self-Defense Strategies While On Campus?


New member
While having some serious concerns coming from the open country to the BIG city to attend college, my first couple of years thankfully went by with no incidents. Living on the middle of campus, having classes only during the day, and moving in the most highly lighted often traveled areas at night minimized my chances of an encounter.

Well, now having moved right off campus (still owned by university though) and taking night classes, I don't feel nearly as comfortable and have started pro-actively researching what's the best thing for me to use/carry.

University policy reads as follows:

"Possession or storage of a Deadly weapon or Destructive device is prohibited on any University of Louisville campus or in any facility owned, leased or operated by the University. This policy applies to University housing, University parking areas and private vehicles parked or operated either on campus or at any off-campus facility owned, leased or operated by the University. This policy shall not apply to police officers directly employed by the government, to federal agents or to ROTC equipment. The University's Director of Public Safety may grant exceptions to this policy in writing for the convenience of the University.

Deadly weapon as applied in this policy is:

1. any weapon from which a shot readily capable of producing death of serious physical injury may be discharged;
2. any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife;
3. billy or nightstick;
4. blackjack or slapjack;
5. nunchaku karate stick;
6. shuriken or death star;
7. artificial knuckles made from metal, plastic or similar hard material.

A destructive device means any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas bomb, grenade, mine, rocket, missile or similar device and includes the unassembled components from which such a device can be made. Any University faculty, staff, student, or administrator determined to have violated this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion, under procedures of The Redbook, Staff Handbook, and The Code of Student Conduct."

So what do you think?
I think that your campus is a smogousboard for criminals :(.

Sorry, but like most college campuses are open invitations for rapists and muggers.

It looks like you can only carry OC (but look at your states laws) and a normal pocket knife.

An ordinary lockblade pocketknife is plenty effective if you apply it with a will. "Tactical folders" haven't been around very long at all; and folks were carving each other up with gusto using folders for generations before the tactical models did come along. Spend some money and get a good, stout "friendly" looking lockback. I think this one fits the bill rather nicely. A cane isn't a bad idea either. I carry one of Cold Steel's head-knockers when I go out for an evening stroll, but you might want to go with a blackthorn or other natural material stick that doesn't scream "I"M FOR FLOGGING HOOLIGANS!" and that doesn't look quite as out of place with college student clothes as the Cold Steel offering would.
Invest some time in learning to use both the knife and the cane.
Just like my campus, it really sucks how the absolute most dangerous place I go has the worst laws. Campus after dark is a poorly lit robbery magnet.

With the college so sure they will protect you from BG's I am sure nothing will ever happen on campus........ ;) Well, we both know what a bunch of bull this set up is. It is the perfect place for the criminal to work his trade.

I suggest a large ring of keys that you can handle....... IT works as an aid in hand to hand....... I won't draw a picture but keep it simple and use it as it is (a key ring with your keys) I would also try to buddy up with at minimal 1 but bigger groups is best...... Strength in numbers and watch each others back.... a 3 cell flashlite (Mag) is just that extra light since the university is so well lite. Make sure it fits in your book bag but is in easy - quick grab area of the bag. Not that I would need to tell you it works as more than a light. Depending on your laws pepper spray is dandy to have on your side. Try to park in busy areas that have lights, people, traffic, buildings that see your location. Look for camera systems and try to keep your travels in view of it. I know lots of areas have little if any of these options. Try to have a charged cell phone with you all the time and a 911 preprogram button for it. Know exactly where you are to get help to you if you need some. Always make eye contact with those in your area. The eyes tell lots about yourself as well as those whom might try to make you a victim. Pay attention to details of garments worn by those nearing you....... Walk with motivation and spirit. The way you look or don't look can send a signal to a would be BG.
If your feeling in danger create a racket and fight like Rocky. It's your life and safety and don't let any crap head take either without your very best energy to stop his act........... Best luck and beware of bushes, dark corners, and under vehicles too.......

a self defense class is worth the money and time......... ;)
Aye, there's not much they will let you do. I say get a folder knife.

This appeared in our school newspaper after someone got shot.

(Note, there is a blanked out curse word in here)
I think I noticed that you had a slight limp. Get a decent cane and learn how to strike with it. Feed stores in Texas sell heavy duty canes they use with cattle (i can't remember the specific name) but you can beat the hell out of them and they won't break.

Just want to add one thing to what Rojoe67 said. Always "look" as if you have a weapon. This used to work for me when I was passing through bad neighborhoods in Washington D.C.. If you wear baggy cloths they don't know what you may be packing. If someone is making you nervous you act like your itching to pull something out from you pants belt that is under your untucked shirt. It has worked for me in the past. IOW bluff if all else fails.
Knowlege is good. Here are the University of Louisville Crime stats.

Criminal Offenses - On-campus 2001 2002 2003
a. Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
b. Negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
c. Sex offenses - Forcible 1 1 0
d. Sex offenses - Non-forcible(Include only incest and statutory rape) 9 13 0
e. Robbery 2 4 1
f. Aggravated assault 18 0 3
g. Burglary 4 17 29
h. Motor vehicle theft 13 14 5
i. Arson 0 1 1

Criminal Offenses - On-campus Residence Halls 2001 2002 2003
a. Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
b. Negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
c. Sex offenses - Forcible 1 1 0
d. Sex offenses - Non-forcible(Include only incest and statutory rape) 1 0 0
e. Robbery 0 4 0
f. Aggravated assault 5 0 1
g. Burglary 2 8 24
h. Motor vehicle theft 0 0 0
i. Arson 0 1 1

Criminal Offenses - Non-campus 2001 2002 2003
a. Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
b. Negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
c. Sex offenses - Forcible 0 0 0
d. Sex offenses - Non-Forcible(Include only incest and statutory rape) 0 0 0
e. Robbery 0 0 0
f. Aggravated assault 0 0 0
g. Burglary 0 0 0
h. Motor vehicle theft 0 0 0
i. Arson 0 0 0

Criminal Offenses - Public Property 2001 2002 2003
a. Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
b. Negligent manslaughter 0 0 0
c. Sex offenses - Forcible 1 3 0
d. Sex offenses - Non-forcible(Include only incest and statutory rape) 0 0 0
e. Robbery 6 21 4
f. Aggravated assault 5 29 2
g. Burglary 6 25 7
h. Motor vehicle theft 6 39 4
i. Arson 0 0 0

College and University Campus Crime Statistics

Sooooooooo what do you do about it?
First, note that the non-campus offenses are zero. There is a lot attracting criminals to the campus. It's easy pickings. Several forcible sex crimes, ie rapes. A lot of robbery and burgulary. Quite a few assaults.

So, make yourself a hard target. Make the criminal find an easier victim. There will be plenty of easier victims available if you just do a little to enhance your security.

After dark do not walk alone. Car pool so you have a person or two with you. With other people, you are a much more difficult target. Arrive early and get the choice parking if possible.

Protect your vehicle. Lock it. Leave nothing of value in it. Heck, sell the radio, use an Ipod, and leave your windows rolled down. That way they won't bust out your glass and make you get wet in the rain.

Foremost though, have a plan. The reason a criminal can ply his trade in robbery is he has a plan and the victim plays into it. Carry 5 new one dollar bills with a twenty on the outside with a heavy money clip in your pocket. When the criminal demands your money, take your $25 mugging money out, and throw it under the nearest car. Then run like hell. Trust me, the criminal will go for your mugging money, which looks like at least $100, and allow you to escape. Yes, you lost $25. It's cheaper than the alternative, whether you beat his butt or not. Just the time that you would have spent in lock-up after "assaulting" him is worth $25.

What you have to look at is not how to persevere in an assault, but how to avoid one.

I've been on the Univ of Lou campus. It's pretty. There is a lot of opportunity for criminals there. If you do decide to carry regardless, you will end up not going to college there any more if you are outed. Many people take that risk every day with their jobs. It's a decision only you can make, and one you must keep totally under wraps. Looking at the statistics though, deadly force is of arguable necessity for any of the past crimes on campus. That is not to say that it will not change. That choice is entirely up to you.

Out of curiosity, I went looking to see if UofL listed the rape that occured in 2002. I found this.
020067 1221 hrs. HSC "C" Dental School Building
Kenya M. Trabue, of Louisville, KY. was arrested on the
above charges.
This case is closed by arrest.
Desmond McDaniel, 5/21/80, of Jeffersonville, IN was
arrested on the above charge.
This case is closed by arrest.
020702 1729 hrs. Preston & Muhammed Ali Streets
Armando M. Esparza Jr, 6/10/43, of Louisville, KY was
arrested for Alcohol/Resisting Charges above, as well as
an outstanding Bench Warrant for the weapon charge.
This case is closed by arrest.

I also found the rape.

021281 1336 hrs. Preston & Muhammed Ali Streets
Calup L. Sutton II, 7/16/69, of Campbellsville, KY was
arrested on an outstanding warrant for the above charge.
This case is closed by arrest.
As I know most colleges do not allow weapons of any kind on campus. Sorry. That doesn't keep me from carrying mine at night when I'm walking alone. I feel safe during the day so I leave the gun elsewhere. There are too many bad people around here. If I get caught with my gun on campus, well I guess I'll get caught.
Jelly, I noticed that the prohibited items on the university list and those mentioned here as alternatives all have one thing in common, the need for you to be physically engaging a bad guy to make them work. In other words, the you have to use force to stop force. This is a typical tactic people popularly think is needed for self defense. The more you engage a target, the more likely it is that the target may be able to harm you. So consider these options as well.

First, situational awareness and accurate threat assessment will go a long way to preclude you from allowing yourself to be a good selection as a victim.

The best defense is to not be there. What does that mean? Flight from a bad situation means lowering your risk of being harmed. As part of flight, you need to wear clothing appropriate to make this happen without problems. For example, tennis shoes are much better for flight than hard soled shoes. Tighter clothing will lower the potential of your clothing getting snagged or grabbed by the bad guy.

Also critical to flight is knowing where you are and where you need to go to be safe or to lose your attacker.

Items you carry can protect you from incoming blows, stabs, or even some gunfire if you choose properly and choose an appropriate carry platform. A backpact with books can serve this purpose. If you carry a satchel or briefcase, there are companies that sell kevlar inserts that can be placed in your pack or satchel in the full range of soft armor ratings.

While you may need to carry X amount of things as you are on campus, endeavor to always have at least one hand free. That free hand will be what you use to defend yourself before you can get your pack or satchel in position. Also, the free hand is the hand that is going to be doing things like opening doors, dialing 911, using keys, stopping blood flow, and on and on and on.

If you feel that you need physical weapons for defense and ones that meet the university parameters, then some creative thinking on your part can help keep you in compliance while still allowing yourself to have weapons other than guns. Heavy barrel pens can serve as stabbing implements. If you can't carry pepper spray, then consider carrying a small fire extinguisher in your pack or satchel. Here is a really small one....
I don't see anything in there against a common awl ;) I keep on in my backpack all the time for general stuff anyways, would hirt to get stabbed with though. Used it in class a few times(electronics) to move something that was hot(heat wise) out of the way so.
A good folding knife is your best bet. The regs say the knife must be "an ordinary pocket knife" and here it depends on how they would define "ordinary." I would go to your local Wal-Mart and find a single blade folder.

Why Wal-Mart? It's where ordinary people shop, and their prices are good. For under $30 you can get a good knife that is readily available to the public. I know they carry Buck and Gerber. Why a single blade? You are going to have enough on your mind, if you ever have to use it, trying to get the one blade to work fast enough - keep it simple.

I would go with a blade around 3 inches. Not too evil-looking, but enough to do massive damage if it's sharp. You can buy diamond shapening "stones" that require no oil and will put a good edge on your knife quickly - they're also cheap if you get the small ones.
Sucks when they do this doesn't it? A college campus at night is probably one of the places you want a weapon the most, especially for females. Here in Texas even if the school didn't have a policy it's considered a 'school' the same as any other school and they won't let you carry with a permit.

Small knife and pepper spray I would say.
Although it was against policy I carried a Makarov for all six of my years at college. No one ever noticed and I never needed it, but I'm glad I had it.
rape survey at University of Minnesota

The crime data cited in an earlier response sounded fairly light. Keep in mind, however, that most rape attempts and even completions are said to be unreported. A survey was done at the University of Minnesota on this, and the estimate is that between 20 and 25% of women experience a completed or attempted rape in their undergraduate careers there. I would think that the U of M is a fairly average campus as far as risk. The link is
The article also cites data that suggest that a woman's best chance of escaping a rape attempt unharmed is by resistance with a firearm.
Another U of M

I go to University of Miami.

If I really needed it, I could call up for an escort on the blue phone (can you do that?). I have walked around here in the dark, some places have people even up to 9 or 10 PM (concerts, music school, restaurant, library).

Maybe I'm just oblivious. Then again, I'm a poor, male, college student.

But as for the flashlight (which somebody mentioned), I would think it is a bad idea. If it is very dark in the first place, lighting up would let everyone know where you are without you knowing where they are (wouldn't it signal insecurity?).

Maybe the gals should buy these tasers that are standard to Florida police now. Are they expensive? I have also seen these flashbang type defense lights, do those work?
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I didn't read all of the replies but I thought I'd chip in:

I go to Texas Tech University, you can wear a concealed handgun as long as you do not enter any buildings or sports events. I keep mine in my center console of my truck when I go into class.

The large majority of students do not live on campus so its a little different.