Seen with a Pervert?

after a quick search of NY, Calif, and Michicgan laws, I do not see any place that has you register for Indecent Exposure

Well, Iowa at least has registration for Indecent Exposure, but there (as in most places) it's only if the purpose of the exposure was for the sexual gratification of either party. Whether I trust prosecutors and juries to apply that standard fairly or accurately is up in the air, but yeah the actual risk of being tagged for such an action is probably largely overblown (and I just contributed to that).

As far as stat-rape goes, there are quite a few states where the age of consent laws do not take into account the difference in age and thus an 18-year-old could actually find themselves in trouble for having a 17-year-old girlfriend. In some of these the sentence will be lighter, but I believe the offender will still have to register.

I wonder what the general response would be if they decided to combine Sex Offender Registration line with the Rape Crisis Services line...

Well, there's a difference between being related and being processed by the same agency. I doubt that the Sheriff's Department runs the Rape Crisis Services.

Though I'd agree that perhaps a more vague sign might be an idea.
I think that's not a good idea. But it affords an opportunity to display the exemplary behavior in general of CHL applicants.
Maybe you could confide in these vermin that you just don't know what horrible things you might do with your guns should anyone harm your loved ones. Might make them think twice about coming to your neighborhood.

On a more serious note...I don't think I could stand in line with these people. My family has been turned upside down because of a sex offender and I have no understanding or sympathy for these people. If there is truly a line to stand in, I think it is wrong to make anyone be near them if they don't want to be.

Other than that, I don't have an opinion. :rolleyes:

WEll, AT LEAST you get to have permit so easy to obtain.

Here in N.Y.C. not shall issue

I would stand in line with sex offenders everyday for a year if it can get me a carry permit ! :mad:

count your blessings :rolleyes:
I have a question, though. Passing over the obvious issue that not all "sex offenders" have really committed something worthy of being called a "sex crime", why is there a LINE in a PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING where sex offenders register? Why is it not part of their conviction process, handled by a court?

Sex offenders are still allowed to relocate and when they do they have to register in their new locale. The courts are busy enough.
This might be a bit off topic, but there are aspects of this law and procedure tht need a serious review.

For example, if you are a legal adult, as is a high school senior at the age of 18, and your girl friend is a technically a minor at the age of 16, you can be arrested and forced to register as a sex offender.

Technically, I would be in that pool of offenders.

When I first met my wife, I had just turned 21 and she was 17. Seems like yesterday, but that's 37 years ago...

Coupled with that, I have been arrested and convicted of CCW, which is a misdemeanor in the state of Wisconsin, a felony in some other states.

Granted, we are talking about some serious issues in this thread. Part of me tingles with the old "there for the grace of" type feelings. After all, in much of polite society, I'm no more welcomed then the sexual offenders mentioned here.
For example, if you are a legal adult, as is a high school senior at the age of 18, and your girl friend is a technically a minor at the age of 16, you can be arrested and forced to register as a sex offender.
Depends on your state. That's not true in all states. Amusingly, it is apparently true in California, where the age of consent is 18 and there is no exception based on age differential. (Exception only applies if both are under 18)
Say what you want about New York's draconian gun laws, at least citizens exercising their Constitutional rights in Erie County get a beautifully furnished room outside of an ornate hallway with all of the latest firearms and hunting magazines to read while they wait. :D
Any of ya'll wonder if the police machine did not do this so the pervs will have the opportunity to see just how many CWP holders are in the area? What with most being middle age or so males they gotta realize that most are fathers...;)
I know my 16 year old daughter DREADS the day I have to meet her beau! She done told me that any that pee themself are too weak and those that pass the inquisition are likely full fledged NUT JOB!:rolleyes:
Just to add, since it has come up,this is the type of thing that can make a sex offender out of someone I certainly wouldnt consider a pervert, based on wat he did, and with whom.
....Moseley, 34, a carpenter from the Atlanta suburb of Jonesboro, was convicted under Georgia's 156-year-old sodomy statute last year after admitting in court that he had had oral sex with his estranged wife, Bette Roberts. ....

Full story here:

Back on topic, personally, I dont see why they cant just alter the sign or something.The fact they are receiving complaints, but are unwilling to make 2 lines, or 2 signs, or change/reword the sign, or something, makes ME PERSOALLY think that someone in charge there doesnt like giving out gun permits, and thinks this will either discourage people, or is just funny to them.Seems to me, the sign could just say "Registration/Permits", and the problem is solved without them having to do anyhing but spend a couple dollars on a new sign (maybe not even that, I'll bet if they pass the hat to the gun owners in line 1 time, they could collect enough free money hapily donated to pay for a new sign) How hard is that? The unwilingness to do anything but make excuses,makes it seem like an intentional act to me.
You know there is one benefit to all this. By standing in the sex offender line to get your permit you may get to see some of the faces you might need to recognize, a sort of early warning preview.
You know there is one benefit to all this. By standing in the sex offender line to get your permit you may get to see some of the faces you might need to recognize, a sort of early warning preview.

But if that was the case, wouldnt it make more sense to register burglars and petty criminals? Or even murderers?
But if that was the case, wouldnt it make more sense to register burglars and petty criminals? Or even murderers?

well, no. The prision is a corrective institution. The perps who fulfill their terms, are supposed to be cured, and is a better member of society.

Sex offenders are born that way. they cant be cured, their lust overcome their better judgement anyday, and some are just perverted down to the bones, thus needs registration.

I wonder are there any "women" registered perverts, I would love to meet a few for a good ole fashion perverted hollarin good time ! :D:D:D:D
Sex offenders are born that way. they cant be cured, their lust overcome their better judgement anyday, and some are just perverted down to the bones, thus needs registration.

Got any proof of that, Sir? Will the 18 year old high school senior who dated a a 16 year old freshman spend the rest of his life lusting after children? Will the guy who got caught by his nosy neighbor taking a leak in his backyard spend the rest of his life flashing random strangers? With a very few exceptions, criminals are made, not born with instinct.

If you belive that sex offenders are born that way, would you support a program to screen children for the signs of perversion so we can "cull the herd" early?
You know there is one benefit to all this. By standing in the sex offender line to get your permit you may get to see some of the faces you might need to recognize, a sort of early warning preview.

My thoughts exactly:D

WildhaveyouhuggedyourCharterarmsexplorertodayAlaska ™
Sex offenders are born that way. they cant be cured, their lust overcome their better judgement anyday, and some are just perverted down to the bones, thus needs registration.
The vast majority of the psychological community would strongly disagree with you.
Redworm said:
The vast majority of the psychological community would strongly disagree with you.

That's not much of a debating point. The usual majority of the psychological community disagree with me. Half might say, "That biker is nuts." The other half opine, "No, that biker is really nuts." It's a fine point, very technical, and it would take pages to explain.

Here's my point--other than trying to get a laugh.

The majority of the psychological community once thought homosexuality was a mental disorder. This was during a time when children with tonsilitis got three blasts of radium which might effect their thyroid years later. It makes bloodletting in barber shops look like "kissing a boo-boo."

And if nailed down and forced to make an honest appraisal for publication, the vast majority of the psychological community would no doubt postulate that riding up to three times the posted speed limit is insane, especially if you're riding on the outside of the vehicle.

The vast majority of the psychological community also believe the shooting sports are unhealthy.
eh, not exactly

psychology is a science and like all sciences it evolves with new information. it's a very difficult one to follow and it's neither monolithic nor arbitrary. that being said, the idea that sex offenders are all simply "born" that way is asinine. you may be able to say that most pedophiles are born that way with some sort of genetic abnormality or that most necrophiliacs can't be cured but since many sex offenders have no abnormal fetishes to begin with the original statement was patently false. even with most deviant fetishists there's just as much evidence pointing toward abuse and other environmental factors as causes as there is for biological causes

Oh and tonsillitis has jack to do with psychology so I dunno what you were trying to say there. :confused:

Besides, doing 150mph on a motorcycle is insane. No two ways about it. Even on a race track with full gear, it's frakkin insane.

As for the final point, I doubt there's any significant consensus on the matter. Most researchers generally have better things to do. :p
Going back to the original topic I don't really know what the big deal is. If anybody asks you why you're in the line, just tell them you were caught doing a Biblical act with the sheriff's mother. ;)