Seen with a Pervert?

Doesnt seem like such a big deal to me. Go in, get applictation, sit down to fill it out, and then turn it in at the window. More than likely, its just a clerical thing, to keep some overworked secretary from having to manage two lines, or work two desks.

Why is it that sex offenders have to register, but those who have actually KILLED somone do not? If I had to choose between being raped and being murdered, I know what I'm choosing...
"If I had to choose between being raped and being murdered, I know what I'm choosing..."

Oddly enough some of my female friends once stated they rather die than to be raped... go figure...

I even told them at least if they live, they can get revenge, but nope, they dont wanna hear any of that :D
It seems pretty silly but not a big enough deal to worry about. I doubt anyone that would be in the public service building would have a hard time understanding that carry permits and sex offenders have to stand in the same line. If a friend of mine can't grasp that simple concept once he sees me in that line then my friend is simply an idiot.

Also, let's not forget that not all the sex offenders in that line are "perverts". There are plenty of people on the registry that haven't actually done anything wrong. It's not very hard to get someone charged with a sex crime with little or no proof. Plus there are still states that have laws against things every couple does a few times a week that may enforce such laws by putting people on said list.
To be forced to Register, you have to be convicted, not just arrested. So you are in line with convicted sexual offenders.

As for the things done between consenting adults in the privacy of thier own bedroom, well as far as I know no one has been forced to register as a sexual offender for a little risque something something with the misses on saturday night after the kiddies go to bed and mom and dad opened up that bottle of tequila they got for Christmas.
In this state, sex offenders are registered before they leave prison, ID card and all. I work an SO yard - I know. Our CCW permit holders stand in no lines - everything is mailed in.
I wouldn't want to have to be in those lines - many SOs are not just in for sex crimes, many are doing concurrent time for drugs/burglary/aggravated assault/etc.
Oh yeah, did I mention that 96% of all incarcerated inmates WILL get out some day? And people wonder why I carry a gun...
*Shrug*It is the same way here in Linn county, Iowa.

Try to rationaly consider that rather than a slight on you it is simply a cost-saving measure to have one person do both tasks since both require filling out simple forms and getting your picture taken.

It saves the tax-payers money, I get my guns and I have yet to have to stand in a line; perverted or otherwise.
To be forced to Register, you have to be convicted, not just arrested. So you are in line with convicted sexual offenders.

This is true. And while a great many are indeed "perverts," in some states they may have been tagged as sex offenders for anything from having sex with their teenage girlfriend (while still a teenager themselves) to taking a whizz outdoors. The "sex offender" umbrella often covers crimes well beyond rape and child molestation.

But yes, strange that they'd share the same line. An innocent explanation would simply be that the paperwork for both (sex offender registry and gun permits) goes to the same place, thus it's easier to have the same person take/process it, thus same line. And honestly, since this is North Carolina and not California, I don't think it's too naive to think this may be the case. Wouldn't be the first time a government official did something without thinking about it.

EDIT: Beat'd by rhgunguy...
It says "gun permit" but is this for CARRY permits?

In North Carolina you need a permit to buy, transfer, or receive a handgun.

And I call BS on those who say, eh, it's just an effort at efficiency. They don't put the sex offenders with people applying for, say, building permits. The don't co-mingle sex offenders with people doing any other government business. No, gun owners and sex offenders belong together.

Christian Trejbal was right, I guess. :mad:
And I call BS on those who say, eh, it's just an effort at efficiency. They don't put the sex offenders with people applying for, say, building permits. The don't co-mingle sex offenders with people doing any other government business. No, gun owners and sex offenders belong together.

In North Carolina you need a permit to buy, transfer, or receive a handgun.

Do you have to go to the Sherrif's Department to obtain a building permit? A driver's liscense? Liscense plates? Buler...Buler. Think for just one second on who issues that permit in Nof' Cackalacka(as my AF roomie used to say). Is it the building inspector?(no), the DMV?(no). Could it just be that it is the Sherrif's Department, which also just happens to also be saddled with the unfourtunate responsibilities of Sex Offender Registries and a budget that one must keep if one wishes to get re-elected?

Fact is that in some states a criminal background check and the Sherrif's signature(for the most part done by a lackey as a formality) are required to obtain handguns(in the State of IA, some may require for firearms in general). Suprisingly, in no states do building inspectors, county clerks or DMV officers keep track of sex offenders.
I wonder what the general response would be if they decided to combine Sex Offender Registration line with the Rape Crisis Services line...

After all, they're related...

As for the sign over the window at the sheriff's office, I'm sure that they haven't done away with the general information window...
Juan Carlos
after a quick search of NY, Calif, and Michicgan laws, I do not see any place that has you register for Indecent Exposure (
to taking a whizz outdoors
, as to having sex with an underage person, well a person should really be careful about who one is having relations with. Children, even teenage children cannot give consent to sexual relations, thats the law no matter how right or wrong, the line has to be drawn somewhere.
I intend to do worse during the next upcoming months.

I willfully plan to stand and mingle with communists, Ho Chi Minh apologists, illegal aliens with forged papers, anarchists, government shills, FBI spies, tories who openly intend to render The Bill of Rights inactive, and several vermin who ride the same style motorcycle I do.

I'm going to wait in line to vote.
I nominate The Tourist for the Insightful Humor of the Week (or Month?) Award.

I have a question, though. Passing over the obvious issue that not all "sex offenders" have really committed something worthy of being called a "sex crime", why is there a LINE in a PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING where sex offenders register? Why is it not part of their conviction process, handled by a court?

TwoXForr said:
as to having sex with an underage person, well a person should really be careful about who one is having relations with. Children, even teenage children cannot give consent to sexual relations, thats the law no matter how right or wrong, the line has to be drawn somewhere.
If I understand you correctly, what you're saying is not true. I suggest you read up on age of consent and investigate a few states to see exactly what their laws on sexual relations are. There are often exemptions based on sufficiently small age differentials, even when one person is 18 and the other is "underage." Regardless of that, sex is not something that requires consent in the same way that contracts do. Most states have an age of consent that is less than 18 years. Even for those that don't, the idea that nobody less than 18 is having sex is ridiculous, and every case where a couple of underage teens are hauled before the courts due to consensual sexual activity makes a mockery of the legal system.
Maybe the intent is to make the sex offenders uncomfortable by playing to the stereotype that gun owners are violent people.
Well Tyme

Certian states require offenders to check on a predetermined interval to confirm or reaffirm thier address.

As to the age of consent, what I was refering to was that certian states have laws requring that both parties be of proper range in ages before engaging in sexual contact. In some states an 19 yr old cannot legally have sex with a 15 year old. Whereas two 15yr old can go at it like bunnie and have all the fun they want.

So in some states you have statuatory rape (or sexual assualt) in other it is just good old clean american fun.

Here is a good link comparing the laws and laying them out.