Self Defense Scenario v. Dreams

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I've had some really weird dreams. Usually the ones that bother me are emptying a mag into an attacker and it doesnt even stop them. But, its just a dream.
For some of us who have "seen the elephant", those are called nightmares or flashbacks. Same guy, same bullet, same day, but 40 years later.
I used to have dreams that my guns would go phutt phutt instead of bang bang. Totally anemic and not do me any good. Last 3 or 4 dreams about engaging with a firearm, I have been completely successful in eliminating the threat. But the gun still goes phutt phutt.:confused: If dreams really mean something maybe we're finally going to see some easing of restrictions on silencers?:p

Naw probably just auditory exclusion, even when dreaming.
This is an interesting topic and comes up fairly regularly. I used to have the dreams where the bullets had no effect, would fall out the end of the barrel, the gun would malf, all bad things which concerned me because I was new to carrying and had just got my 45.

It made me want to go shooting more. It was like I was trying to confince myself that it would work in reality. A strange thing happened then. As I began shooting more and more, my guns began working in my dreams!

So that makes me think that it is related to confidence. I was getting better in real life, and in my dreams.

Go shooting more. Cast if you have to to get the price down. Thats how I did it.
I had a recurring dream about being in a very large mall (bigger than the Mall of America) right after closing. There were only scattered people in it, but I remember that I was being followed by people at a distance. I don't remember being particularly afraid, and I was conscious of having a gun, but it ended up being this goofy chase where I didn't run because I didn't want the people following me to know I knew they were following me, and they didn't run because they didn't want me to know they were following me.

That's about the only gun-related dream I've had.
Had a weird one a few nights ago - in the dream I was having a party which got crashed by 2 individuals intent on murder, rape, and general mayhem.

No idea why, but it's a dream, not a vision:p

Anyways, in the dream, went to the nightstand to get my Beretta, and it wasn't there, nor was any other gun where I usually leave it.

Turned around to find both men holding a gun in each hand and pointing them at me - that's when I woke up and immediately reached into the nightstand to make sure at least that one was still there

Yeesh, no more pickles before bed for me
Sometimes I have a dream based of a action game or movie so whatever I did right in the video game or saw right in the movie it seems always like some version of the firefight had a key part involving me in a close enviroment but not the same as in the movie or game but i usually win or lose based on the part of game or movie part I realize it to be when I wake up. And mabey just 2 times I had dreams where its was difficult to move around like walking through jello to get a shot off at the bad guy those dreams were disturbing but those dreams I seem to have difficulty remembering strangely.
Let's hear from someone who's guns do work in their dreams..

The last gun dream I had was that I had went back to Columbus where I'm from to visit. Everyone I knew was at work so I decided to cruise the old haunts. I went into an apt building I used to live at to look around and up on the 3rd floor I get approached by a young punk who says oh you made a mistake now and come at me. So I draw and put two in him just as pretty as you please. Everything worked and he fell down right away. A totally righteous shoot.

So the rest of the dream was me trying to distance myself from the scene and the police. I was running thru alleys and turning corners like mad with this overwhelming feeling that I have to get away so the police dont get me. I ran until I woke up.

It was a good shoot but I felt the need to run. Does this mean I don't have confidence in the Police? LOL:D
Dr. for someone having that dream you have a lot of firepower. I think it's a regular feeling to think about "what ifs" when it comes to using a gun, but everyday we do what we gotta do to survive and be safe. Sometimes it's nothing out of the ordinary, or you might have to change a flat tire at night on the highway, a very dangerous manuver, so you would dream about a car hitting you, or a bear your hunting mauling you. Pretty dark to me. I dream about winning the super lotto and such, but dreams about shooting somebody, good luck with that.
Let's hear from someone who's guns do work in their dreams..
They work quite well for me lately. They just sound funny.

Good thing too, cuz I don't need anymore hearing loss, even in my dreams.:p
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