Self Defense/concealed carry

I wasn't necessary talking about shooting someone I have seen posts that the person posting thought the fact that someone new he had a firearm defused a situation.


I think that's a bit of a cop out, there is nothing to stop someone saying that they used their firearm in a self defence situation without going into details. I will start no I have never needed a firearm or other weapon for self defence. PS I would say the reason that few have said they used their firearm in self defence is because very few have.

I think you're confusing the different terms of "using" a firearm. No it's not a "cop out".

One "use" is you felt/feel good to have it at the time you thought you might need it, or grabbing onto or drawing deterred the situation.

To actually "USE" it, shot someone after you pulled. No. Most won't say and no it's not a cop out. And Spats McGee is right. There will be people flocking to know details. And a lot of things could still be pending and unclear. So why go over it over the Internet. It's not to coolest thing in the world to talk about. It can be traumatic to think of deeply.
Yes, when I read "use a firearm," I jumped straight to "shot someone." I didn't consider the option of simply displaying a firearm.
How many of you have actually been forced to used a handgun in self defense and what situations would you recommend carrying a gun?
First one first: I have been forced to produce a handgun to defend against violent criminal actors on more than one occasion. No shots were fired. All of these incidents occurred several decades ago.

I would not recommend that anyone ever discuss in a public forum an incident involving a death resulting from the use of force. I would suggest that any discussion of a less serious incident, including drawing a gun, not occur until after the expiration of any applicable statutes of limitations.

I recommend carrying whenever it is permissible to do so. I do make one exception: when the sidewalks and lots are covered with ice, I do not carry. I consider the risk of exposure to attack lower, and at the same time, I choose to mitigate the risk of injury that might be caused by falling on a concealed weapon.
I recommend carrying whenever it is permissible to do so. I do make one exception: when the sidewalks and lots are covered with ice

I never carry when the sidewalks are covered with ice, here in Phoenix...;)

Sgt Lumpy
ryanh51 said:
What do you guys do?

Generally speaking, I slip a compact handgun into my pocket when I leave the house. I do not carry around the home, but I keep a pair of loaded S&W revolvers at opposite ends of the place, where only I and my wife know the locations. I have a low profile lifestyle and am not a likely target. That said, I live very close to the US-Mexico border and the years-long violence south of the fence is a concern, even though it's settled down quite a bit recently.

Protecting yourself and your family is a personal responsibility and each of us has to weigh the risks in our individual situations and plan accordingly. But it's always best to be prepared. Keep your head on a swivel and maintain situational awareness.
Just to clarify: I didn't expect anyone to discuss times when they actually shot another human being. I'm sure there are times when this is necessary and happens but I guess in my mind I picture that most of the time the possession and display of a handgun would be enough to deter MOST threats(obviously not if the potential threat also has a gun himself/herself).

A bit of an oversight on my part O.o.
Posted by ryanh51: I'm sure there are times when this [(ie, shooting)] is necessary and happens but I guess in my mind I picture that most of the time the possession and display of a handgun would be enough to deter MOST threats...
There are. Happens frequently.

But unless the display of the weapon was lawfully justified, the actor could get into a lot of trouble.

Hence the advice to not discuss it in a public forum, or with anyone else, for that matter.
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So what happens when you display your gun and some punk (while dancing about in his meth haze) says, "Go ahead and shoot me." Now what do you do?

Something else to think about.

I acutally had this happen in a Key West boatyard when some whacked out guy tried to board my boat. I racked the shotgun but he wouldn't leave though he didn't board. He kept standing on the dock trying to incite me. I told him to please just climb aboard but he wasn't that stupid. Fortunately the PD showed up and arrested him for tresspassing and drug possession.
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There are. Happens frequently.

But unless the display of the weapon was lawfully justified, the actor could get into a lot of trouble.

Hence the advice to not discuss it in a public forum, or with anyone else, for that matter.

How do you know that it happens frequently if you are no one else discusses it. :confused:
How do you know that it happens frequently if you are no one else discusses it.

I have seen it happen twice with my own eyes and heard about it happening a couple of times.
Not all people shut down by a brandished gun.
GOOD on you for taking the responsibility for your family's safety! The tools will take care of themselves as time moves on. Kudos again!

If I'm by myself, I am probably armed. If my wife and daughters are with me, definitely armed!